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Everything posted by dejavy

  1. The next day after 1.2 patch release my gunnery managed to crit about 5k with his Demolition round having 5 stacks of grav on my target. It was counted as INSANE BUG and we were nerfed the next day to bottom when our top tier ability was reduced in crit to about 3k. Ok, we all left our comandos/mercs and started vanguards. But the thread is not about us but about Smashers... My gear is top WH with augs etc and i still get 7k crits. I'm really happy if only one monkey leaps on me not five as it usually happens when they see commando mark. The worst thing is that my reactive shield doesn't reduce the smash crit at all. BioWare, wake up! Smashzergfest is making mad more and more people. It's time to end this idiocy, don't you think so?
  2. dejavy

    Merc is TERRIBLE

    That's what made me cry... We're in terrible condition indeed. Please don't attack us, we're dying even when you look at us, dear marauders.
  3. I'm killing commandos with 3 stikes, i want to with ONE!
  4. Can't agree here. If my gunnery isn't interrupted it's death machine. About 10k with Full Auto if all crit that btw happens pretty often, 5.3k Demolition, 4.6k HiB, 2.8 Gravround... Can't complain really. Sorcs blow up like baloons. I can anihillate anyone if i'm untouched in seconds and that's awesome until monkies leap on me. Amazing damage stops right there.
  5. I simply don't understand what kind of kite you mean even if they give us smth instant? Being Assault i don't suffer because of DPS lack BUT my survivability. I can't kite juggernauts and ssins at all. Even if i kite marauder, he kills anyway and it's not because i can't cast something moving, it's my general squishiness. I'd be able to kite if my bubble makes me immune but again, it doesn't help much really. I got 5.2k crit being in my bubble kiting a marauder. It's all about general Smash nerf or rangers defense buff, that's it. Insta casts wouldn't help coz you die in SECONDS. U just can't overDPS him, we need survivability and CC AND theeeen maaybe instant casts.
  6. Have just come back from WZ.... You know, Commando needs not only dps and telling the truth instant TM won't help the class anyhow when Marauders/Assasins kill you during 10 seconds no matter what you're using. I know there are bad marauders and good but just now i met one who simply anihillated each and every member of the team with few strikes. I wouldn't be surprised if the mates were BM or Recruit, no , they were all WH gear / augs. So, even if they give us insta casts to our TM or whatever, it won't change a thing. RWZ and WZ are filled with Maras,ssins and juggersnauts these days. One monkey with a lightsaber is killing me fast, 2 monkies do it like in 5 secs or so. I've caught 5 on me today and you know what it was? - ONE FUC***** strike with 5.5k each! Game over. It's not whine about i can't survive against 5..., actually commando can't survive even against just one good marauder. So, just don't know what to suggest... def skills or instant casts, to my mind nothing will help the class while PTs, Maras and Ssins remain in their present state. Probably while it happens with the balance, there's just no sense to play NOT glowingstick classes. What's the fuc**ing point to do this if there's NO chance to compete no matter how you're geared or skilled? I don't like melee classes and my vanguard is now a 10m crab. Hate this change. Something large must happen to change the situation. Glowstickzergfest is everywhere. It's just poor design and stupid vision of the devs. I'm out, really gave too much time to this game.
  7. Yea, me either. The worst thing is our reputation of the squishiest and defenseless dummies So, when melees see the green symbol above your head they just rush to YOU and smash all the shi* out in seconds and that sux. Operatives are also squishy and sorcs are but NO they monkeyleap on us coz we can't make problems after that to them. In most cases i burn the jumper, especially unexperienced ones. But i don't like to be a target number one, even healers are not in such high priority than we are
  8. Seems you didn't play Merc/commando mate. Or if you did, you didn't play sniper/ssin. Or if you did, you just missunderstand how much sux the present merc/mando state in pvp is. Playing my GS i feel like "ffs i'm a badas* cheater!!!" Immunitiy to all 20sec, 2 pushbacks, aoe blind 8s, root, stun, accuracy debuff, aoe def screen, self dodge, def talents when in cover, speed burst after dirty kick (i take it when play a sharpshooter). The list is just awesome for a ranger. Commando hasn't even a half of it. So, there's nothing ridiculous in asking for SOMETHING that could change the WORST pvp class. Don't you think so?
  9. Commando is more or less fine in Assault Build with full WH/augs gear. I have about 20k and burn pretty painfully BUT what you must learn or surely forget that you're not Rambo anymroe as we were when spamed gravs and blew peeps up too fast for they could realize you're shooting them. Being assault you are a kiter now, LOS-man and a corner/wall lover. If you just run with the rest of your team, be sure monkies have already targeted you and ready to leap. Their first target is commando ALL THE TIME. I had to COMPLETELY change my style. Earler i just ran and exploded healers, now i burn monkies jumping on our healers first and catch stealthers staying behind our healers leting our monkies anihillate their healers meanwhile. Usually i stand out of anyones sight and quite often imps don't even know there's a commando in our team. I come out only to stop cap or so. THere was a match on CW when i didn't die a single time participating in crazy mess on mid like 7vs7 (imp premade). We won that match. Yesterday i met a commando 21k with awesomely tuned gear. No accuracy but power/surge/crit. He's done 680k on void w/o much AOE, i had only 460k and i had the 2nd line. THe 3d was about 380k. So, commandos can burn even maras if lucky with CDs. Even if you die, your foe will also do being DOTed if you do all right. If i see that i'm almost dead, i use Techover and throw all i've got before the killing blow: Plazmanade, Plastique, Sticky, Incendiary and HIB if i manage. It's usually enough to kill mara or juggernaut. Our deadly enemies are ssins hybrids. No chance at any circumstances. Opers are also strong against us. So, in general if you really love your commando, it's playable more or less. If you doubt, Vang assault is much more solid AC tbh. I really hope for 1.6 - 1.7 changes but judging by the Devs' work, we'll wait really really long. They prefer buffing Marauders/Juggernauts with monkey 5-7k strkes.
  10. Best pvp patch? Say it to my commando.
  11. I wonder, are there people in BW who directly communicate with real players, not through forums but DIRECTLY? I don't know by skype perhaps, emails, online conferences, face to face? TOR is probably the only project where community feels incredible isolation from the devs and game design process in general. I participated in some projects and each of them gave the opportunity to actually communicate with those who are responsible for balance, mechanics etc. Do they feel shame after such awful game start and now just avoid looking in our eyes or what?
  12. dejavy

    Merc is TERRIBLE

    I'd say nerf Marauders, Juggernauts, Ssins, PTs, Opratives and you may not buff commandos then. /sarcasm off
  13. I'm afraid BW won't read it all and in 1.6 we'll get NOTHING at all. In 1.7 they'll return our cryonade 30m distance and in 2.0 they'll give us sprint. To this time Sorcs will be able to use Bazooka and Orbital strike. Marauders will simply get AOE ability with basic 15k damage, they kill everything anyways, why waste time. Am i too pessimistic?
  14. Well, Ok BTW, if it's instant, we'll be able to spam only gravs then recharge and spam only them again. How many can we spam in a row then? 10? I'm afraid we'll become arcane wow hunters then 5 gravs, demo, hib, full auto and if the target is still alive, grav the rest of your ammo and it's done. Nice gamepley.
  15. WoooT? I'm commando, my only stun is easility taken off by the ability. Who's health bar am i supposed to anihillate before the tartet reacts? Opers have 3 actual stuns and then vanish to open again when resolve is down. End of story. And they cry to rise their damage, what lol.
  16. Yes, but while casting you can be shutdown somehow. If you're unshutable it's just senseless and game breaking thing. Imagine if maras could deal their damage at 20m or so There's no sense to call them melee then. THere must be some kind of restrictions on a class to make the whole gameplay balanced. If rangers can deal their full ultra damage without restriction, what's the sence to play a melee then? We play rangers coz we don't like to wave a stick and do our work without melee mess. It's kind of price for being rangers. If we can insta shoot grav/tracer+HIB+Demo, stickynade, full auto, it's just insane unstopable burst mate. The devs just won't do it. I would really love to try your insta boom plan on PTS and see what happens. But i don't think it's reasonable even to ask. You're absolutely right saying that we are so easily shut down and i really want to change it. It would be fair if we have a possibility to cast our grav/tracer without interruption. But I don't know how it can be realised. WIth RS/ES or somehow else but we must think it up to solve the "shutdown problem". Maybe we can involve Charged round/Power shot to find the way out. What if CR/PS are instant and could stack the GravR/TracerM or Charged barrel/Tracer lock bonuses or BOTH of them? They are Kinetic and don't deal too much damage even now. Their damage can actually be even reduced and it wouldn't harm PVEers anyhow who don't use it anyway. -So, our ChargedR/PowerS will become our instant stacker ability activating HIB/RailS and DemoR/HeatS. Its spam wouldn't be hurtfull for whiners dealing say 2k crit. And when we are untouched we can keep spaming our channeling GR/TM with its full elemental damage. PVPers and PVEers are happy. What do you think?
  17. Insta tracer/grav would be kind of cheat tbh and would really break the balance. I'm commando since beta and returned to the AC after vanguard/sniper valor 70+. I wish i had this insta cheat but having 2 pieces of pve set bonus we'd become ultra insta terminators dealing 9k every 3 casts. Unacceptable. ES/RS with immunity to knockbacks and other CC sounds more realistic to me. We'd have time to burst our melee target being unCCable just like sniper/GS with their 20sec immunity to EVERYTHING. ES/RS can become a mirror of the snipers skill. 1 min CD, 20 sec immune in their case. In Commando/merc case it could save RS/ES timers, coz we are still able to heal. Yes, we definitely need roots/stock strike pushback+roots/pure kite abilities. Not that Fullauto/Unload shi* with 2sec kite but REAL insta kite skill which wouldn't need to be supported by constant shooting or chanelling like it happens in pyro/assault tree with autoshot. Let it be Explosive round - an ABSOLUTELY USELESS(!) skill today. It's instant and deals crap damage but could slow targets for 30-40-50% i don't know. The only fear i have is that devs will delay any works on merc/mando till 1.7 which could take place only in march/april 2013. I'm inclined to believe it coz BW devs are not designers but decorators now. They prefer giving us great looking gear and doesn't matter that you're smashed in 3 seconds after a marauder/sent attacked you. Who cares except trooper/BHs themselves.
  18. dejavy

    1.6 on PTS today.

    Three, number threeeee!!! 3
  19. High impact sounds like child's fart tbh. Sorry but it's awful.
  20. I'M NOT GONNA CHANGE MY AC, I LOVE COMMANDO!!! Aaaand i have vanguard already and WOULD probably play it if i could deal damage as before not at 10m distance.
  21. BW, we're out of RWZ because of our uselessness and squishiness. I'm sorry you don't notice it but it just can't continue this way anymore. PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!
  22. dejavy

    1.6 on PTS today.

    So, commandos/mercs are sux in 1.6??? FFS BW i HATE YOU ((((((((((((((((((
  23. Finally i found my style http://imageshack.us/f/580/mytrooper.jpg/
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