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Everything posted by dejavy

  1. Naaah, our server is about 30/70% reps/imps. I see about 60 imps at our base having 25-30 reps on our side. That's really impossible to change. Telling the truth most reps are just tired of this **** and leave for imp side or leave the game at all. My guild lost about 5 men for last week. None went to imps, they just left the game and cancelled their subs - that's it, game over. Thanks bio for 4 year waiting fail and broken dreams.
  2. Just a bad match, that's it. Find some good players premade and win, what can i say...
  3. Is it possible to make some kind of amount brackets for fraction members? 40 imps/40 reps and that's it. The rest go Ilum 2 and have fun with boxes at mid or whatever... Everyday i see the same stupid picture on Ilum. 30 reps are sitting at base fishing imps with 10 fps. 2 fishers (shadow and vanguard) are working, the rest just afk waitng for 30 kills. I understand, it's intented to be so ofc but can't this idiocy be changed somehow?
  4. Guys assuring us that BM title is just a title seem never farmed anything at all for a month or two. I'm not a farmer but if i want smth in a game i'll spend my time for this. I spent a couple of nights camping a pet for my Hunter in wow and now i spent about month for BM title. Btw i don't use any titles in the game and all you'll see above my head is my name and my guild name. But i feel damn cheated when peps spending a couple of evenings take BM. ***!? My efforts aren't rewarded because some other guys found the way to the same in an "intended" way for a day except a month. I won't leave the game until my sub is on, but 65% i won't pay you a cent next month dear Bio.
  5. My server is ok about 50s. Quite often even play Huttball with republic (my fraction). Want to say thx to Bio for brackets. I'm tired of loosing WZs with low lvl noobs when i'm with my premade. Setups looked just great 50-50-50-50-12-22-11-37 (republic) 50-50-50-50-48-50-50-22 (imps) yeah, let's play a fair game ***!!! Now if we go our premade we win 85% of matches. As for your problem - wait for transfer and get out from your serv, mate
  6. Do you remember how it started? yeah- imps and reps were standing near each other chating at mid crushing the vans. Do you know what it's gonna be soon? yeah - imps and reps will deal with each other and start killing each other in queue. Yesterday i received a nice offer from imps - to kill imps and being killed in return by them after we kill them. Nice deal i guess ha? ) Actually if we make it work, we can finish the daily in 5 minutes for both sides. Bravo Bio, you're making great foes great friends by failing your job, it's genius!!!
  7. Let's forbid sweets, they spoil teeth... What the idiocy mate? If you can't stand against premade, make your own one. Sometimes my premade is beaten by random imps cos most of them were geared just like us but our rest 4 were 11k hp that meant but*** for us. Premade is almost the only way to get your daily done if you're a republican. As for coming rated WZ for 8 players, hope they'll be against other premades only. In other case reps will be very lucky if they make their daily in a week.
  8. Even red eyed Jedi didn't save the situation
  9. Most of my other MMO "friends" went for the Imp side. Answers why they went were all the same - it's much more cool just. It's first factor. The second is that most of friends' friends went for Imps only they know what reason for. The third part are truly 'dark' characters and even in real life they prefer doing bad things. And the last - kids just want to be with larger crowd and "nuke reps!!11!!". Most republicans are adult people interested in pve or those who prefer peace, flowers and bright sunshine to red rat eyes and ugly deeds. As for me, yeah i prefer light to darkness but the main reason why i'm for Republic is that i knew that it would be a really hard challenge in PVP. I gathered my small guild and made a premade of my friends. We learned each others style and play quite successfully i can say. 20-30% of losses mostly because of the rest 4 poorly geared noobs. I'm BM now and can say it wasn't extremely difficult to get it. As for Ilum - it's just a huge fail for now until they give a buff to a weaker side and some extra fps that's it. But still we gather about 15 men and try to act unexpectedly attacking small groups of 5-10-15 imps here and there. We don't spend hours for dailies i can admit. Sometimes it's even funny. My friend from a very big imp guild is begging me to bring a group of reps for they could do a daily lol I understand her bad mood. Reps are usually hiding at the base. I suppose some being tired from chat idiocy and easy pvp mode imps will reroll soon but the common balance will be awful till the end of the game. If Bio desn't change something, the end will come sooner it's expected.
  10. lol, ops are crying....nice. Fair fights make you sad? Strange. Prepare for battle legal cheaters.
  11. If Ilum's empty, the conditions will be equal. No farm = no valor. Go WZ and try to farm us their damn imps. Spent 3 weeks for valor rank 58, now really want to say a couple of "warm" words to Bio, but won't spare my time for them. Hope most of the whiners will /cancel subs indeed and BIo start whining this time.
  12. If they don't fix it, just don't visit Ilum, let imps **** themselves.
  13. No one cries, it's just an obvious thing. If someone same geared with operative dies before the fight, it means something. I'm 58 lvl valor and experienced enough fights with all classes 1v1 and in teams. These are the only classes (operative/smugglers) who deal 5-6k+ damage with the ONLY strike. Maaaan, i have only 15.5k in my health bar. What are you talking about saying stop crying? I usually play with my friends' premade with full champion gear. We call our healer a hero if he manages to survive during 7 seconds after shouting in skype "OPERAAATIIVE"!!!!!!. Is it ok to your mind?
  14. Nerf, nerf and nerf as soon as possible. Full geared champion commando now with Rakata med and pvp consumables... If i'm on CD with my save ability - i die laying on the *********** floor having no chance even to get up. If i do have my save ability i get up with 40-50% and die with the second burst after a stun. Stop telling me that this sh** is making the game more interesting because of the class variations etc. It's just sensless to fight if you know you'll die anyway, no matter what you do. Your skill means nothing just die and accept it. Idiocy.
  15. Debates are still hot and bloody about the theme. A lot of commandos are 50s already and can share their experience concerning their choice. What spec for PVP did you choose and why? I'll be the first to share, i guess. I chose Gunnery because of its stable burst damage and capability of solo killing most of rangers. Melee problems exist but they are not unsolvable. Most of the time we fight in teams and don't deal with melee enemies too often. In general i'm quite satisfied with the spec but won't stop testing both when reskilling becomes not so expensive.
  16. Depends on a situation. If you managed to find a calm place for shooting without interrupting -Gunnery terminates everything on the way. Numbers are just sweet. The last time max crit by Demolition with 5 gravs was about 3.4k. AS doesn't give such damage no matter what he does. Actually he does but it needs time the target burned to the end of the Dot timer. If you're in a mess, AS is better in some cases but arguable. I'm gunnery 41lvl, feel happy. Rerolled twice on different lvls to AS and always back to Gunnery. Don't want to change anything anymore.
  17. First of all, i'm not an idiot, my friend and i used all the available skills to keep the distance. But in case you're on CD and a shadow's behind your back already you just can't do anything at all. No, you can - you can avoid some damage but you can't damage back. Secondly, i didn't say i didn't like Gunnery I like it so much for many aspects. I rerolled back to gunnery yesterday btw and now learn how to deal with melees. I'm sure the spec has great potential.
  18. I tried both specs and still doubt what's best My valor lvl is 34 and i experienced a lot of different situations in both specs. I came to conclusion that both are really fine in PVP and you just won't find the best one between them because their roles and combat style are absolutely different and things that work well in one situation don't in another. Gunnery is just amazing spec with so delicious numbers when you stand still and shoot down one by one. (until shadow appears behind and brings ***pain by breaking your grav cast TT). In general Gunery is a lazy mode, but don't throw tomatoes in me )) Comparing with vanguard ACs and Commando AS - Gunnery requires nothing else but stand calm and shoot "rabbits" running around fighting with your team mates. Others have to do MUCH more to reach the same numbers. Unfortunately Gunner loses most of the numbers in face to face combat with a good player against. What we can't say about AS. AS is good on the move there's nothing to add. Whatever guys have said above concerning the same spec mobility, AS is much more mobile i can say. It's just my subjective feeling about it. In most cases i have to kite melee running around and hide behind walls from range DOTing them with inc round, plasma grenades etc. But it's still much easier to change your dislocation with less damage reduction than you'd do being a Gunner. I added a couple of Commandos to my friend list and we gonna test more and more both of the specs. For now i choose AS just not to be a turret on the battlefield and have more chances against stealthers. Can't forget the phrase of my enemy "spam more gravs" when i tried to kill him in melee and each time he broke the cast kicking my *** until i die. That was REALLY sad my friends. And i knew, i could do nothing with it in that small room we fought, except sticky and stock. That's upset indeed about the Gunnery. Time will tell what to choose on 50 but though i use AS now my soul calls for Gunnery Hope you'll write about your experience not pure theory craft.
  19. AS is cool but now i test Gunnery and feel very nice in groups. Duels are also fine especially with range dps classes. There are certain troubles in melee zone but i'm sure i'll find out how to stand melee class pressure. I just don't like to melt my enemies, i prefer to hit hard immediately and to have an opportunity to use concusive round whenever i want, not when the foe stoped burning.
  20. Telling the truth i don't really like hybrids and prefer pure specs. I'm 32 lvl now and 28 Valor lvl. The only thing i can say is that most of fights i spent in melee range. Yeah, and i was A.Specialist btw. The problem of AS is that your foes don't die steadily fast but melt...slooowly, yes, they move like tourtles and you can avoid their melee attacks but still it needs to run around for a couple of minutes wating while the target burns to bones and die. Range dps enemies give sometimes great pain in a very short period of time while burning. Quite often my enemies die after my death but in most cases they manage to heal themselves after i die. Yesterday i tried Gunnery. It's just Godlike on range and really reeeeeaaaally bad in melee in spite of using concusive charge and stockstrike. The great thing in Gunnery is that you can dueling even with snipers. Use reactive and pew pew till he dies. If you meet shadow - better pray, you'll be dead 85%. He just won't let you channeling in this spec. Forgive WoW comparison but Assualt reminds BM with fire dot (pet biting), Gunnery - MM (sniper style with dead melee zone). Maybe it'll help to realize how things work in TOR. If you play with friends who can protect you from melee troubles or fond of sniper mode then your choice is Gunnery deffinitely - the damage is just incredibly sweet and fast at range. If you prefer solo playing i would still advise AS for its mobility, survival and trouble making for cloth dressed siths. Now i also think about mixing specs. Something like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkbMrZfhMrzG.1 In Gunnery I really liked strong concusive charge sending siths to the moon At the same time i don't want to give up AS playing. The accents are still the same: flaming a target, impact bolt, fullauto, impact, hammer, plasma grenade etc.... I'll play Gunnery spec till 41. I'll be writing about my impressions about the spec here. After 41, i'll work with AS spec again. They say plastique makes cry
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