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Everything posted by orangefishboy

  1. If you do enough damage to him at once, you can kill him instead of him disappearing, like you can with the Annihilator droid in Eternity Vault. It's just a bug though. Same with Malgus, they could choose to bring him back if they go with the original canonical ending to the FP.
  2. Well, Starkiller has flip-flopped between Jedi and Sith a couple more times than Revan has, and almost killed Darth Sidious, who is supposedly the most powerful Sith ever. I'm waiting for the Force Unleashed MMO to come out as a sequel to those games
  3. Obviously he's going to wipe out both the Empire and the Republic and create a new Republic, free of corruption and bias. Killing us is just a bonus.
  4. But wouldn't you rather have a wooden stick with a fish on the end?
  5. No, because fabric is from treasure hunting, which is not a gathering skill. Synth uses crystals and fragments from archaeology, same as artifice.
  6. I would recommend that this post be moved or reposted in the bug report section, because it is in fact a bug if your AoEs are still getting you flagged, and if enough attention is brought to it, maybe it'll be fixed eventually.
  7. Well in that case, I was just wrong, sorry. Didn't know they added it as a special treasure. Now I'm sad
  8. In addition to the points brought up in the previous post ^^, I also would like to say that for the amount of work required and the fact that they're once a week things, Operations don't give nearly enough points. In addition, I'll also point out that the once per week objectives are not even once per character, but once per legacy, which means that you can only complete them on one character, which means if you complete them on a character in the wrong guild, you just don't get those points for your main guild.
  9. As far as I can tell, this bug was fixed a long time ago, and I haven't actually seen it occur in a very long time. Few classes in the game are actually dependent on AoEs though, and if you need to, just turn your companion's AoEs off by opening up their skill bar and right clicking them.
  10. The problem is not that PvP guilds can get conquest points more easily than PvE guilds, (though that is a bit of a problem as well). The problem is that the guilds in question, ie: Triumph, The Darkness Reborn, WOOK, etc; needn't have standards when inviting members. As long as these members will PvP enough each day to earn their conquest points, they just have to be in the guild, and I've found that PvPers don't have much loyalty either, so they'll easily jump ship to whichever guild has the most people constantly PvPing. I was in Triumph for a short time (before they kicked me, don't know why), and saw that most of their members are PvPers who are far below 55, but just do PvP constantly. Meanwhile, I'm a PvE player (mostly Imperial), and we like our guild mates to have some standards and loyalty to the guild, so we stay small, and for this reason, are even able to allow our guild members some access to the guild bank. We placed (barely) in the last conquest only because we were running Black Talon for points for the first half, and because a few of us actually PvPed a little bit toward the end. We really don't have any chance in conquests anymore, and I don't think it's even worth it if we don't have a chance at first place.
  11. Honestly though, I think all the speeders should get a speed buff up to at least 150% (force speed), or maybe even 200%. You never see a speeder in the movies going as slow as they do, and if anything, the animal mounts should stay how they are.
  12. See, the thing about that is, when you put that together, it's not broken like the Chevin one, which is intentionally slow because it's half dead.
  13. How about since archaeology does ligthsaber crystals and ancient technological artifacts, any droid called "ancient" or any jedi/sith?
  14. The Avalanche Heavy Tank and Hyrotii Scrapper are two of the exceptions to this change which should be kept the way they are. The scrapper is slow because it's supposed to be, it's part broken, and the Tank is slow because it is not just almost impossible to get knocked off of, but completely impossible to get knocked off of. My other exception is the Kurtob Alliance, from friend referrals. My only reason for using that speeder is because when an alt is leveling, that one can actually be used for 110% speed and excellent protection regardless of speeder level. As long as these three are left alone, /signed.
  15. Depending on the difficulty the raid is set to, challenging solo content similar to raid difficulty would likely be dailies on Makeb or CZ-198.
  16. Looking at all the decorations in the list, I've noticed that there is a lack of decorations that look like they really belong in a flagship. There may be several types of computers and monitors for flagships, but all of the typical furniture, such as tables, chairs, and beds has themes that don't really match the typical Imperial/Republic flagship. Case in point: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1qh36q&s=8#.VAVyAvmwL9U http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=fk5h7t&s=8#.VAVyPvmwL9U (From Ziost Shadow) This particular type of strategic looking computer would be nice on the bridge or officers deck of a flagship, and some guilds might want barracks-style beds on their crew deck, or meeting tables and chairs that look Imperial/Republic, rather than Cartel. I can't say much about Republic side, but some other suggestions would be the red and gold Imperial rugs found at the North and South ends of Carrick Station, or the tables that can be found in the fleet cantina. Also, some NPCs that are not soldiers might be nice to decorate with. My suggestion for implementing this type of furniture would be to add it to the personal conquest rewards, as a single piece in a random loot box. This would also get people more interested in maxing their personal conquest points on multiple characters, and would allow unguilded players access to the items for their own strongholds, just not in as large numbers as guilds.
  17. The thing is though, it is the same. If you just solo the FPs, you can go your own pace, or just find some friends or new players who haven't run them before. I've found that people looking in fleet for FPs that are actually the level of them are very open to being run through by 55s, and generally won't kick you if they know you're the only way they can get through the FP.
  18. They all do actually talk like him, it's just that they don't have annoying voices like he does.
  19. Scaled content is way too easy for biochem to need scaling, and this would reduce the sales of crafted items in general by way too much.
  20. Ooh, idea for the hutt palace, let people place giant creatures in strongholds as decorations, and the hutt palace could have a hutt "throne room" type room, with a remote activated pit that you can open to drop people in, and then the pit could be decorated with pit monsters, (rancor, reek, nexu, etc.).
  21. Do you buy gear with credits or something? The last character I ever had trouble with credits on during leveling was my first character.
  22. I actually had a better idea for how the plague should work. I was thinking, there should be a special "Thorn Rakghoul Hunter" flag that you can activate. This allows you to PvP with anyone who has been infected. Meanwhile, anyone who is infected goes through the usual two phases of infection, during which time they can use their own abilities to kill rakghoul hunters. If one of these players survives to the third phase (currently the explosion), they then transform into an actual rakghoul (or nekghoul, depending on class). Once they have transformed, their ability bar is switched out for a rakghoul ability bar, which allows them more powerful abilities to fight rakghoul hunters. Meanwhile, rakghoul hunters can only attack infected, and infected can only attack hunters, so anyone vaccinated (maybe on a 12 hour timer or still 6 hour but lasts through death), can safely ignore any hunters or rakghouls they see. I think that this would be a fun and unique way to tie PvP into the event, and rewards could be given to players who kill hunters and rakghouls (maybe greater for those who kill rakghouls, since most people would probably prefer to be them).
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