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Everything posted by Monthigos

  1. Glad you are having fun OP. Welcome back.
  2. Welcome back OP. Plenty of things to do here.
  3. The only problem with F2P models is when developers spend more time filling their cash shops with cosmetic items then they do actually developing meaningful content. This is not always the case--usually it's more indicative a dying MMO that is trying to milk every last penny from the customers before going under.
  4. Seems to be tied into my force lightning abilities. It was supposed to be fixed with the last hot patch but its still there. After a night of raiding my sounds is usually all messed up and nothing plays.
  5. He WAS a great pilot. He won the Boonta Eve Classic as a kid, a race originally thought impossible for humans to even compete in. Shortly after he piloted a starfighter with no formal training. The kid was a prodigy. Even thought Qui-Gon asked him to train the boy, he still went against the council's decision not to have the boy trained. And if there is any other doubt this is an old man's recount of events from a long time ago. It's not unheard of for old men to embellish or simply remember things wrong. I don't find anything here that's even remotely difficult to explain.
  6. This isn't a problem at all. When you are bored of the content, why would stick around? Playing any kind of online game means you are going to play the same content over and over again. This hasn't changed since MMOs started. If anything the amount of content has gone up exponentially since the earliest online titles. You can't expect to hang with ANY MMO unless you don't mind repetition. I'm sorry there is just no way around it. I feel your pain. I have played tons of MMOs and very few I've stuck with for more than a month. The trick is finding one you really like or just accept the fact that you are going to be MMO hoping (if you love the genre).
  7. I think it would be useful if different types of missions were marked with different icons. The icon currently is three lines fashioned into an equilateral triangle. What if the different mission types were marked with different letters or numbers inside of the triangle? For example: D - For Daily 2 - 2+ Heroic 4 - 4 Heroic F - Flashpoint O - Operation Also missions that are too low in level should be gray in color. Anyone agree?
  8. OP it sounds like you have delete-itis, not alt-itis. The solution is to make one of each class (and advanced class) and then just switch between them without deleting them. Here's what I've got: Mercenary (Healer) Assassin (Tank) Sniper (DPS) Marauder (DPS) Vanguard (DPS) Guardian (Tank) Sage (Healer) Scoundrel (DPS) Each advanced class is represented. I have a tank, two DPS and one healer on each side. I can experience all the class stories and all the different play styles.
  9. They fix these small issues but a lot of times they don't put them in the patch notes. Still I believe it's worthwhile to bring it up. If we don't let them know about the small bugs then this stuff never gets fixed. For are we all know this could be a five minute fix.
  10. My guild was a transplant from SWG. I don't think the guild leader really got over the fact that SWG was dead and hardly played. There was some drama in the guild and then the officers all got busy with RL. All the active players left for greener pastures and more active servers. I have more or less played alone for most of my SWTOR stint.
  11. Sith Wyrm - Peak is about 60-90 for Imperial and about half that for Republic. I run a lot of weird hours so I hardly ever see anyone online.
  12. Yeah seriously if you guys think the developers are silent then you just aren't looking. Here's a few links to get y'all started: http://twitter.com/#!/rockjaw - Stephen Reid's Twitter, Senior Community Manager of SWTOR http://www.swtor.com/blog/star-wars-old-republic-official-podcast-episode-i - Official Podcast which gives information about some of the stuff that the OP was asking about. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=304 - Dev Tracker http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=71470 - How to access the Public Test Server (a lot of new features coming out are often on the PTS server) http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-may-11th-2012 - Weekly Q & A from the developers. There is information out there if you are willing to look. Obviously they aren't going to share all of their plans as things have a tendency to change, but they've been pretty forthcoming about a lot of their upcoming features. I've played a number of MMOs and developer communication is a common complaint--but I honestly do not think Bioware is lacking.
  13. Possibly. Depends on how much it costs. I rolled on an East Coast PvE server because that's where my SWG guild wanted to go. Now my guild is dead and I wish I was on a Ajunta Pall (West Coast RP-PvP). I don't really feel like re-rolling and since my server is Standard on peak hours I doubt I am going to get a free transfer off. But I want to transfer all my characters and my entire legacy--if it costs a boat-load of money then I'll just sit where I am.
  14. Sorry I disagree with the OP. I have one 50, one 40 and a handful that are between 10 and 20. I've played through some of the started planets (beta included) almost ten times. I don't space-bar through conversations. I enjoy them even if I've heard them several times before. There is already an option to skip through the dialogue so no one is forced to read the dialogues--there is even a summary in the quest log so it's not like they are missing anything. Don't compromise a defining feature of this game because other players don't like it. Learn from SOE who continually compromise the core features of their game to appease forum-goers and then wonder why everyone is leaving. Surely this game is bringing in enough money that they can hire enough resources to work on voice acting AND other content / features. That shouldn't even be an issue.
  15. Yeah it was fun to play with but my legacy is kinda boring...just a straight line.
  16. Downtime - Yeah I'm not real happy about this either but then again I run weird hours. Stability - I've not had any issues on my server. Lore - Plenty of lore IMO. I can't think of many other MMOs that have a built-in codex. Feel Star Wars-y to me. Space Combat - I've run hundreds of space missions and my only complaint is that I wish they had level 50 versions of all the lower level missions. Would a JTL space combat sim be nice? Sure I suppose, but I don't want them to remove what's already in the game. Load Times - I only have long load times when loading planets...which is why I don't run WZs from anywhere that takes a while to load. Not game-breaking to me. Everything on your list is entirely passable to me.
  17. Speak for yourself. The game was exactly what I expected based off of what was advertised. They've touted this game as a traditional MMO with an emphasis on story since the beginning. It's not Bioware's fault that fans and investors worked themselves into a frenzy of hype.
  18. Game hasn't even been out six month. ^_^ There's already been two large content patches. I've seen a ton of small fixes and implementations that were direct requests, right off of these forums. Nothing of what you said is even remotely true.
  19. Cash shops should only ever be cosmetic or convenience. Anything else just alienates players. Besides there are plenty of people out there who will fork out some extra money just to look different than anyone else...
  20. This whole thread is funny to me. After playing a number of low population MMOs I've become accustomed to the traditional "doom'n'gloom", but it seems a bit disproportionate while this game is still over a million subscriptions strong. It's the post-release drop where a ton of people come and play the game for a few months and then leave to greener pastures. In this market with MMO over saturation it's not surprising that 20% of the population was grazers deciding if this game was right for them. I don't really care how many subscribers this game has as long as it's profitable enough to keep introducing new content. The only issue I see right now is that because of the population drop there are a lot of servers that don't have a lot of players on them. If SWG can have a major exodus of player and still last until it license is up I'm not too worried about this game staying up.
  21. 8-man queue...that's a laugh. On my server it's the same 20 imperials playing against each other. There's no point in even introducing ranked warzones unless it's cross server...or you're on The Fatman.
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