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Everything posted by Epixxxx

  1. In a recent post, it said that Bioware had a full team of devs working on huge improvements to the game. The idea of a GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS renewed my hope in the productivity of this game, It shows that Bioware has something original, and I'm extremely excited to see where this game will go with a year behind it. Thoughts?
  2. Your daughter needs a better education. I knew what debt meant at age 5. :3
  3. Pretty colors make OP look reasonable
  4. Trolls can't find anything to post about but physics now? Lol, go Bioware
  5. Decrease the amount of XP gained by about 20%, increase the amount of credits earned by 20-40%. I'm pretty confident this is fair due to speeder prices.
  6. Seriously, who leaves a quest with ONE MORE KILL LEFT? If I were Bioware I'd troll you the exact same way, you're losing out on creds.
  7. It's more like every Tuesday for the same time every MMO has fixes. Tell your computer to stop being a piece of crap, I'm sure it'll understand. If that doesn't work, throw it out the window and drive down to Best-buy
  8. Leave the forums, If it's not constructive, then leave. You've been beaten by the majority of the playerbase that actually plays the game.
  9. I believe this is all based on the "trolls" or haters of the game making a last scramble to get an argument in before people actually read the news, You're wrong about the game dieing, and Bioware can prove that. They have no reason at all to lie to us, as they're a cash cow, like Blizzard, and make 3-4 Billion dollars a year, and could probably do fine without SWTOR.
  10. I'm wondering what SWTOR might do, Level 60 Jawa BH? L60JBH FTW (This is an ingame band, just for those of you who don't know)
  11. Oh, little trolls gone into a panic? Don't worry, GW2 is around the corner, you can rage about that then,
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