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Posts posted by HeavensTerror

  1. Straight up rage post


    You can throw all the numbers at me I don't care. SS/MM is the weakest spec in PvP hands down. The minute anyone puts up any type of CD your effectiveness goes down, and lets not even talk about tanks or anything with a bit of defense. SS is easy to shut down.


    I'd love to see some of your gameplay if you don't mind.

  2. long winded rant


    Dirty Fighting has no burst? But I'm the one that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Try a sab charge/aim shot/wounding shots. DF can do as much burst if not more then SS.


    I don't care you're valor 80 blah blah blah. I'm valor 90 full WH Aug (including Elite WH), but you don't see me throwing it around in peoples faces, but I really don't care. You are only gimping yourself if you play SS in PvP. You said it yourself you play MM exclusively, so you are biased. Have fun with your garbage spec.

  3. I just going to come out and say it SS is garbage for PvP. I used to love it and swore by it then I saw how bad it is. Almost all your dmg is deflected, absorbed, and migated. Yeah sure once is awhile you'll fine a sorc or sage with no bubble and can get a +6k AS and burst them down in seconds, but other then that you can't do anything. Have fun against anyone that knows what they are doing. DF is easily the best spec when it comes to PvP. A SS will never out dps a DF, and in a 1v1 DF owns it hard. Only why people like SS is because it's the easiest spec to play. Every good GS/Sniper on Bastion runs DF/Lethality, hmmm I wonder why... :rolleyes:


    Come at me bros.

  4. I find AP/Tactics alot easier to deal with then Pyro/AS. Probably because I play one and I know what's coming. Pretty much it's all going to come down to their PC/FT. If you save your Flash or Dirty Kick for that you should be fine. AP/Tactics is about sustained dps, so you can easily out burst them and win.
  5. That's about right. I run the same spec (only difference is I take Power Armor) and average that amount. I'm not full WH yet so it can only get better. Best for me so far was +500k and +50k protects.


    I really enjoy Tactics. Out of all my classes and builds it's the most fun to play. Fast pace and rewarding when played right. There's nothing like getting your 3 stack PC off on the whole team around the huttball. :rak_01:

  6. I've only played about 2 matches, but I'll report back once I've played a few more matches and relearned my attack distance. In the meantime, I made this for everyone who takes this game far too seriously, when in reality 95% of the people who play pvp can be beaten naked with no mods in your pistol.


    1.4 PVP Guide for PowerTechs and Vanguards



  7. I have no problems with Focus managment. What I'm finding out is that it's great against sorcs and mercs.



    Zealous Strike

    Precision Strike

    I'm finding out alot of them waste their knockback right about there.

    Zealous Leap

    Master Strike


  8. Combat already is an anti-kite build. Not sure what you're trying to achieve by this one.


    - You didn't take defensive roll, so you'll die alot quicker by aoe dmg.

    - Didn't take 30% crit dmg on blade storm, so it won't hit really hard.

    - Didn't take 'Blade rush' so no guaranteed proc of ataru form.

    - You don't have focused slash, so focus management will be horrible


    - You took insight, which is pointless since your only 'regularly used' force attack is bladestorm which should only be used with combat trance active so it's auto crit

    - Took swelling winds to do what?


    - You took zealous leap which is a nice gap closer, hits nice but costs focus as well.


    So essentially you lost 4 good things and only got 1 decent thing back.


    EDIT: also noticed you didn't take reduced cooldown on zealous strike. So I imagine this build doesn't really work


    Thanks for the feedback, I took what you said a fixed a few things. 0/30/11



    I really don't want Insight, but it's the only way to advance the tree and still be useful. (all the others are Shii-Cho)


    Swelling Winds is great. Just because you're combat doesn't mean you don't use Sweep or Cyclone. Pretty much you are giving up Blade Rush for another gap closer. You are also gaining better AoE, healing, and Slash.

  9. As we all know hybrid builds don't work that well with Sent, so I was bored and put some thing together. Used it in acouple of games and I do decent with it, just wondering what you guys think. You get the burns of Watchman with some burst of Combat. You run it in Ataru form.




    If you guys don't like it, is there any other hybrid builds you know?

  10. i gave up 1% dodge, 2% sheild, 3% absorb and gained 3000 HP. With the way dmg goes out in the current fights, it doesnt much matter. If the next teir of content's damadge goes up even slightly, the increased Endurance will help more then the miniscule benefits you get from those small percentages of mitigation. The avoidance i really hated giving up, however, as a vanguard tank, Dodgeing is less important.


    I say, hit the platue of about 50 on sheild/absorb and then its a toss up as to how your healers react and personal taste.


    Pretty much this. I had around 51% shield and 54% absorb. Seven shield augs and seven absorb augs. Traded them all in for fortutide. My hp went up around 4000, and it only drop to around 49% shield and 51% absorb.

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