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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. I play Immortal on my Jugg, and I do well with her. Also lvling a Vanguard tank right now, and I must say it's alot harder. You only have one defensive CD lol? I'm at 32 right now so I'm only missing acouple of abilities. Vanguard tank tree is huge on shields which blow in PvP. PvE it's great.


    PvP Jugg

    PvE Vanguard

  2. The Lord 'something' on JC. Hes the last boss on the Act 1 for the JC. Cant remember his name but when I got his health down to almost nothing, (and I had full heath), he did a slam and It saped my heath down to zero! Took me 5 tries.


    lol Darth Baras did that to me on the second fight against him. I had almost full hp and he was down by half, and I see a cast bar over his head. It's going pretty slow and I had alot of hp, so I said forget the interrupt. lol it OHK. :(

  3. Might as well remove the bikes if they're going to do that. Honestly, what purpose does the bike ride serve?




    Attackers start in a normal spawn. Why do defenders have to go on some stupid speeder ride.

  4. They're not bad, but they could be better. There's really no point to them. Other classes can do your job and more. I still enjoy playing my GS.


    Take Sentinels for example. You can do the same amount of dps, better mobility/survivability, and can even heal.

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