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Everything posted by TiiRahnedancer

  1. If you feel that you have too many abilities to keep track of them all then simply don't. You're probably not going to use them all in a general situation anyway. Pick the ones you use most often and place them on whichever hotbar is convenient for you. Put the others on some other hotbar or simply disregard them altogether. If you know you are going to be in a situation or situations where you'll need a different set of abilities that you normally don't use you can set up another hotbar with those abilities ahead of time. Exactly. I don't see how the example allows one to focus on the action any more than what we already have. Whenever I play a class that is new to me there is a period of time getting used to that class' combat style where I find myself focused more on the cooldown timers than what's going on around the character. Once I have unlocked a number of abilities and establish a decent general rotation I find that I have a feel for the cooldowns of the most used abilitites and I can focus more on the action and less on my hotbars.
  2. The game is a couple months old. There will be more end game content eventually. I'm fairly certain that the people telling the impatient members of our community to "play alts" know that it's not "end game" but more something to do in the game in the meantime until BW releases more content. If you're bored with the current end game content and making alts does not interest you then why not save your subscription money, take a break from TOR, and resub after more content is added?
  3. I just picked the Legacy name for the character I intended to be my main and then set it as a title for my alts. I like the idea that everyone on the server might know my characters by my Legacy title. Since the game encourages playing alts I get to build a social reputation through all of my characters instead of just my main. And for those that don't want that they gave you the option to turn off the surname and the title so as to retain some privacy.
  4. To me this game has a bit more of a Star Wars feel to it than SWG. But more important, and perhaps slightly more relevant, it feels a lot like KoTOR.
  5. Apparently it caps at Legacy Level 50 according to this thread: http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=274916
  6. Use missiles on the captial ships' turrets. Hold the left mouse button down and rapid fire your blasters at all of the enemy fighters. If there are no fighters to shoot at for a moment then focus your blasterfire on the capital ships' turrets as you launch your missiles. If you continue to have problems try purchasing upgrades for your ship if you haven't already. More missiles and better blaster damage/performance will help especially with the escort mission(s).
  7. Right? Exactly what I thought. What color is disappointed? Color me that.
  8. Yes I'm having a blast and I'm able to experience most of the content on my own schedule and at my own pace. This does not mean that I'm content with the bugs nor does it mean that I want the game to remain as-is without future content updates. I'm quite simply enjoying the game currently.
  9. Why would you even want to mount up in an orbital station? It would take as little time to run across that tiny station as it would to summon your mount.
  10. For those having trouble figuring out who the ball carrier is why not make a suggestion to the devs like placing a huttball shaped icon on the carrier's frame or placing a gold border around the carrier's frame or something along those lines? If enough of you suggest something that will help fix your problem then they might actually find time to put it in the game for you.
  11. Are you only doing the class quests or something? With all of the other quests and the planets with bonus quests I never find myself under-leveled.
  12. I think for true Neutral gear it'd have to be something more like "Requires at least 1000 Darkside points and 1000 Lightside points" for the first tier. Or 500 DS/500 LS if they don't want the Neutral players to work twice as hard for the gear. That way they wouldln't have to add gray levels, just point requirements on the tiered gear.
  13. If you're playing during off times try rolling on a regional server where their peak times are in line with your playtimes. I used to be in the same boat back when I played FFXI but thankfully there was a large JP population that played during the hour bracket that I was able to play. Just check the server list during the hours that you normally play and roll on one that is heavy. If there aren't any you could wait til March if we have access to the new servers.
  14. There's very little info on this atm. I do recall reading that there would be special abilities that your legacy would unlock for your main and alts alike.
  15. That initial loss you noted likely has more to do with BW adjusting server capacities during the first few weeks post-launch. They were gradually opening the servers up to more players over time. The steady decline afterward should account for the 300,000 subscribers that have since left.
  16. How do you know that some of the astromechs aren't female? Did you check?
  17. I just bought my third 60 day game time card so...
  18. I might buy it at launch but I'll probably wait. I'll be too busy playing TOR to give ME3 any love for a while. Also, I want to finish a couple of playthroughs on ME2 first. I only have to finish off the boss on one of those and the other I was saving for some of the DLC that I haven't done. Maybe next month I'll use the maintenance days for playing other games like ME.
  19. Amen to that. That Penny Arcade guy comes off sounding like a prima donna. I used to have a friend that would overreact to everything little thing that bothered him. He became too unbearable to be around after a while.
  20. Well I gave this question some thought beyond my immediate reaction that it would be a totally different game without the Star Wars license. It's not as simple as removing the "Star Wars" from the game and pretending it would have developed in precisely the same way. Anyway, as I said I gave it it some more thought and this is what I came up with: yes, I'd most likely still be playing the game. Why? Because it wasn't the Star Wars label that attracted me to the game so much as it was TOR label, and more to the point the BioWare label. I'm guessing that if they hadn't made a Star Wars MMO that they would have gone with one of their other franchises. Wether it had been a Dragon Age MMO, Mass Effect MMO, Jade Empire MMO, or even Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate, I would have at least tried it. Even if it was something entirely new I'd have given it a try based on my past enjoyment of BW's RPGs. To answer another way, I do love Star Wars but that alone is not enough to keep me playing a game for very long. So, based on my current enjoyment of the game beyond the first week or two, my answer would still have to be "yes". Past the Star Wars label there's something about the game that holds my attention and continues to entertain me.
  21. I've been making credits from my armor and artifice crafts. Blue recipes don't take that long to get usually. Purples can take a little while for me to learn due to the time and money it takes to farm the mats for blues to RE. I feel like it's worth the time and money investment to get the purples though as they nearly always sell. I don't really make money off of greens, even if they are exceptional. So for that reason alone I like the RE system as it is. I get crafting xp, some mats back, and a chance to learn a better recipe off of junk that likely won't sell. Anyway, those two characters are only in their mid 30's and still making credit at the GTN from their crafts. Maybe it's the servers I'm on? I did notice that on one server I don't get as many sales on the Republic GTN. Probably due to Imp/Rep population imbalance.
  22. I think it depends on the group. This is something that should be discussed prior to getting started. Loot rules. There are a lot of different opinions about this and talking about it first and setting a few guidelines for your current group helps. It won't stop people from trying to ninja items once the rules are in place but at least they can't use the excuse that they didn't know better before you kick and replace them.
  23. The Legacy is for all characters on the same server.
  24. I tried this out earlier after reading this thread. I was able to successfully target a mob behind my character as I ran away from it. Instead of letting go of the LMB or the "w" key I continuted to press them both and at the same time I hit the "tab" key. voila~targeted mob. No, it isn't a solution to the camera snapping back but it does address the issue that the OP appears to be having and it's quite easy to do.
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