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Everything posted by DarthVitrial

  1. Signed. The new conversation system is just bad.
  2. There will be 7 more chapters in Season 1. Logically there will probably be a Season 2 after that.
  3. Are you doing the star fortress questline? That has quite a few.
  4. I hate the old interface - hated it in KOTOR, hate it here. And I love my characters voice. So yeah, this new conversation system is awful.
  5. I'd love to have these "true" Sith eyes...but only if I can have them without also having the annoying skin paling effect, it makes my Pureblood look ridiculous. Didn't they say they were going to look into having options for that a few years back?
  6. You'd think by now they'd have found a way to stop this from happening...hardware upgrades or something.
  7. Yeesh, I hope this is a bug. I spent a long time completing every single mission in the game on my main, REALLY don't want to have to redo all that.
  8. Harbinger, we aren't mad at you. Just disappointed.
  9. Yeah, that made me sad too...He (not marr, the other one) was by far my favorite of the new companions, and....it's just such a waste.
  10. Well, all I was saying is what happened to me in particular. I also enjoyed the level scaling when doing heroics on Nar Shaddaa, so I don't want it removed - I just don't want it mandatory. I want to be able to turn it off when I just want to wander, and turn it on when I want a good fight.
  11. Adding my 2 credits as a person who utterly hates level sync: I had a quest on Ilum earlier. At level 65, it should have been nice and easy - run to the objective, talk to the guy, leave. Instead, what should have taken two minutes ended up taking ten as several groups of enemies spotted me, aggroed, pulled me backwards, and stunned me. It wasn't fun, it wasn't exciting, it was annoying. Sure, leave it as an option. But make it OPTIONAL. Maybe one day I'll want to do a Korriban heroic and have it be challenging. But more likely I'd want to hunt for datacrons without having to fight nonstop, or get a kill achievement without the fights sapping my will to live, or just go sightseeing and enjoy the scenery the developers worked so hard on without being interrupted by obnoxious NPCs I couldn't care less about. Plus I miss being able to go back and solo earlier flashpoints...few things in this game are more satisfying than oneshotting the boss who killed you a dozen times earlier. If you're concerned about PvP, sure, turn on level sync in pvp scenarios, I don't care. But it should never have been a mandatory feature in solo PvE.
  12. Just came back to SWTOR from Lord of the Rings Online, and one QOL feature they have that I miss here is that newly earned items will be highlighted in your inventory until you mouseover them. It makes it really easy for people with cluttered inventories to find their new items. Having this as an option would be very nice.
  13. So much this. I was doing a quest on Ilum on my 65 and it took forever just to cross the map, random NPCs were pulling me backwards and stunning me. So irritating.
  14. I love most of kotfe, but it seems like they seriously screwed up companions. Let's hope they fix that.
  15. Classic conversations: eww. I didn't even like that style back in the days of KOTOR. And I love listening to my inquisitors voice. Not at all happy with this change.
  16. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/a3cu5
  17. Ugh I hope so. I cannot stand Satele...if they're killing one of the best characters in the game they might as well kill some of the worst too.
  18. I'm still quite angry how he handled the Exile in Revan and Gravus in Annihilation, but I'm overall a fan of his books and the Bane trilogy, so I'm willing to write Revan off as a fluke. Welcome back, Drew. Really? That makes me happy to hear. At least he listens, as opposed to the author of Aftermath, who recently posted on Twitter that " to those complaining that it's in present tense ha ha ha I don't care and I can't fix it now, suckaz".
  19. So I guess I was one of the few people that really adored the idea of staged weeklies and wished all future weeklies would be like that too.
  20. Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but in dragon age inquisition it tends to tell you exactly what will happen. "Save the people or continue the mission" are clearly labeled in almost all cases. Hoping that's what it's like here as well.
  21. Character model upgrades would definitely be near the top of my wish list, especially for players .
  22. Not really a first reveal since we did see that trailer with him a while back (dulfy). Probably him, though. Gah, I wish they'd let dead characters stay dead.
  23. Of course we can live without it, but this is more convenient than having to manually walk towards it. That's why it's a QOL change, not a necessity.
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