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    Layout Artist
  1. What a huge disappointment BioWare. Subbed from July - til now, no rewards, no free level 60, and no early access. How about you just refund me my money for subbing all those months and getting nothing you promised. By the time you guys actually get to my in game customer service ticket, the early access will be over. A+
  2. Programming aside, dohboy hit the nail with his response. There is absolutely NO way they would do this. Not to mention this would be a waste of time, money, and resources that should be spent else where. He isn't being negative nor am I. Just being realistic here. And of course you're free to suggest anything your heart desires, but don't get salty when you get a response not in your favor.
  3. For one, this is a suggestion thread. I'm not saying it would be easy, however, this is a star wars game. Theres a lot of races in this universe. I didn't mean for you to give me a reason for the race to speak basic. I meant, give the created toon of said race to be able to speak basic. So you, the player, can understand.. without having to read subtitles.
  4. none of that should be any restriction on adding new races. give a reason for the new race to be able to speak basic make new armor types based on the race type re-frame the camera for the cutscenes
  5. Awesome, thats probably why Valkorion looks better. Do you know if these are changes to everything, other than just KotFE content?
  6. Anyone else see how much detail is put into VALKORION in the new outlander trailer, and how bad the outlander looks (in comparison)? More specifically, the facial details. I would love to see a graphics overhaul on this game. Making it more realistic and gritty, more along the lines what I see in VALKORION. I have always felt, since the first time I played this game, that the proportions were a bit odd. The lightsabers for instance, felt too big and too clunky. I could go on, but whats the point. This is all person preference, one mans opinion(s). I know this would be a HUGE undertaking, but would love to see a less cartoon stylized swtor. There may have been threads on this subject before, I don't see a search forum button.
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