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Everything posted by DeathDiciple

  1. Fully agree, I found it really odd they did not implement anything at launch
  2. I was wondering if I'm the only one annoyed at Mako talking like we're 'married' when i clearly dropped the convo/pretty much refused that.
  3. Its possible 3. brought enough new people to mmo, but I'd expect new people to listen instead of trying to rush and causing wipes. Then again some people are just horribad and wont admit it, lower levels in each and every game are full of PUG fails like that. Yeah 17 is too low to judge everything imo. Mostly playing with people I know tho, but did not run into that many issues later in the game.
  4. Last time I checked you couldnt use companions in ops at all... but assuming you already know that.... This is not a common MMO, I would argue that it has its value as single player game even if you removed all group content. More limited than otherwise, of course, but if someone choses to never see or interact with another person I guess its his choice, he still can have fun his own way. Can Skyrim offer more? I guess, I get bored after too much time in Elder Scrolls for some reason. But people don't always spend their money on 'the best' market has to offer, they try different things. SP experience here might be below SP experience of the best new RPGs but it still has enough value for BW/Kotor/SW fans I guess. If someone decides to restrict his experience, its his own loss. Doubt there are many people that would fit the description in full but what do i know. Main question is, why do you (or anyone) care? They don't hurt anyone, their money goes into development just as much as yours. Whomever pays the server costs and lets further dev going on (preferably without constant whining and/or ruining others' exp)...
  5. Now what has 'noobs thinking stuff is hard' to do with the fact you have a choice not to do every single quest? I'd prefer to skip some on alts, without being 5 levels below cause I did not do specific planet bonus series etc, they're 'bonus' for a reason. Space battles, FPs, repeatable heroics, are all CHOICES. Not doing bonus is not making stuff harder anyway, there are other ways to lvl aside from solo questing. Easy vs hard, its mostly easy AT LEVEL. Should difficulty in general be a bit higher? I guess. Should I be made to grind every single quest on every planet to hit the level of next one? Hell no. It is not HARD its just GRIND, there are enough mmos that make you grind mobs for xp, this is not one of them and should never become such.
  6. As mentioned above, green items can't be modded, its a bug they show up not a bug that it does not work on them. They shouldn't be there. Also to whomever said it negates the costs, I'm pretty dang sure the cost is same, there is no reason whatsoever to use the thing.
  7. Well it does not seem to work at all on my server, its pretty much empty. While I guess I understand they wanted to separate neutral GTN, I can't for the life of me imagine people running through 3 loading screens and 20 minutes travel around to check prices on it. Ilum would work, putting one on fleet would work, but a planet that you have no reason whatsoever to be on? And hidden in lower promenade miles away from a taxi too... by the time I reach it I already forgot what I was looking for, let alone the price on imp fleet one.
  8. the point is to save your arse in tight moments, its one more o**** button, nothing else. Its not supposed to let you constantly heal yourself spamming them. Yes, they can make a difference between life and death, just enough to pull off close fights. As for fair vs not fair, yes you can heal yourself as a healer (obviously) but you can't attack at the same time, heal abilities have activation times, pushbacks etc (some of it is not true for specced healers but then you lose too much dps etc etc). Generally you can always grab a healer companion (when you get high enough through the story for whatever you're playing).
  9. Heh its nightmare cause you're using Mako imo... yeah you def want DPS if you're using healer, arsenal is great dps imo so that should be fine. But her abilities AND her AI ugh... I swear the inq healer guy does WAY WAY better on my sin than mako ever does, and he is prob worse equipped (I use him just for soloing champs). Not sure what is so horribly wrong with her healing but something definitely is.
  10. I was dark1 or so for the most part, got back to neutral by the time i finished everything. Without intentionally trying either, its just that psycho mass murder options made little sense to my view of the character (what can i possibly gain by killing injured civilians that are not part of the contract etc), but neither does showing weakness or naivety (if it looks like a trap or might backfire I'd rather blast someone's head off), and never turn down a contract kill no matter what pretty much (unless the original guy tried to set me up to begin with).
  11. I got the same issue on Assassin, sometimes on zone in, but always after death. It claims target is guarded but it acts like its not. The only way is changing zones again. Interestingly enough in such situations I can guard any other group member just not the one I was guarding. Did not think its related to sorcs, but yeah sorcs in my case too, if it makes a difference.
  12. I'm not sure what to think of it right now, cba to lvl a toon on PTS. I'm playing with 31 darkness atm so I don't think it will be much of a 'nerf' to me, but I see what you're saying. However, it probably wont be the last we hear about changes, switching AC now is prob a bad idea (even if they allowed it) as we don't know what is to follow, and would invalidate a lot of gear grind we have done so far.
  13. Don't even know what would it do, with OPs being nerfed and snipers broken (covert mechanics, half of the abilities fire 10% of the time instead of 100% etc). First they'd have to fix the other AC for it to even make sense. But yeah wtb a mmo that does not revolve on nerfs.
  14. I dont know if it can be called a bug. The game engine jumping mechanic is horrible, that is all, it has no fluidity, it makes little sense at all. Compare the frustration of making jumps here and games like Portal? Portal has jumps, it has puzzles, it has difficulty... this, this is just ridiculous at times because of bad engine. Waiting for 40 minutes baloon run just for it to bug mid-air is not 'exploration'. Failing last jump in series and having to start over is not challenge or puzzle or exploring. I see where I'm supposed to go, how I'm supposed to get it, why should slight latency spike and keypress delay make such a huge influence on my ability to get it?
  15. Someone failed a sarcasm check?
  16. Multiboxing usually is not problematic, after all you pay for 3 accounts, why would a company care. However what you explain is clear use of macros which is/should be bannable. If he just tabbed around and did stuff, or used diff machines, whatever works his time his money. But programs behind his behavior do not sound legal.
  17. Actually contrary to popular choices, I switched Mako out for dps as soon as I could, for Gault and eventually Torian (having a melee somehow worked better on my merc and he has higher survivability while still maintaining decent dps). Keeping a healer is nice... when you have to watch LOS and avoid AOE all the time but thats just a couple of boss fights. And tbh her character annoyed me all the time. 'Healer' companion slows you down for the most part. Did not even think of trying to use a healer on a tank (short of one annoying heroic boss), it would take me ages to kill anything. Now tanks, I don't know. I tried blizz, it really did not work. Switching aggro back and forth between companion and me worked better and lead to faster killing than trying to keep a tank that aggros everything alive. If I were healing specced might work better, but it really does not look like they are worth much, the survivability of tanks vs dps companions just makes no sense anymore. But back to original point, I really think they should've sped up the process of getting new companions. Having to go through most of Alderaan to get agent 2nd one is the worst I saw so far... really? Should've moved stuff around a bit so they give us 2 different ones soonish too, running with Khem on a tanksin for a while is not all that fun...
  18. Hahahaha so true. Seriously, should've put some variety/random factor between a few possible responses instead of (what it seems to be) just one 'filler' for 1-50. Or change them lvl-based or something.
  19. 1. less qq and wow kids 2. useful crew skills/economy 3. my own HK47 (yeah i know i know)
  20. 1. chain lightning is NOT a lvl10 spell/ability/call it as you like, and what is 'lightning attack'? you couldnt even bother to learn the ability names 2. 2 different pvp warzones with different levels, exactly how do you test it? each had same lvl toons(enemies) equipped the same way with same skill point distribution? yeah right ability delay/'pebbles hitting later' aside, the rest is just nonsense.
  21. I'd go merc, so far the easiest to solo from what i tried. Sniper and cover tactics is cool... except its buggy, and you get the worst tank in game to go through half of the game through. Too many bugs, way lower survivability due to the above.
  22. Yeah if its not broken within a day, its broken within 2 days. I've yet to catch it working 3 days in a row.
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