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Everything posted by Striders

  1. This is why I hate being a Sage in a Warzone against players that know what they are doing... Ok, back to the original topic. Sounds like a hack to me... I have seen glitches from lag and other server type issues but those usually only result in the player being fractionally at a different spot on the map, nothing far away.
  2. I think Force mend is the biggest improvement we have seen. I was a DPS Sage mainly in PVP doing between 300k-600k damage depending on the Warzone and other factors. With the 1.4 build I have switched now to a Hybrid build (21-3-16) and just in the few days of playing this build I routinely am hovering right around 300k Damage AND 300k Healing in each warzone.... a great "fill in the gaps" team player build in my opinion. I do not like the new animation on Force Wave... I'll have to get used to it as I had my timing down better with the jump animation from the old version.
  3. My story about Character Transfers is: My server name still hasn't been called out as a Source or Destination server at this point (Corellian Run). So basically unless we miraculously get made a Destination server, I am looking at changing all my toon names and my legacy name because everyone else has already moved on to my server. I understand doing this in some sort of organized fashion but I have been birddogging the transfer list all week long waiting and waiting and we are four-five days into this and I am still clueless as to where we are going. Even some lead time to just organize getting everyone in the guild moved would be nice.
  4. On Corellian Run there are usually 2-3 hour windows during primetime (server time) where queues are fairly quick. Our Imp population has dwindled a lot now so if you are a Republic Player you play against Imps probably 1 out of every 6 or 7 warzones you take part in. Character Transfer will solve some of it but I really wish Bioware would seriously consider/work on getting cross-server queueing so the population tha the warzone queues are drawing from have a large population.
  5. They have always had "Unbeatable" through "Immortal" (can't remember the middle one off the top of my head. The only thing that changed with Patch 1.2 was that they increased the number of medals you had to streak to get them so I think we just hear/see them a lot less these days.
  6. This doesn't explain how 8-man queues will actually help you. Do you think it will be easier to win with 8 man queues? You'll still be forced to PVP with the same Republic players you are getting paired with anyways and you'll still be getting smashed by the same Imperials (they'll be 8-manning too) that you are today. I would rather they not worry about 8-man queues and instead focus their energy towards just getting cross-server PVP up and running... If I get on after about 11pm server time I end up standing around because there just aren't enough players doing anything to have queues even pop.
  7. Just an observation, but you said you felt like this class was more complicated than others because you had to use all 12 buttons on your mouse... I am a Sage and for PVP I am using two full quickslot bars (All 12 buttons along with a modifier key on the keyboard for each bar) and have a few outliers I have to use outside of those bars. So there may be some things you aren't doing on your other classes if 12 buttons is a lot to use in a PVP warzone. That being said, I think the only way we can really call any class OP at this point is in the 1v1 area... most other warzones you may stay up longer or kill quicker but that is spread across various classes as to who is doing it best in each category. And as you mentioned, most times once the other team has determined you are a thread (regardless of class) the good players will gang up on you anyways so it becomes a bit of a non-issue if the class has a slight advantage over others.
  8. Striders

    Pvp wonders

    Not sure where your feelings are at on gear but with the institution of the War Hero gear I think they are being very fair to those of us that put a lot of time in before. If you have full Battlemaster gear you are ahead of the game in getting War Hero gear just because of the item turn in required for most pieces. That being said, War Hero gear is going to be a grind like none other because of how they are doing ranked comms (I imagine it will get better when ranked warzones are in so we can get the comms directly instead of turning them in 3-to-1 from normal warzones). For the "nubcakes" as you call them that are still back in Cent/Champ gear it will still take some hard work and time from them to get their Battlemaster sets and then slowly upgrade to War Hero gear as well. I actually like this better than if the whole server was running around in full War Hero gear after a week ... gives us a carrot to chase.
  9. I am DPS spec'ed but doing the (in my opinion) more PVP-centric 0/13/28 spec and I wear Force Master BM gear. I did take a couple enhancements out of Champion Gear and put it in a few BM pieces to lessen my Alacrity and increase Surge.
  10. Valor 72 here... and I need one more BM Comm to complete my full set. I have everything but the boots right now with 1 comm sitting in my Currency tab. Most I have gotten from bags but I think I have purchased 4-5 commendations using the 1000/1000 purchase from the vendor.
  11. Calm down people ... it's two hours. Go outside, get some sun and relax. The reason they are doing all servers is most likely that it's a hot fix or patch of some sort and all the servers ideally should have the same version of the code. It doesn't do any good from a software perspective to patch / fix some servers and leave other servers untouched. I wish all you folks would just relax though... it's a game and if you are so addicted and neurotic about it that two hours of downtime makes you pee your pants than I think it is time to take a break and get a hold on reality.
  12. It is my understanding that you would not be able to wear War Hero gear without a Valor Rank of 70 anyways, correct? That requirement alone would mean that there is a substantial amount of effort needed to even qualify to wear the gear. I am almost 17 days played time (leveled to 50 and then PVP'ed exclusively) and am only at Valor Rank 65 right now. So giving out War Hero gear is not going to be Welfare epics... it will still take a great deal of dedication and time IMO.
  13. My whole issue is that I created all of my toons on my server before the Legacy system was announced so I have 6 or 7 different species and no one looks alike, etc... Luckily most of my toons are not higher than level 4 so I won't feel too bad deleting and re-creating some of them to be more in line with being related.
  14. ... and the best part is that if we spec right we have no cooldown on it so I can just spam rocks at you until dead. Love it!
  15. If you don't complete your daily you don't have to ditch it... save it for the next day and you will be able to complete it quicker since you don't have to do the whole thing. As a previous poster said, they aren't meant to be handouts and I definitely have nights where I can't spend 3 hours to do them so I do what I can and then continue the next day... it's not life or death to get the daily done every single day IMO.
  16. First of all ... RNG has nothing to do with dailies. It takes me about 3 hours... it really only takes as long as you need to do 10 Warzones now, assuming of course you can win 3 out of those 10 (which everyone should be able to do). Not sure where you get your 5 hours from unless your queue wait times are horrendous.
  17. Bioware held their Guild Summit (http://www.swtor.com/guildsummit) this week and during the live feeds they referred to the fact that open world kills should grant some reward (i.e. daily credit and/or comms). They also alluded to adding some travel paths in the game so that players can more directly get to the Outlaw's Den rather than flying through two or three different ports to get there (something like a direct flight from Republic Fleet or Quick Travel). There were a lot of other things but basically it sounds like they want to do a revamp of Ilum/Outlaws Den/Open World PVP to make it all relevant and worthwhile and they understand they kind of fell short there...
  18. As a CONSULAR (your spelling is atrocious for the classes... LOL), I am not even the preferred ball carrier due to our being so squishy. The best ball carriers are quite honestly the tank classes. If you get tank class carrying the ball and 1 or 2 healers with them it won't matter who is chasing them... they'll score (albeit at a slightly slower speed). If you want to say one class has a ball carrying advantage look to Jedi Guardians and Sith Warriors. They can leap - push back - leap to gain a ton of ground (more than force speed gets us) and have the armor and cooldowns to withstand a ton of damage while doing so.
  19. I'll try to go in order for you here: 1. You should try to have 1000 Mercenary Comms and 1000 Warzone Comms saved up when you hit 50. This will allow you to buy 5 Champion Bags (200 Merc/200 WZ for each) when you hit 50 and open them. 2. The Centurion and Champion PVP vendors have Implants and Earpieces for sale that you can get... there are different types and depending on your class/spec you should make the decision. Mainly look at the stats and determine which is best by what stats your class needs the most. 3. The PVP vendor will sell you 10 Mercenary Comms for a price of 30 Warzone Comms so you basically trade WZ comms in to get Merc comms. Both of them cap at 1000 so you should be selling your Warzone comms and turning them into Merc comms as you get them until you hit 1000 Merc comms. 4. Between 50 and 60 level Valor, the Champion Bags are definitely worth buying for 200/200 as you can get a token and you will be getting Cent/Champ comms in each bag that go towards buying gear. 5. A Champion bag that has no token in it will have 7 Champion Comms and 15 Centurion Comms... I can't remember what the count is if you get a token but I think it's less.
  20. I keep hearing people complaining about changes BioWare has made that "allow" people to AFK and get stuff or play bad and get stuff or do nothing and get stuff. The overall issue that folks are not looking at is that Bioware can only make the construct / sandbox for us to play in but we depend on people to make it work. This game is a small snapshot into what is wrong with society these days quite honestly. Regardless of what you do, there are those that will willingly and purposefully try to get something for doing nothing. In SWTOR those are the people that (even though they are sitting at their computer) feel compelled to not actively participate in a WZ but instead AFK or half-*** it because it somehow makes them feel better for not doing as much work to get their medals / gear. Unless Bioware runs your toons for you there is NEVER going to be a way for them to combat someone who is playing poorly on purpose... you can't start kicking people from Warzones for being bad. Same thing goes on in the real world... there are those same people that think it's right to collect unemployment and not actively seek a job because they are getting "free money". Or those people that go to work and play solitaire all day while getting paid who think that it is ok to half-*** it while other people are pulling their weight. We'll never get rid of lazy *** people who do this and feel like they are not in the wrong and Bioware certainly won't be able to solve it. Additionally we have the people that hit level 50 and immediately think they should have the same gear as someone that has been level 50 for two months and worked their *** off for that full set of Battlemaster Gear. I honestly think this is part of the "entitlement generation" and partly the fault of how kids have been raised the last 15-20 years... and yes, I realize I am generalizing here and by no means do I think EVERYONE under the age of 30 is like this. But a great parallel to this problem is the 20-somethings I see coming into my workplace and after doing six months of good work they start looking around asking why they aren't making just as much money or have the same title as someone who has been doing it for 10 years... they don't get it. Sadly, we'll never get rid of this mentality at this point I fear. The sad part about it all is that we would have a great game and great warzones if people put as much effort into playing and trying to win as they expended trying to job the system or get something for nothing. So to be super-cliche... Don't hate the game, hate the player.
  21. Admittedly yes, but at 1000 Merc Comms and 1000 WZ Comms per token that is a pretty hefty price IMO. That being said, I am buying one tonight and to get my saber I think it is well worth it :-D.
  22. The R in RNG stands for Random... Yes, you are having bad luck with the bags but you also might hit a streak later. I started out 0-for-7 and then hit a comm in 2 of my next 3 bags. So I am currently sitting at 2-for-10 (which is close to the stated 25% chance). It is what it is right now and everyone has to deal with it... I personally don't mind it as I would rather see us have to work for our gear than have a bunch of Level 65 valor ranked people running around in full BM gear looking the same.
  23. I have looked at the Live Stream site from yesterday and have not found it yet but is there somewhere that contains links to the recordings from each of the live sessions? I have been taking notes and posting some on my guild forum and would like to go back and listen to a few that I missed so I can accurately talk about the topics and the Q and A that was done. Thanks!
  24. You might as well finish your leveling and get it over with because regardless of what the Devs do, you are going to eventually have to gear up. The Devs are never going to put everyone on even ground at 50 ... it would be a disservice to those that have been working on their gear after hitting 50. The reason 50 PVP sucks for those that just hit 50 is that you are under-geared ... simple as that. The way to solve that problem is to fight through the first few days or so and keep PVP'ing for Comms and Bags and gear yourself up. If you are geared up and still not having a good time with 50 PVP then it might come down to learning how to play IMO.
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