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Everything posted by Nyghoma

  1. My BM relic Ive had for 2 weeks now did update and get stats on it. Thanks BioWorn.
  2. I still unsubbed, b/c obviously BW/EA is run and developed by a bunch of out of touch nit-wits. The above emergency hotfix, fixes nothing. PS THANKS FOR THE OP/SC STEALTH NERF /middlefinger
  3. Nobody gives a crap about what your rating was in WoW. Every AJ in WoW was carried by add-ons and macros. Glads come here and get face planted. Shadows and Sin have just as much burst as Ops, so if you can't 1v1 just as good as an Op, u suck.
  4. I mostly queue WZ against other premades and competitive guilds. I was sitting at 67 Valor last night. You really think I don't know how much I hit other BMs or Champs for? Don't insult our intelligence.
  5. Typically I never needed to stack more then 2 of the buffs, usually the relic and adrenal. My HS was critting in the 6k range. I'm in half champ gear with 8 BM pieces, sitting close to 600 expertise. Today I'm lucky to break 5k on a HS. Lacerate, shiv and Backstab are also hitting like a wet noodle.
  6. I'm working on it. But currently I'm hitting for about 30% less dmg then I was yesterday with my full attack chain. Evasion is easy. It's simply is not removing any dots on you at all. Avoidance training is now a sham.
  7. Thanks for being total spineless developers and not putting the dmg and evasion nerf in your patch notes BW. Zero compensation or trade off.
  8. They stealth nerfed Evasion. There's a new tooltip. Yesterday Evasion cleanse all dots so you could vanish with Cloaking Screen.
  9. Yup another amazing decision made by the fail pvp design team. I love having to stare at and spam my cd abilities bc I can't tell if they are refreshed. Brilliant. /sarcasm
  10. I retired at age 35. I don't need a job for income anymore.
  11. When you have been in beta for 6 months, leveled multiple toons to 50 and are locked out of all your weekly raid content, pvp is all you have left. Most gamers spend their time doing world pvp between WZ queues to keep them entertained.
  12. Seriously? You got your money back for the game purchase? Good to know!
  13. World pvp outside of Ilum is non existent due to the planet's designs and quest routes. World pvp on Ilum has been reduced to camping the reb base in one giant, lagfest, earning 200 valor perkill.
  14. Not true. The pvp forum is the 3rd most active forum they have behind General Discussion and Customer support.
  15. This patch was supposed to promote world pvp not trivialize it completely. There have been internal testers hounding the devs for serious changes for months in beta. They totally ignored us. Its either BW has moles in their house or the pvp designers are utterly clueless.
  16. 1.1 destroyed world pvp and the valor system. Now we need to hit BW where it hurts....their pockets. Cancel your sub today before they charge you tonight at midnight.
  17. I'm gonna test the new KG raid tonight, then cancel my sub.
  18. Nyghoma

    Anyone rank 100 yet?

    My guildies are getting 200 valor per kill with the Ilum war effort buff.
  19. Tomorrow I will let you bill me for the month, but if world pvp isn't fixed, my guild and I will be leaving. Tick tock m@#$%r F%^&*r.
  20. Yeah, I'm actually considering to unsub if things don't get fixed. The only thing keeping me here in my guild.
  21. This game will go f2p soon enough. Gratz.
  22. This thread is magical. If you knew of the irony that I know..... Here's an idea BW: Alienate more of your community who spent their free time trying to improve the pvp experience in your wonderful game. Your secret, internal testers are all out-of-touch, casual rpers giving you bad advise and bickering over whether or not Dominos pizza orders should be incorporated into the game. They have no pulse. /golfclap Sometimes you need to take the bad with the good. Have fun with dmg control.
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