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Everything posted by Yun_Gemstone

  1. Without knowing your server economy and GTN status, its hard to give reliable info. But, your best bet is to check the GTN, search around, see which things are expensive and which are dirt cheap and start from there. For example, you can start with crafting materials. Lets say, Bioanalysis. You will probably see Mutagenic Paste (Grade 6 sample) is common, but a stack of 20 sells for 8-10k. A mission that gives you average of 6 of those items is about 1,5k credits. Its a profit, but just slight. Not a bad start. Then we see Parasitic microorganisms (Grade 5 sample) - hmm, not good, sells for less than 6-7k for a full stack of 99 items. But Quick-growth Agent (Grade 5 sample) sells for 20k for a stack of 20. There we go, good target to gather and sell. Grade 5 companion gifts are always a good bet, although your profit from them won't be huge right away. A mission costs 2k credits, and you can sell a blue gift for 4-5k easily and a purple one for 10k. Slicing augment materials will pick up in price after patch 1.3 hit live. You can plan to play the market from now. Blue Biochem stims have a market too. Not big profits, but steady ones, just like companion gifts.
  2. Yes I am And I actually never bothered to hoard them. Simple 10 seconds to send companions on missions several times every evening while being on PvP queue. Then 1 minute every evening to put the stuff on the GTN = profit. What else to do inbetween Warzones? Dailies? No way, sir! My point remains - money are easy to get in this game with no effort at all. And are also worthless. Ask any of the people with 100+ million credits. Personally I would be at 100k or less credits all the time if there was anything of value to spend on.
  3. This is actually a good change. Sure, some people that... eeerm... "took the chance" to play both sides of the GTN will have their profits cut down. I myself played a bit on both fleets and made some ok gain. GTN is my only way to credits, I hate dailies. But anyway, what is money worth in this game? I have about 20ish million credits but I would be just as good with 1 million. Worthless cosmetic Legacy stuff? Can't be bothered to care for it. Crafted items? I got all mission/gathering and crafting skills on my alts. My pile of money is just growing up and I don't have anything useful to do with it. So, at the end prices will go down, I will still have loads of cash and spend even less... People will be happier, their dailies will kinda give more for their effort. Everybody wins.
  4. I wasn't sure if some behaviors I observed were just lag on my side, but after reading this thread a bit, I see the same hacks are observed by others as well. Yesterday I saw the "No resolve" hack. A player was absolutely immune to CC, pulls and knockbacks for a whole game of Huttball. Also "1 second cap" I saw in 2 consecutive WZ last week - Voidstar and Alderaan. Performed by two different players. They just touch the turret/bomb and its captured right away. Another funny hack was a guy who was teleporting around the map. His entire team was a bit fishy since they could take loads of damage from BM geared players and not die even once. And that without a healer. That specific incident I reported and haven't seen the teleporter Agent since. After a week I met his buddies who were rather killable this time around. Maybe they got a slap and behaved
  5. I can always inspect your mods when the WZ starts. So its not just the gear appearance. The HP alone is a giveaway for your armor. Not to mention that money is way too easy to get in this game. I am a casual player to the bone, never do dailies, never craft, and still have over 15 million credits, just by selling stuff on the GTN. People who put a little effort have over 30 million. It takes just an hour or two to do the dailies and get around 300k. Anyone who doesn't want to put that effort into gearing in a Recruit set as a fresh 50...well, they are dead weight in 90 % of the time in WZ and chances are they still will be useless even when they receive their BM gear.
  6. Ouch... And there I was one Tuesday evening, complaining that I lost 2 games and couldn't finish my weekly (7/9) in the first day... Ok, I won't do that anymore.
  7. I'd say too bad I can vote for only one. Whom to pick? The healer that keeps everyone alive the whole time? The player who disrupts the enemy healers the whole game? The guy that stands as a lonely guard on a turret/door the whole game? The player who solo kills 2 people and gets us the turret for the win? And so on and so on and so on...
  8. It depends on the Strongs. Just yesterday I had a experience. My BH is lvl 24, mopping up some leftover quest chain on Balmorra Bonus series. I am mostly blue/orange(updated mods) geared. I stroll over mobs, including Strongs. Then I came up on a group of 2 Strongs put together. I AOE attack, and then KABOOM, they return fire and 1/3 of my health is just gone...from lvl 19 Strongs. Mako healed, but at the end I had about 30 % health left. Out of curiosity I attacked other Strongs in the area and had no trouble. Then I attacked the same pair again and they almost beat me. Their damage was way higher than any other mob around. Maybe it was some glitch. Back in beta the NPCs were hitting much higher numbers and were nerfed later. Maybe some escaped the nerf-bat
  9. Overall crafting doesn't make a huge impact in your performance at lvl 50. Biochem has some nice stims/adrenals, Cybertech has grenades, but the rest are not so useful unless you want to try and make a Rakata item with augment slot (good luck with that) Money is useless in the current state of the game. But you can make alot of credits with Crew skills. There are certain crafting professions making a big profit. Personally I can do a huge amount of cash by just using 2-3 gathering skills (easily 300k a day, could be up to a million if I bother and got the time).
  10. I have only 1 use of it. Voidstar - bunch of imps, 30 meters away from you try to plant/disarm a bomb together. Explosive round on one of them...profit Its not so good in Alderaan, because targets might not be affected by the AOE if positioned on different sides of the turret.
  11. Its very likely Armormech and Slicing will become FOTM crew skills after 1.2. But I still won't regret dropping them for Biochem and Bioanalysis People should notice that Augments (Endurance, Crit, Strength, Willpower, etc) will also get quite expensive all of a sudden. Considering its not a big chance to get the right mission drops from Slicing, a good augment could probably go up to 200-300k in the first days. Getting mods out will be an amazing money sink. Probably the best one in the game. However there are more than enough moneymakers to compensate. I am sitting on over 5 million credits and have no idea what to do with them. I send piles of cash to my alts, spend them on gearing, crew skills and the money still never ends. I haven't done a PvE daily quest in weeks. Just sitting on the Fleet next to the GTN I can make 300k for an evening. From Bioanalysis missions alone. Underworld Trading is an even bigger gold mine.
  12. You do get money from finishing a Warzone, but not really much. It depends on your level, your performance in the WZ and on the end result - win or loss. At lvl 50 you can get 5000+ credits. At lower levels its anywhere between 1500-3500 credits. I recall getting around 2000 credits on my lvl 25 alt for a won WZ where I got 6 medals.
  13. This is pretty much the best advice for your money problems pre-50. Don't craft much, don't go nuts on crew missions. Only exception is Slicing. Its quite nerfed and not as good as it used to be (I had around400 000 at lvl 25, hehe), but it still makes a slight profit. Some missions do turn a loss, but you get free lockboxes in the field, which quite make up for it. At 50 you can drop Slicing for something else. You will be making 200k credits from the daily quests alone. And if you understand the GTN, you can easily go up to making 500k-1 million credits a day. Money is too easy at 50.
  14. There is something to that I am a fan of Pyro builds ever since beta, but I went Arsenal on my BH alt and I often just end up spamming the Tracer Sometimes I do it just to troll people. Find a ledge, look around, find a target in range who stands silly in the open...KABOOM. Its hilarious how often people stand and try to find who is blowing them up.
  15. Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors (especially Sentinels/Marauders) are easily the best PvP 1vs1 class. They are devastating in group engagements too. However they are probably also the hardest class to learn and master. Which is good because otherwise everybody would play them Improving them would make the good players with JK/SW borderline OP and ultimate gods in PvP (they are close to it even now anyway). If you have trouble with the class, then it means its not for you and you are better off with something else.
  16. Armaments should be removed entirely. Increasing them would only encourage doing a PvP daily by NOT PvP-ing at all. Not to mention its unfair to help gear up the zerg faction and bring even bigger gear gap. You want to gather PvP gear? Go do some PvP. No players from the other faction to fight with? Reroll or deal with it If armaments remain in the game I would prefer that the central Ilum area gives you a periodic DoT after you run there for a certain amount of time. Would definitely help the zerg armament campers to be weakened and defeated by the smaller faction.
  17. You are better off just replacing the mods in your orange gun with planet commendations. Barrel costs 7, mod and enhancement are 2 each. So for 11 comms you get a "new" weapon at each planet Also at 34 you can equip a weapon bought from the PvP weapon vendor. It costs 535 warzone comms if I am not mistaken. You can buy a new one every 4 levels up to 46.
  18. Its true, but I can still hit 19.6k HP in full Champion tank gear with Endurance buff (as Trooper I always have it on anyway). If I bother to get all the Endurance datacrons (I am lazy, I know) the number will go up to 20k. And with Endurance stim it probably be about 21.4 or something. BM gear won’t add too much extra HP, but I imagine it can be close or bit over 22k. So its doable without PvE gear. Trade off is losing some DPS. The mitigation in PvP from Guard is 50 %, mate. Read the tooltip again
  19. After I got Elara, I never used anyone else. But at 50 I geared up both Dorne and Jorgan with my duplicate Champ/Columi gear. The difference in damagebetween the two is huge. Jorgan started hitting the big numbers and with his AOEs you decimate groups of mobs before they react. The gear is very important for DPS companions. Not so much for Elara if you use her as a healer. I even did quests on Voss/Corelia using Dorne in her underwear. Just to see how it goes. We didn't die once, although there were a couple close calls. Try that trick with Jorgan and its like he is not with you at all. I found it better to turn off Jorgans long-channel single target abilities. They are helpful against Strong/Elite but not so useful against groups of Normal/Weak. I even used Jorgan as offtank in a "Heroic 4" daily quest on Belsavis. He survives quite well.
  20. I'd say competent Marauders/Sents are the beasts in 1vs1. They can burn me down before i bring their health to 50 %. Some Shadows/Assassins can make the fight a close one too, but its rare. Against the rest of the classes I manage fine. Agents/Smugglers are pretty easy to take down, although some Operatives/Scoundrels know how to work their class. Majority of Mercs/Commandos just spam their "1-button wonder" and look dumb when you interupt them, still mashing the key I often kill those guys without losing more than 5 % health. The "non-tracer-grav-monkeys" can hurt bad in 1vs1. However that build is much less popular and not many players actually know how to make it work. Guardian/Juggernaut are rarely a big challenge. They just can survive a bit longer. Majority of them can even be kited to death. Against PT/Vanguards all depends on gear and some skill. Whoever got better ability rotation usually wins. Sometimes even without getting below 50 % health.
  21. My best hit as a full SS spec in a 50 WZ is 3.3k with Stock strike. Have to use adrenal+relic to get it. Also - you can still get the healing medals (2.5k and 5k). There is an item in the game allowing it I am guessing it will be nerfed soon though.
  22. Yun_Gemstone


    I am expecting lots of answers like "trolololol, reroll from zerg faction to Republic".
  23. I am a casual, playing on average 4 times a week for 3-5 hours every time. Its enough to do the weeklies, 3-4 Warzone dailies and maybe 2-3 Ilum dailies (playing as Republic). I probably can get extra 3-4 bags with commendations. So whats the total? Between 14 and 17 bags a week. More than enough for 1 item. I like the system more than the RNG. At least its a set goal. I know what I am getting at the end. For comparison, in Aion it took me ages longer to get a single item of a lower quality. I saved bags before the patch and opened 16 after - only commendations. Token drop rate is lower, but I can choose what I get which is kind of a big deal.
  24. Exactly. So, fellow Vanguards/Powertechs,...keep out of sight, will you? I already blew my cover by toping some DPS boards as a Shield Specialist. I have seen what proper played Pyro/Assault can do. Ease it down. Cry “Damn Sorcs, Operatives, Juggs” in every Warzone. Don’t let the crowd pick our trail
  25. I did 300k damage with a lvl 11 Merc. The trick is to be eficient with AOEs as much as you can. I easily managed to score somewhere around 10-12k from each "Death from Above" that I did. Also I use a small macro (4 skills), that helps me to maximize my damage output by not wasting time pressing abilities that are on CD or out of range. As for that Trooper, well, it was Voidstar. Players clustered at doors...AOE...profit.
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