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Everything posted by dejavy

  1. No. Set bonus armoring starts working with WH gear.
  2. You will be INCREDIBLY surprised learning that servers differ. On my ex server reps sucked SOOOO MUCH and it was Legions of Lettow. There was only one PURE pvp guild and it was ours. Imp side had really strong pvpers from TOP pvp guild of other MMOs. There were about 5 very strong guilds and some others who were just strong we competed which. That was sheer nighmare on Ilum and so was on WZs when we just lost and lost and lost lost lost all day long coz reps were awful. Later we created our guild and gathered really good rep players, not all ofcourse but 20-25 men who knew how to deal with imps and worked on their PVP gear and skill all the time. That time was really hard and amazing at the same time coz our foes were damn strong and we always had what to improve. Later the server died, so as the guild and we moved to where we are. Now both sides sux but it's kind of balance u know
  3. Have already discussed it. It won't work coz they still remain interruptable. So, we stopped at: 1. Commandos need RANGE root. (concusive charge would be also nice (gs/sniper analogue) 2. Instant casts of charged bolt/grav round 3. RS upgrade (immunity to CC/snare for some seconds) I believe commandos/mercs have future. We don't need NEW abilities but some additional utility to what we already have.
  4. It's a roleplay but would be nice if i have choice not be the bad or the good but have a possibility to step aside a little not to do good for the empire side in general. THAT would be awesome. But if i'm supposed to be bad from the very beginning and they just allow me not to kill a rep general once or twice, my whole roleplay in my head wouldn't just work. So, i hope you didn't decieve me and if i start an Imperial Agent i'll be able tofeel a rep spy in fact, tho it's only in my head and legacy.
  5. EU reps are more angry, come and play on Tomb of freedon nadd
  6. Reps always sucked in pvp matters, that's why i gathered a group of friends/mates/guildies NOT in general of Tat but Fleet. And still my server is more flexible in this question. If i call on section X, "TIME TO KICK IMPS AS**, WHO'S WITH ME?!", i always get several /w. So, you're just unlucky about your server i suppose. Which one is it btw?
  7. I think BW just nerfed Cryo on VG but forgot to change numbers on COmmando making him even more shi*y being unable to stun sorc, stunning you at 30m lol
  8. My guildy promised to present my it today when it's unbind from him My affection is maxed to 10000 immediately to him
  9. That's just awesome idea! So, if i roleplay a hiden republic agent (my trooper's son f.e.) being an imperial agent, the story line will alow me NOT actually be the Imperial agent in fact? If so, i'll gladly play an imp
  10. TOR reminds me star wars movie more and more. Raid of glowstickers oneshoting different types of troopers on the way to an objective, as if they are killing flies.
  11. Why must i create a NEW imp character to finish the HK quest line?! I hate imps and hate playing them. I don't have any imp chars on my acc. You made me lvl an imp char to lvl 8 (spent 2 hours) just to get a piece of HK in the ground?! Was it so necessary to send me to a planet which i don't even have on my galaxy map? If i didn't read a guide i would never finish this stupid quest. Can't you dig it somewhere on Ilum f.e.?? It looks like an inmperial agent finds a part of HK and sends to a republic trooper. *** is he doing this???? Just stupid.
  12. No way! It's top secret info. You must know the only thing, Legacy is going to be awesome and all the strength is derected to its improvement.
  13. dejavy


    Gunslinger can make 9k with 1 CD but hushhhhhh
  14. Lots of BW guys were fired or been exchanged. I only hope that new peeps will change the present state of things. I hate gear rush in games. I like the idea of GW2 but the realization is a bit poor. I wish i fight for rare gear and ranks not new gear and gear only again. Let's wait till 1.6.
  15. Ssins, opers, BH - anihilate gunslingers pretty fast. DOT rangers smoke out a gunslinger pretty succefully and win with 85% if there's a rock to hide behind. Slinger's is an awesome ranger on on open area. SUX cos of great los dependance. If you know how GS/sniper works, you can kill him easily. I rolled to a gunslinger after a long playing my commando (since beta) and was happy as Jackie Chan cos his utility is just awesome! but now back again coz my soul belongs to my trooper anyway. I fry snipers as chickens EASILY. THey are turrets, they don't run even if you aoe them coz if they run they become incredibly squishy. So, they just sit like hens on the nest waiting for an egg and you just shoot them - end of story.
  16. Gave up my vanguard too. Backed to my commando who is ridiculous pvper btw but i simply can't play 10m anymore. Yes, mostly we fought 5m+ before but i had all the chances to deal damage at distance too, now i don't and that sux. The worst thing is that cryonade is 10m too now and even for commandos too! Devs make me cry.
  17. 1. Root 2. Instant casts with CD 3. RS with immunity (sniper/GS analogue) _______________________ BW, give it to us, Resurrect us from the PVP grave!!!
  18. Play commando and write your thoughts about buffing maras again
  19. Those who say that our damage is huge are simply trolls or low lvl noobs, so don't pay attention.
  20. Ahahaha true! We found the winner The worst PVP class is Marauder lol! It's too unbalanced and just stands out of the list because of being totally broken. Nice.
  21. Not solved but close to it. Still too little utility. I play GS now, he's really a "hidden pvp god". Pure awesomeness after commando. Commando designer was really drunk or addicted, i don't know. But i really missunderstand why it's the only class without certain specific features. He can't do anything but deal damage. He can't def nodes, he can't support, he can't debuff foes, he can't heal while fighting. (well gunnery can a bit now, thx for this but it didn't change a thing) So, i just don't understand his role on the battlefield.
  22. We need: 1. RANGED Roots (stock strike root - cut designers balls off for this) 2. instashoots on which our procs depend (charged bolts/ grav round) 3. reactive shield giving immunity to CC/snare/interrupts etc It won't hurt PVE anyhow but would breathe new life in the class making it PLAYABLE! That's it.
  23. dejavy

    Sith Marauder?

    BS Merc/powertech will beat snipers and sorcs. Here i was laughing having commando and gunslinger. Commando won't kill anyone in the field unless he finds a column to hide behind. Sorcs kill commandos, snipers kill commandos, everyone does actually. Mara kills every class in the game withouth a serious challenge. Agreed snipers can be a hard counter but killable anyway. Only assasins perhaps can kill maras but not sure.
  24. Playing my gunslinger (50) and my shadow (20) i can say the only thing - troopers sux in comparison with them in each and every aspect. The only exception is Vanguard assault and his zomg burst but it's not much if there's no a healer near by coz there are no safe abilities except a shi*y reactive shield. My half WH vanguard reminds me a tomato sometimes and marauders the boots. After a duel with one of them i feel ketchup. So as my commando.
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