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Everything posted by SawneyRath

  1. Keeping it "Organized" is very difficult to do with random players. Unless your Guild has a planned PvP event with another and both sides agree on the terms, it is almost impossible to prevent what happened in your scenario. War is all about strategy, and most players will utilize their base as part of a strategy. Either by pushing the enemy into their base and killing them as they try to rush out, or by luring the enemy to the friendly base to have the NPC's kill them. That's part of Unorganized random World PvP. When setting up an event look for a location that is a decent ways away from BOTH Medical Spawn Points to encourage grouping up and then going out, instead of zerging out and being killed one by one. Just a suggestion for a way to help prevent the inevitable from happening too soon. Eventually one side will be pushed back to their base or med point, and the other group will shore them up inside. It always ends up happening.
  2. Population: Its smaller then some Servers, but it is not a ghost town by any means. Our PvP Ques (Normal, not Ranked) are relatively fine. Generally during my play times (3PM EST to 5 or 6PM EST) they pop within 5 minutes at the longest. I'm sure they pop quicker during prime time. RPvP Does indeed happen here. It is usually scheduled or planned among guilds. World PvP happens fairly often here too. Alpha Company used to do RP patrols for instance. I know my guild is looking into doing something similar to that. On a side note, not to long ago my guild hosted an open World PvP event, and we will be hosting another one very soon. There is a lot of interest in World PvP here on Jung Ma. From what I see IG, not many guilds have left. Some I'm sure have, but nothing that hurt our population or anything (Again, from what I have seen so far). I don't know anything about the Ranked scene here, as I do not partake in Ranked PvP yet.
  3. Welcome to Jung Ma! We have a TON of great Guilds here that participate in all sorts of activities within TOR. Feel free to check out http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=588084. This thread has a list of Guilds and their focuses. It should be useful to you in your search! Again, Welcome to Jung Ma! I hope you enjoy our awesome community!
  4. Great to hear it! Our community is certainly excellent and worth joining! Also, remember the OP did ask to keep Guild Recruitment out of this thread. (Not aimed at Kanjiten who did not post anything about Guilds lol.)
  5. I find elaborate World PvP is TOUGH to pull off. Rules and "objectives" always get lost when people come to just steamroll. This is just my opinion from my past experiences though. The most successful WPvP events Esoteric Order has held were the simplest in design. No winner can really be declared and the objective is very loose (I.E Defend the bridge/attack the bridge type stuff). The first World PvP Event EO held was on Hoth and the objective was to defend a Bridge that gapped a huge Icy cavern. It was a lot of fun. The Second event we did was a "King of the Hill" again on Hoth. The Third and most recent event was the Makeb PvP which was a BLAST. The objective again, to take control of the Cat Walks. So the theme is to keep the objectives simple and the rules LOW. People will undoubtedly ignore rules at some point, just to get those kills, so its easier to not have any, or have very easy to enforce rules. Also, Location is a big key. Some places favor Republic over Imperial and vice-versa. No one wants to fight in a gimped location. As for regular events, I agree. I tried to hold a Monthly World PvP event, but my schedule did not allow me to be there sometimes. If you guys want some help though I'm definitely here and willing to help out! I <3 world PvP.
  6. This goes well, but it has only been for the Imperials right now. If there are Republic Guilds who want to organize a Republic Summit, then please do so! Unshrouded Alliance would be in attendance! Otherwise I am stretched too thin to take charge of the Republic side. There are plenty of good RP Pub Guilds that I feel could easily work together to do what we did here on the Imp side. Just need someone to organize it!
  7. Welcome to Jung Ma! I hope you all enjoy the server as much as we do! Jung Ma was my first server, and the only server I care to play on! I've had great times here and continue to enjoy it every day that I play.
  8. A repeat of the Cat Walks Battle eh? I think EO can consider that! Otherwise, EO is always willing to participate in some World PvP! I'm trying to organize an Event for July on Nar Shadaa (But I'm not to familiar with the "Contested" area where the Pubs and Imps can actually fight). I'll TRY, but I can't promise to hold them Monthly again, but sometimes its tough .
  9. I did not know it was supposed to be just GMs?
  10. It would be so NICE to see people in small groups chatting, just like in SWG! Lol. I'm hoping that Bubbles come out sometime this summer. I'm dying for some news on them!!
  11. Game Mechanics don't ruin RP. Suspended belief is a tool to utilize in such situations. Not to mention, just because you're a Sith doesn't mean you HAVE to use a red blade. The reasons most Sith used Red Blades was because they synthesized most of them with Sith alchemy. Jedi utilized natural crystals which were most often green or blue. Who's to say a Sith couldn't use a crystal he found?
  12. Thats unfortunate for you, but BW's "Fix" worked for my computer. I run with Nameplates on without any issues at all. I'm sure that if it were still a large issue they would have it fixed in no time, but it seems as though the whole issue is on the same boat as Chat Bubbles. I've been asking for Bubbles for ages now, and in the suggestion thread I've supported for a long time now, we had a dev Response that said something along the lines of "We want to do Chat Bubbles Right when we do them, and they are on the way" So, just like many things, they are on the way.
  13. Should have played SWG then lmao. I had a Veractyle mount .
  14. The same issue that Nameplates had but somehow was fixed? Imagine that.
  15. I'm glad you enjoyed the RP! I hope you enjoy your time with us!
  16. Thats what it was, Nomad Market! I couldn't remember the exact name. Yes I think Makeb or some other multi-faction world would be great.
  17. I had an idea pop into my head. Years ago back in SWG on Starsider we used to hold "Black Markets" where people (Crafters and such) would gather to ICly sell real game items and services. It was an awesome way for the server as a whole to gather together in an RP setting, and mingle. The reasons for each character in attendance was obviously to browse the market, or to sell on the market. It was a monthly event and it was a big hit. I was wondering now that we have a group of Guilds/Players trying to set up RP events and such if anyone would be interested in possibly either creating such an event or helping me to create one? Just a thought. Not something we all need to jump on. I figured since I missed the last Summit I would at least pitch an idea here . Feel free to discuss your views and opinions on the above topic!
  18. Esoteric Order will be in attendance, as usual.
  19. Sounds good! I'll have a look at it. Thanks for applying!
  20. I personally need to encounter you guys IC sometime lol. I haven't had much opportunities to RP lately . I look forward to seeing you all IG at some point lol.
  21. Point of Contact for both Rumors: Esoteric Order RUMOR: There is talk around Hutt Space that a new Spice Mine and Adrenal factory have opened up on Quesh. The original owner of the facilities was a Darth Malvos, but it appears as if Darth Shade may now be running things. The factory and mine have not entered the commercial stage yet, but they certainly seem to be ramping up production of "something". Who knows what though. RUMOR Meanwhile, it appears that Darth Shade has her hands in something in Voss-Ka as well. She has been sighted recently by a few of the locals there, usually escorted by a few armed personnel, and other Sith. Could they belong to her fabled "Cult"? Or perhaps they are just her close friends? After all they seem to be spotted most at the cantina in Voss-Ka, sharing drinks. Through these sightings, some passing beings have heard Shade talk about some sort of "Gathering". Could she be planning a meeting or something?
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