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Everything posted by Monthigos

  1. Yeah that beam attack threw me for a loop. I ended up using my DPS companion to do most of the damage while I healed him, occasionally dropping DOTs and taking out the refueling droids. It was a fun fight.
  2. I've been playing pretty heavily for the past few days and I must say that I'm pretty happy with the expansion too. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
  3. I had the same reaction at first and didn't notice the terminals at first either, so don't feel bad.
  4. I made female toons because I like to have a different experience every time I play. The female Sith warrior & Quinn relationship was hilarious, and well worth the time.
  5. You guys are looking at this all wrong. Light side / dark side has always been about making choices in the moment, and how it affects the character emotionally. Intense emotions like hate and fear feed the dark side, and in return the dark side deeply corrupts the force user, twisting their mind. The problem with far reaching consequences is that they don't always have an emotional impact if they are not fully grasped. However killing a defenseless opponent in cold blood would certainly have a great emotional impact on the person committing the act. I think for the most part Bioware did a good job representing this. I like to mix it up with each character. My BH was good, my Inq was evil (and hilarious) and my SW was also good. I'm playing a JK evil, and it's been hard to stomach. I'd like to play a true gray character at some point. EDIT: The ultimate example of this is when Luke spares Vader. Here's a man that caused the near extinction of the Jedi order. There was no guarantee that Vader was going to go good, and if he recovered he could possibly go on to kill millions of people. But Luke spared him, and it saved him from going over to the dark side? Why? Because the battle caused intense emotions that fed the dark side, and killing his father in cold blood (who was beaten) would have twisted his mind.
  6. I just did as you suggested, and they don't line up. They are completely different models. I am currently wearing the Malak headpiece on my Sith Warrior.
  7. That's true, however the player's lower face is completely encased in metal. While the vocabulator is implanted directly in Malak's throat giving him that unique sound, there should still be some sort of speaker setup on the outside of the prosthetic. There should be SOME modulation, even if it is not identical to Malak's.
  8. I still have the discs, but I've been migrating all my physical games to Steam as soon as they go on sale. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. JTL was pretty awesome at first...but once you got the hang of things it was essentially flying around in circles endlessly. How about those long, boring escort mission? And god forbid you got a little lag, which basically made small hit-box fighters a pain to take down. Granted it had it's moments (soloing the Corvette was a rush), but overall the general game play wasn't really all that interesting. Don't get me wrong; I would love free roaming space exploration. I would love space PvP. I would love space co-op. But honestly I enjoy the cinematic experience of rail shooters over what 90% of what JTL had to offer. Yeah it's a simple mini-game, but sometimes simple is just more entertaining.
  10. Hey OP, don't let the responders get you down. There are always a few people in the crowd that can plow through difficult content via tenacity or natural skill and have no qualms telling everyone it's easy. I'm right there with you. I just got my ship geared out and I'm finding these mission more irritating than enjoyable. And I get it. After doing nothing but Ascendancy Barrier, Clouds of Vondoru and Aeten Defense you are ready for something new, and you get this. Oh well.
  11. I was just about to bring up Clone Wars but you beat me to the punch.
  12. Same problem here. Me and the wife log on and then five minutes later it goes to the loading screen. The loading bar gets stuck until I ALT+F4 out of the game. Just started today, haven't had any problems all week. I thought it might be the snow or Comcast but if other people are having the issue it might be something else. I
  13. Well I see you've made up your mind, so I won't bother reiterating my posts either. Have fun complaining about the quest on the forums. I'll be in game enjoying HK-51.
  14. I work for a living too, overtime every week. I have two kids, a wife and a dog. You're telling me you don't have 20 minutes to log in during off-peak hours to do this?
  15. That wasn't my experience. That being said, I've played on a PvP server before and I'll tell you one thing: PvPers have a notoriously short attention span. The quest chain takes some time...go to another planet and look for another part and by the time you are done the camper will be gone. Or better yet, grab a group of people since there are so many people trying to do this right now. Threatening to quit over a slight inconvenience because someone can't stand dying to another player or not being able to do what the want when they want it is just silly. This is epic level, end game content. It's not supposed to be a walk in the park. That being said I still managed to do the whole quest in one sitting.
  16. This is such an irrelevant argument considering it takes exactly one minute to drive to the vendor and pick up the part. Even better yet is that no one is interested in shooting anyone else there. I accidentally clicked on a player and shot him in the face instead of the vendor, and he just sat there. I didn't really care and neither did he - we weren't there to fight. People who actually did this leg of the journey would realize it's no big deal.
  17. I've been running SWTOR on Win8 Enterprise Preview and now the retail version and have not had any problems whatsoever. I run the game at full settings and get a fantastic frame rate. As far the new start menu, well I think it's a matter of personal taste. I prefer it myself personally.
  18. I'm really surprised that a thread about another game persisted this long in General. EA must have fired all the mods.
  19. I've bought gear with real money and it always feels a little hollow. I personally think cash transactions should be kept to cosmetic items only as it only causes resentment among players. If you've got money to burn you could always hire someone to play your account. and get the gear for you.
  20. Having played a lot of MMOs that were pronounced 'dead' I think this game will be fine. I'll be the first to admit that I've taken long breaks from the game when I got bored or busy but I still had my sub running. I'm sure there are tons of people like me that don't always get on but still pay.
  21. Yeah that's usually what it comes down to. Some people when they get bored like to come to the forums and demand the devs fix the game. When I get bored I just stop playing. Different strokes for different blokes I guess.
  22. Actually a lot of people are asking for game-sweeping changes. I read these forums a lot. And you pretty much restated my point so I'm assuming you agree with me.
  23. It's nice that people have options but I personally prefer looking like my class.
  24. I also enjoy the space missions, and have since beta. I don't play them non-stop but they are a nice change of pace every now and then. Sorry people hate rail shooters so much. I prefer straight on flight to circling laggy enemies endlessly (JTL) but that's just my opinion.
  25. I keep thinking of SOE's attempt to 'save' various MMOs (SWG in particular) and can't help but think that making game-sweeping changes only alienates the current customer base. The game is what it is: a theme park MMO built on familiar mechanics. You either like it or you don't. Don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with adding new features but changing the core fundamentals of this game will not, IMO, get subscriptions up.
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