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Everything posted by KivanSane

  1. Player Housing. A legacy player house that you can actually furnish and decorate , ala EQ II , shared among all your charactars, on the capital world . This would be a big change by itself since you'd have to adjust the crafting skills / crew skills to scatter schematics for furnature in them, and you'd have to put pieces of furnature in the random drop tables for everything. and how does your imperial charactar get to your republic player house ? Simple. There are two instance portals , one on each capital world, but only one actual legacy house.
  2. What does a new level cap mean ? I *HOPE* it means .... - Skills extended beyond 400 ranks (new schematics, a new tier of mats on that new planet , etc) - All those hard Mode Raids get a pass on them making an Extra-hard mode version for the new level cap - companion stories get extended , or get a new brief story covering the new levels - class stories get a new chapter , probably a brief one , centered around the new planet. - Couple of new equipment sets for the new max level - And I definately hope HK-51 has an alternate role to ranged dps , because we got enough of those ... .... Though I have no proof of this.
  3. The video you're linking to says nothing about new skills.
  4. Server fix is coming. Either merging servers , or creating massive super servers (i've heard both rumours) with very high populations. Server Transfers will be here a lot sooner. Start a new charactar on a couple of differeint servers and see if you can find a good one , then transfer your main to that one.
  5. And here's my tips. turn graphics down to 800 x 600 mode Get rid of your desk top wall paper Turn ON your fire wall (you are on windows) but OFF the anti-V stuff. Run just the game , nothing else. These tips allowed me to run SWTOR for 30 min at a time on a system that was technically below the minimum specs. In the end I orderd an Alienware computer with an i5 processor and 8 gigs of ram and a 1 gig graphics card , and now I run it on max settings (if I choose... makes some of the text hard to read on max..they really gotta give you an option somewhere to change the font size on those sub titles )
  6. Oh joy. A Star Wars game where you're not allowed to play a jedi. *YAWN* !!!!!
  7. How do I get motivated ? I dabble a bit in Wow. Or Diablo III then I realize how much those games suck compared to SWTOR Then I come back.
  8. you need a 64 bit operating system to use more than about 3.2 gigs of ram. If this game is a 32 bit game , then it also shares the 3.2 gig limitation. However, on a 64 bit OS , it will at least get that 3.2 gigs to itself , it won't have to share with operating systems and anti-v utilities and stuff. So yeah , 8 gigs , or even 6 , is plenty. Other systems take priority . (some kind of high speed flash ram to load the whole game on , a 1-2 terabit external hard drive for making back ups in case your system dies or catches a virus , A cheap non-gaming lap top to run Team Chat and surf the web for Swtor sites and datacron locations while you're playing on the real machine ... lots of ways to better spend that money)
  9. Legacy unlocks are something for your level 50's to blow a wad on. I don't see a level 10 ponying up the kind of cash they're asking for for even simple things. And even then , it's the 50's who have everything and nothing else to spend the cash on deal. In effect, making the legacy system an end game system.
  10. Mentioning Wow is good tactics... Mentioning that loser game Rift just hurts your case. There's nothing in Rift that isn't a direct rip of of Wow. I yawned through 15 levels of Rift and then decided if I wanted to play wow, I'd be playing wow. Deleted Rift.
  11. I believe they said their road map was more Legacy system , more end level junk (rated warzones and stuff, presumably more end game maps to raid) , updating space combat , and bug fixes. Of course, that was before 150 of them got their delicate little behinds fired ...
  12. I got sick and didn't play for a week. I got interested in Diablo III for a while , but since that game doesn't require a subscription I didn't cancel my SWTOR sub. I got interested in that novel I'm writing I work on from time to time ... They got it right when they said people just play less these days. I love the game ... but I don't play 8 hrs a day anymore .
  13. Dropping from 2 million to 1.3 million isn't a 70% drop. it's a 35% drop , and it's also inevitable as people try out the game and inevitably some of them decide they don't like it. At least do the math right. PS : Didn't they say they need 400k subscribers to break even and anything else is pure gravy ? I don't think SWTOR is shuttering the doors any time soon.
  14. if you're not on a 64 bit operating system of some kind , anything over about 3.2 gigabytes is completely wasted, and will never be used.
  15. Get an Alienware gaming computer with at least an i5 Processor (which is technically a quad core machine) 8 gigs of ram and a brand new 1 gig video card . The game will run on max by default , and you'll have to turn stuff down because it either hurts your eyes or you can't read such tiny text in the sub titles when they're grunting and groaning and pretending to be speaking some alien language.
  16. You fired half your staff (150 employees let go) How does this impact the speed at which new content , like 1.3 , is being released ? How many developpers actually producing content got the boot ? And how many are left ?
  17. Charactar Transfers and server mergers are passe questions. It has been announced they're moving to "super servers" with massive populations. So all of those cross server , server transfer server merger questions are now moot.
  18. The best virus protection you can get is to stop running windows. Tragically , SWTOR is a windows only game ... download firefox and lock down your internet explorer so bad that if it ever accidently opens it won't even be allowed to fart , thats all I can say.
  19. all I remember before release was them saying they need 400k to break even. then they got a million pre-sales and everyone went crazy.
  20. at the end of your newbie chain , she's there in the crowd when you meet the jedi council.
  21. Thats the one my smuggler uses. But he weighs a metric ton less. I think the creepieness comes from the fat.
  22. Your companion will always be inferior to you. Unless you equip him with a grade 50 weapon and you only got a 45 or some such. so the advanced stats like power, defense , etc , don't really matter. He only takes on mobs and can't even enter a war zone. give your companions good equipment and they will do awesome , presence is just a little extra on top of that. But they'll never match a player.
  23. More low level quests. Flash points for 50's only don't really turn my crank. Then again , flash points for all levels ... that could be cool....
  24. Ok. I've seen a legacy drop. It's a nice blue light saber. It's level 16 , it has no sockets. Umm... ok. Thats ... not impressing me. You know if you have an artificing alt he can make far better lgiht sabers than that ? You know people who use light sabers get handed one , fully socketted , and are constantly upgrading them ? do I really want to have one charactar blow a wad to get one cargo bay in his ship dedicating to holding low level junk to pass around to my alts ? Or could the money be better spent putting all five of my minions on slicing missions hoping for an augment schematic ? Hmm.... I know you can't copy Wow's legacy equipment htat levels with you , you'll be sued , but legacy equipment that has little or no advantage over regular blues that you easily make isn't impressing anyone. How about ... the ability to designate oranges with augments as legacy ? I would love to make a 5 socket light saber and pass it on to a new char ... or a five socket pistol for my next scoundral ...
  25. Because there are no armortech missions. Production skills don't have missions. There is underworld trading missions, which are used for arms tech , armor tech , synthweaving , and cybertech. Guess what ? It's going to drops schematics for all of them. Be glad you're not an artificer. Treasure hunting only drops two schematics. The single bladed light saber , and the double. Over and over and over.
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