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Everything posted by Pheroras

  1. the game compromises in too many areas without concentrating in one, therefore the game as a whole lacks a compelling impetus at this time
  2. i got a second month, wanted to see one story line to the end at least and get the founders title, my kids like riding my skooter around and they don't notice how sterile the worlds seem; but i'm already shopping about for a new game to play. 3 WZ don't quite cut it, i could go back to the free version of WAR and get that much with smoother animations on the Gamebryo engine of a few years ago. in WAR there is only one viable PvE zone and it is rarely used. 2012 looks to have a few promising releases. swtor compromised too much in too many directions to be compelling in any one area. developers should take note and learn from the bioware that the customer knows best.
  3. there was a time when things like this were read while sitting on the toilet, but the internet has changed the paradigm, unless of course one has access to a computer in their privy
  4. there should be at least an auto pilot where--"yes, all the animations of travel will occur as they do in the game presently"--with the exception that a player may afk the entire sequence and do some other activity, get a massage or something before coming back to the game.
  5. gameplay can be immersive but the story interrupts this for me, so many of the same creatures use the same three or two hand gestures, my character spouts the same non sequitors no matter what, and yeah, story is breaking my will to play
  6. while i haven't followed any single story line to 50 yet i would have to say that the story of my main (Consular, 41 presently) is not very compelling to me. if i were a person who watched television, i would question how this show or movie got beyond the pilot episode, if it was shot on a low budget by a do it yourself crew, or something of that nature. tl;dr: bioware has gone to the well one too many times with the kotor legacy (revan, rakatan, etc.)
  7. oooh, it really makes me wonder what george lucas was into when he came up with episode 4 http://www.tomorrowland.org/slime/2007/09/bearded-patriar.html children of god cult, be forewarned not for the faint of heart
  8. dog on a chain, as in National Lampoon's Vacation?
  9. i had to wrap my head around that feature of the game too. as a jedi, this is my surmization: the jedi Need to keep a certain amount of enemies active, even in custodial care, to maintain a degree of relevance at the end of the day, my Consular has a life more akin to that of Dog the Bounty Hunter than that character that Liam Neeson immortalized in Episode One.
  10. I would put Francesco Schettino in charge of day to day operations.
  11. what I noticed upon entering Belsavis is that all of the mountain peaks are the same height--okay maybe they aren't mountains but that means that the episode takes place in some massive quarry. second thing i noticed is that the layout of the map seems to indicate the game developers set up the zone and then a team of accountants and actuaries did the beta testing looking for ways to increase time played in relation to experience and credits earned
  12. I'm on Belsavis too and the minute I got wind of the plot, Jedi Consular, was that I had read this somewhere before--The Two Towers by JRRTolkein--I have not finished the questline yet, but somehow it doesn't have any dynamic appeal because there is nothing new.
  13. the redundancy really begins to set in on Taris as Republic, and Balmorra as Empire then it is a case of a weeks worth of casserole in varying states of decay zones after the above mentioned begin to feel empty, quests are spaced and paced with an actuaries sense of gameplay i'm giving the game a chance until i get a few 50s on either realm, but i can tell already that the spacebar will have a groove worn into it sooner or later:(
  14. USA customer here 14.99 plus a 1.00 tax of some sort b/c swtor claims to be based out of redwood city, california? anyone else see this surcharge if they are on monthly? tl;dr next month the origin time card seems the way to go
  15. wondering the same also and forgive me if i am wrong here but it seems that the toons do not 'breathe' much or at all; one thing that can make a toon seem almost living is that a decent breathing animation is in place. it might not seem like much but it does enhance the plausibility of the experience.
  16. customizable UI with a toggle for number text countdown in the box would be the winning choice
  17. even the lowly f2p champions online offers an exit from the end point of quest, no need to trek back to the entrance common sense is common
  18. so i go to a restaurant and order steak, it arrives at the table in a condition less than palatable, i send it back, the chef throws it into the microwave and then sends it back to my table half an hour later guess who isn't getting my business next time i go out for dinner:confused:
  19. people always shine on about the immersion, but every cut scene breaks my immersion from the gameplay, and the 'acting' is terribad
  20. EA should focus on making a sports themed MMO next
  21. http://www.vgchartz.com/article/88330/ea-loses-340m-in-the-september-2011-quarter/
  22. ongoing trend is not news http://www.vgchartz.com/article/88330/ea-loses-340m-in-the-september-2011-quarter/
  23. Pheroras


    and i'm out maybe back in a month or so to see if game feels more compelling
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