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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. The thing you should fear as slinger/sniper is 2 things, and only 2 things.


    1. Tank assasin/shadows

    2. Well geared + Good OP/scoundrels


    Pretty much this, but they're a few sorcs/sages on my server that can be a pain though.

  2. I already knew that PT/Van > Mara/Sent, but most ppl don't know this because:


    PT/Van was and probably still is the least played AC, and on top of it very few go Pyro/AS spec. Most I see tank.


    There's not that many around so that's why you don't see that much QQ on them. Mara/Sent on the other hand there's like +4 every wz.

  3. Because PTs/vanguards are extremely easy and boring to play so there's not much else to do


    I have to agree with this. I also have a 50 AS van, and it's a rather boring playstyle, but it owns hard so I keep playing it. :(

  4. Diablo 3 killed my server's pvp. Never had too much of a problem getting que. Sure they took awhile, but they did pop.


    Once May 15 hit, the rep side turned into a ghost town. I'm lucky to get into a game now, I wouldn't even mind playing 5v8, 6v8, etc. I'd just like to play the game.


    Can't wait for xfers.

  5. The tank gear for more surv in pvp or just get teh DPS gear and suck it out with GY running ?


    I went tank gear first. Reason behind this you can still be useful as a tank in Recruit gear. The DPS Recruit gear is meh, and you won't be doing that much dmg at all until you get BM, with tank you can atleast help the team with guards.


    Now I have a dps set and tank set, so I can choose what I want to play. :)

  6. Most classes have similar ability..


    Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


    Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


    So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.




    derp :csw_jabbapet:

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