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Everything posted by orangefishboy

  1. I think that they should add a person somewhere who for a set fee based on level and original speeder price can upgrade your old speeders to the better ones, so that, for example, digital deluxe and CE people can upgrade their speeder, or if they add better speeds in the future you can upgrade your 1,500,000 credit speeder that you just finally got the money for.
  2. I would like to play as a Bantha, or maybe a Hutt Marauder, a lego person, or maybe a toothpick.
  3. Also, the capitol ships should have turrets on them like in Battlefront II, and we should be allowed to use the two hangar defense turrets.
  4. My problem with Marauders is that all of our good attacks can also be used by Juggernauts, they can use Ravage... oh wait, that's our only good attack.
  5. Why is it that I fought a level 29 Juggernaut in PvP who had more health than me? I was level 47 and had all of the level 40 Marauder gear, but he still had more health. Does that make any sense at all? Also, I looked on Torhead at the Juggernaut abilities and they look WAY better than Marauder's abilities.
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