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Everything posted by Nyghoma

  1. Powerr. These videos are going to make Lina angry. Be careful. He likes to make brownies. (.V.)
  2. Orly? A Sin on my server has done over 550k dmg in a wz. His name is Lina. How many Ops do you know score that high?
  3. I pvp against good ops/scounds ALL day. I know how to counter them, and don't complain. L2P. /endthread.
  4. These threads are laughable after I see Sins and Mercs nearly break 600k dmg in WZs.
  5. This thread is full of herpa derps. Only baddies can't recover from an ops opener. I fight good ops on my server ALL the time and don't see the problem. I guarantee all of these whiners here are mindlessly blowing all of their cds on frivolous garbage instead of the important stuff. I don't wanna hear about ops dmg when I personally have seen Mercs and Sins nearly break 600k dmg in a wz. Ever fight a fully champ geared PT or Jugg? Those guys are almost impossible to take down even with all the burst. L2P. /endthread.
  6. Any1 can do over 350k dmg with the perfect conditions. Here's an example of a Sin: http://imgur.com/ARsp4
  7. It looks like your server is pretty boring too if you have time to troll this thread, huh?
  8. It's nice to see guilds like Matchless playing to win on reb side. More rebs need to follow suit.
  9. Who'd you roll in opvp? Gimme their names so I can /gkick them.
  10. Yeah we are still waiting for these "real" pvpers to show up.
  11. I approve this message.
  12. Let's thank Nyan and Airial for making Anchorhead the most popular pvp server in SWTOR! Hip, hip, hooray! Thanks for all the great material too. It gave us all a good chuckle.
  13. I'll say hello to them for you, Deceiver.
  14. Seriously dude, who are you? lol
  15. And what does this in-game hyperbole and spin-doctoring have to do with anything? Your guildies made it a point to post this stuff on the beta forums initially and continue to bring it up even today, reinforcing my point. None of this stuff is even remotely on topic, but you decide again to derail it to try to make me look bad. I never started a thread of post here or in beta calling RJ or your group out. Its always been me defending myself from trolling. But please continue. Your making my case for me.
  16. Don't even play that card. Having an absentee GM like Chajomi, who doesn't reign in on trolls in his guild is just as bad, if not worse. I like Cha, but ppl like you are going to destroy his guild. Although at this point, I could care less.
  17. Give me a break. You and your guild trolled and started drama in every forum possible. Here, the beta forums, DH forum, and even your own public forums. Each and every time you pick a fight, make back-handed comments, then try to con ppl with your sanctimonius dribble about taking the high road after the community jumps on you. It kills you guys when any other guild or party gets the slightest attention. Remember Brutality's recruitment thread on the beta forums? Airial needed to try to hijack that thread. Remember the healer killer thread? There's Airial again trying to steal the spotlight..... Stop riding other ppl's coat-tails. Nobody talked about you b/c nobody really cared. Go back to making vids on entry lvl raiding, and pvpless HB matches against low lvl pugs. Just stay out of our threads, and leave our name out of yours.
  18. Umm, b/c we (meaning the folks who planned and decided to join AH, not just Brutality) were the highest concentration of good pvpers on DM, and you are not competition to us. I know you and your alliance wish we landed on HoG so you have competition, but you simply don't make the cut. Have fun with Ebonlore and Lotd. They will keep you busy. Did I speak plainly enough for you to understand? I've said my piece and I'm done on the matter. Back to the topic.
  19. Airial don't even try to play innocent. You know the volatile history between Nyan, you, and I. You guys knew exactly were it would go. And how it would end. You're the single biggest troll on the SWTOR forums to date. Now your apprentice Nyan is catching up to your rep. I actually feel bad for some of the decent ppl in SoA.
  20. Heya Zarus, you can thank Airial, as usually for dragging your name into this. Need me to quote? I won't take anything away from you in that huttball, you did out damage me. I'm fine with that. I've had plenty of wz where I did over 350k and over 400k to be confident. I personally try not to die carelessly though. Obviously we have different playstyles.
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