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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. Just went to log into the Bastion to create some characters (got my placeholders in place with the names I wanted) and I see now it's full with a short wait time. From what, 10 west coast PVP servers to one? Everything being consolidated to one server of each type in each region. Hope they know what they're doing.


    The pop will go down. It's just the first day and everyone is excited to play. Give it a week and it'll level off.

  2. It's past 5pm in Austin now. One can only assume there will be no word on origin/destination servers today. At least they didn't tell us the transfers were delayed.


    I guess I'll just check out the /transfer URL tomorrow when the servers start coming back from maintenance.


    They already stated they won't release any info until the 12th.

  3. 1.3 has some things you can buy with ranked coms. Then ofc there will be rated gear and that fabulous purple-black crystal, until then not much lol.


    One reason I'm glad I have four 50s now, not one is close to having full WH. Plus my Van and Jugg I can offspec. Going to be awhile before I get full WH.

  4. 1) Sentinel- So much fun to play. Fast pace and using alot of abilities.


    2) Juggernaut- I play Immortal, so it's more interesting then dps. Again alot of get abilities used.


    3) Gunslinger- Oh GS, you where my first toon so I Iove you, but the gameplay is only ok. Just sit back and pewpew.


    4) Vanguard- lol faceroll. I play AS because it's so good, but ugh so boring there are only about four moves in your rotation. Tactics on the other hand is fun, but nearly not as good. SS sucks lulz.




    Only counted my 50s, since my lowbies don't have all the cool stuff yet. :rak_03:

  5. The problem with Pyro/AS is if you nerf their dmg they will become useless, less dmg and horrible survivability? lol no thxs.


    As of right now they are the glass cannon in the game. Yeah they can be a pain, but I wouldn't say they're op.

  6. I hate running to them and barely missing it, or trying to jump down because it hasn't gone too far and you die....



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