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Everything posted by Monthigos

  1. It won't be fixed until they have all my characters sitting around a Pazaak table together.
  2. I just buy greens off the GTN. Quest credit rewards seem to provide enough for that. I'm on Quesh right now with an Operative and haven't been getting much gear as quest rewards. Most of my gear is under leveled but I compensate by sneaking past most of the trash. If I have to fight I just use stuns, bubbles, etc to survive. Bosses I just pop heroic moment and then bomb them with my legacy abilities and they go down pretty quick. I kinda think this 12xXP is more geared towards players who have a few 55s, but that's just me. Companions I've just been using whatever is newest so I don't have to worry about gearing them. With all the perks I have it's still pretty easy even being under-geared. If I were to start on a new server, I'd probably pick a stealth class so I could bypass most of the trash. I'd get one char up to 55 and then just do dailies to gear fund the rest. Leveling this way has been a blast! I love just experiencing the class story.
  3. Thanks for the heads up and saving me the trouble of starting a new thread on this!
  4. There are legacy abilities you can get if you max LS / DS which are handy in a close fight. Also there are some items you can buy from vendors on fleet. Lastly there are achievements for maxing out alignment. None of it is really game changing, however. With the characters I am leveling now I just turn off LS / DS indicators on choices and make choices I think my character would make. More fun this way, although most of the choices I already know which are LS / DS. That and most of them are pretty obvious.
  5. Light side / dark side isn't about the overall morality of a decision--it's how the choice emotionally affects the player character. If you take that into consideration than pretty much all the decisions in the game make sense. Succumbing to the dark side generally means giving into emotions like anger and fear. I've been of the opinion that the dark side twists minds, turning generally good people into sociopaths.
  6. Baron Deathmark, has Giradda given any thought to having a huttball arena over a sarlacc pit? Maybe that would be too hard to digest...
  7. 11. It's the healer's responsibility to keep the Marauder healed between fights. If I die because I ran into battle with half health, it's the healer's fault.
  8. I don't see what the problem is either. Partisan gear doesn't really take that long to get. Faster than getting a Basic gear set, IMO. Also to get it you are going to spend some time under geared in warzones, which in my opinion is excellent training for getting better at PvPing and learning to survive when you are out matched. Seriously with open world PvP one of the players will always be outmatched. I thought that was the appeal of it? The danger and uncertainty of not knowing if you're going to win a fight? There really isn't anything solo at end game you can't do in a set of Partisan, at least not that I haven't encountered. You can just roll around in your Partisan gear and be fine. If you're in a group it really shouldn't matter if you're in your PvP or PvE gear in open world PvP. Numbers are usually the biggest factor in that type of PvP anyway.
  9. Nah, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm looking at here.
  10. Lied? I doubt. Sounds like they couldn't ever get it to work right. It likely got shelved and put on the backburner after the sky fell (aka F2P). Stuff happens; plans change. PR people make promises--they don't happen. Maybe they lied but devs are a passionate lot and a lot of times they bite off more than they can chew. They open their mouths because players demand it and almost always regret it. I'd just be happy for a PvP system that matches me up with people who are at my skill level (which is pretty low). I'd PvP all day long if they got that working, regardless of the format.
  11. Nah, OP is probably right, it's probably gold sellers. If it stinks, there's usually something rotten nearby. It's not really a hard concept grasp. The gold sellers are getting the cartel coins for free somehow - most likely an exploit. Gold sellers are notoriously unscrupulous. They are buying high demand cartel items and selling them for cheap so they can move credits quickly. Then they turn around and sell the credits and profit. I've never bought in-game currency in my life but I've known plenty of people who have. It's a booming business. I've played MMOs for thirteen years and I can tell you that gold sellers use every trick in the book to make their money: underpaid, under-aged workers, stolen credit cards, hacked codes, exploits, etc. In the end it usually ends up inflating the in-game economy (fortunately Bio put in a lot of credit sinks into this game), and it takes profit away from the developers. Usually the biggest tale-tale sign of a gold seller is a low level character doing something weird. You can't really fault the OP for wanting to raise awareness. And I'd hardly call it stalking if you've reported this character (and the OP indicates there is more than one) and these accounts are still around months later. I'd keep reporting it if you see it. If these people are exploiting somehow then it will give Bio a place to start looking to see if they need to plug any holes.
  12. Because it's the internet and everyone wants attention? What better way to get it than to start trash talking? People love drama. Also the greater the IP, the greater the expectations. Many people were expecting certain things, and when they didn't get it, they /ragequitted. My favorite reason for people getting upset at Bio is not enough content. Some people don't seem to realize that the content that took them hours to blaze through took months to develop.
  13. I honestly didn't notice the difference until someone pointed this out. Looks pretty similar to me.
  14. I don't hate the changes because they are changes and I'm sorry that some people are assuming that. I'm running an older 24" LCD monitor and the colors aren't as vibrant as some of the displays on my other devices, but the 'palette' changes are just over the top. I knew changes were coming and I even saw some videos--I thought they would be more subtle than they actually are. I don't know how anyone couldn't possibly notice the changes. In some places the colors are drawn out so much it's positively garish. Browns look like oranges and nice greens have been come limes. Some of the reds look almost pink. Sometimes the colors look nice, but that seems to be the exception rather than the norm. Corellia is golden now and doesn't even really look like a warzone. It's supposed to look gray with all the smoke. It's so bright on that planet that I was getting a headache. I watched a cutscene where the faces were washed out because of the high contrast. I'm glad that some people think this is improvement but I certainly do not. I'm just glad there is an option to revert the changes.
  15. Thanks for the heads up! The new colors a bit too much, IMO.
  16. Diffficult? I don't understand why you would think that. The game literally renders player characters on the fly, as they come into range of you. It renders player characters in cutscenes, and animates them. All the systems are already in place. The game would only need to know which characters you are using for the mission, pull the information from the database and render as per usual. If you're talking about the combat, well I had assumed they would just make the antagonist for the mission an elite mob that uses some of the same abilities as you. I see enemies using the same abilities my characters have all the time. The point isn't making the NPC play just like your character. The point is injecting your alts into the story in such a way that the characters could interact with each other. Of course Bio doesn't have to do this, but honestly I was just thinking it would interesting and different, and well, why not? If I was running the game I'd throw in some mission like this with a content update.
  17. I keep thinking that my characters are big figures in their respective factions, but isn't it funny they've never run into each other? What if there were end game missions were one of your alts is the antagonist, or a fellow protagonist? For example: You have Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior that you've finished both class stories in. This makes you eligible for a quest for your Jedi Knight in which the Sith Warrior is the antagonist and ultimately end boss. Or perhaps you've got a fully leveled Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, and you get mission for your Bounty Hunter where you have to track down a smuggler who ends up being your alt. Granted they wouldn't kill each other, but it would be fun to see them square off. Even better yet you could play both sides of the story. It wouldn't have to be anything crazy - maybe a mission you could complete in a half hour. Thoughts?
  18. People always complain when you win the LS roll on Black Talon. I've had people tell me the reward is better if you choose the dark side. If someone is being rude I just ignore them. Its the best way to diffuse hostility. I rarely read Gen chat due to excessive amount of idiotic behavior and the reaction you got is par to the course.
  19. Well for one I love the art style. I love concept art and I love it when a game actually looks like the art it was based off of. You could literally take a screenshot anywhere in the game and apply a paint-like filter and it would look like a piece of concept art. It's timeless. All they have to do is keep updating the textures and the shaders and the graphical lifespan could span a decade and still easily be relevant. I love the cutscenes and the voice overs. Once you get accustomed to them, it's hard to care about the story of MMOs that are mostly text based. I've played through half the stories so far and I think they are for the most part engaging and well done. When I finish watching a good show or reading a good book I always feel a little empty inside knowing that it's over. I've felt that at the completion of every story so far. The voice acting is really great too. I think the combat is really fun. It's amazing to compare it to early MMO titles and it feels pretty dynamic. I love the interrupts, the knockbacks, the pulls, the jumps, the breakouts and all the movement that is involved. There is something satisfying about knocking enemies off cliffs. Most importantly I love that this game is Star Wars. I hear a lot of complaining about this game. I think in the last decade I have tried or played 50+ MMOs and this is easily the best one in my opinion. I think it is a masterpiece.
  20. Yeah it can feel like finger twisting until you get a good keybind setup going. I have a Naga and I love it for the fact that I only need to use one modifier on my keyboard (ALT) to ensure I have all my abilities bound. All the classes can be a little complicated--it depends on what you're doing. I would say that my Mara felt a bit squishy at times. Towards the end of the game you really need to learn to use your interrupts, CCs and defensive pops effectively or you might end up dying. With my merc I don't even think I used any interrupts until level 50 when I ran into two silver mob healers (what a nightmare, it was a 2 vs 2 healer endless annoyance fest). I just think Merc / Commando is a lot easier for first timers. My main is Merc Healer and I can tell you that when all hell breaks loose during an OP or FP I'm using abilities I don't normally use. It can occasionally get hairy if I'm feeling off my game, but that's what I love about healing. Seriously. I facerolled through with my guardian but my Mara had me in tears of frustration towards the end.
  21. ^ This - Also lots of AOE abilities (Death from Above and Mortar Volley are great for clearing out trash mobs). Also they have heavy armor. On an unrelated note, I'd recommend not playing a Marauder for your first DPS class if you are looking for something that isn't too difficult. The last boss was...a challenge. If I were to do it again I would have done Sent / Jugg instead of Mara / Guard.
  22. 1. Cross Faction Guilds 2. Free-Roam Space 3. Continuation of Class Stories Also an announcement on the next major expansion. We need a dangling carrot at all times!
  23. People seem to have on rose-colored glasses when looking at combat in SWG pre-CU. Yeah it was highly customizable, but it was never even remotely balanced. They kept tweaking it and tweaking it until it was a complete mess. If you didn't know the current FotM, then you didn't even bother being competitive in PvP. Overhauling class / combat systems as never gone over well. The system is fine. Leave it alone.
  24. I don't get what the issue is. This is a GOOD for PvP. First of all you've got people playing that wouldn't normally play PvP because they didn't think they would have a chance against fully geared players. Second of all when the playing field is leveled it makes it more challenging which I would THINK any true PvPer would enjoy. Third you don't have to worry about gearing all your alts so you can enjoy PvP on all your characters. But by all means, quit over this, whomever is thinking about it.
  25. I have nothing really to add other than what everyone else has said. Once you figure out how everything works, the seeker stuff is actually quite easy, including the dread seed stuff. The mods you dig up from treasure areas are green (66) and are useful for gearing up companions. Some of the seeker Makeb dailies are faster to complete than the combat based dailies. The GSI dailies on various planets are more time consuming but a waste of time? I guess that depends on what kind of gameplay you find enjoyable.
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