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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. Opener: Strike>Zealous Strike>Blade Rush>Precision Slash>Master Strike>Blade Storm

    2nd Rotation: Have almost full focus, Precision Slash(Zen at same time) Blade Rush spamx6>Blade storm.

    You want Blade Rush to guarantee ataru before you hit Precision then hit Master Strike first and your Blade Storm will fall under the last tick of Precision Slash.

    Your Zen makes Blade Rush have a 1 sec gcd and lower focus cost, plus the ability in Watchman tree that refunds 1 focus makes Blade Rush cost 1 focus on 1 sec GCD get that and Riposte if it procs plus the finishing Blade Storm and its god mode.


    Thxs. I'll give it a shot today.

  2. I was wondering what a good rotation with Combat is? I'm normally the top dps, but I feel like I'm not getting the most out of Combat. My rotation looks something like this:


    Zealous Strike

    Precision Slash

    Master Strike

    Blade Rush

    Blade Storm


    Then sometimes I just spam Blade Rush. :o

  3. well i was PvPing a bit yesterday in my PvE gear and I was doing alright. I had a set of recruit gear a little while ago, but when i see myself lose like 400 cunning, and around 10% crit chance, and 10% surge, I just don't see how recruit can possibly be any good for me.


    My Sentinel currently has +1300 expertise. I run into you in a wz match. I'll be doing +22% more dmg to you and I'll have +18% dmg reduction from your attacks, since you have zero expertise.


    All the extra endurance and cunning won't do anything.


    It's simple you need expertise.

  4. Im a shieldtech in full tank gear and i have no problems in pvp. I find im more useful protecting healers and annoying everyone than i was as pyro killing people. I know a lot of people say the gear is useless but i don't find that to be true, i have a good hp base and i can handle 3-4 people beating on me for quite sometime. I will admit it takes a little more effort than some other classes but if you manage your taunts, guard, etc you can be very useful to the team. Ive done over 250k dmg quite a few times and over 100k prot so i find its all about how you play the class and if you have a smart healer to work with you (not pocket heal but at least pay attention to you guarding him).




    I'm SS with my Vanguard, and it's not as bad as people say. I only have about two pieces of WH and I do fine. The thing is most people don't tank right in pvp, they still think it's about dmg. You're basically a punching bag for the other team. Your whole goal is too be so annoying with taunts, guard, CC, and interrupts. That they only target you.


  5. I have a new respect for Combat. I was mainly Watchman, then I got bored and started trying the other trees. Went Focus first, and it gave me the biggest scoreboard numbers lolsweep, but I really wasn't fond of it.


    Then I tried Combat, and I was surprised. It took acouple of games to get a rotation down, but now I'm loving it. Doing more dmg then Watchman. I miss my heals, but I can live without it. :p

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