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Everything posted by SikrouDeco

  1. Okay new question, if they added it would you quit? I hear so many say if they (whatever) I'll quit..
  2. Question, can we post polls here?
  3. One thing to remember is many of the pvpr's are there til they get the gear they want, or til their friends move on. We (some friends and myself) call them locusts. They go from game to game following their friends. That said, wondering how the sorc changes will effect pvpr's, if they dislike them they migrate elsewhere. Some will stay and voice their opinions pro or con. Trying to use them as a basis for stopping certain changes will not hold much weight with BW. My two cents..
  4. It's funny how so many say SWG is SWG and TOR is TOR. There are ao many similarities between the two it's stricking. If the NGE never happend SWG would still be running and still be a viable and popular game. Many would play swg and tor. I would've if certain changes hadn't happened. But that is not the topic here. To me the game is too safe. We fight hard battles and go home each night. I hope they enter areas you have to work your way thru and not just head to your ship and back to fleet for drinks.
  5. For those saying SWG does not ... at least one of the devs is from SWG. No? http://massively.joystiq.com/2010/06/04/a-favored-swg-developer-moves-to-swtor/ So saying SWG is gone etc.. really isn't valid in that it's ideas could live on.
  6. One way it could be a good thing is as follows: Gamer 1: "Hey want to form a raid for <fill in blank> ?" Gamer 2: "Why?" Gamer 1: "My chest plate is going to break soon..." Gamer: "Yeah, I'm going to need new bracers too..." This would help keep FP's etc popular. It's already difficult for some players to get groups formed so they can get their first pieces of gear. Some players are already complaining about lack of end game content. Just a thought..
  7. In SWG (PRE NGE anyways I left after) weapons, armor etc, eventually broke and needed to be replaced. They lost armor stats etc. Should our items eventually break or just repair them and go on forever? Added: It should be mentioned that SWG had no end game gear that I recall, it was either crafted or loot drops. So finally breaking kept crafting viable to replace it. We could carry spare sets of armor in a bag inside our backpack. And it didn't suffer decay unless it was being worn.
  8. Actually it was posted to settle a bet, I won. Trolls came out fast lol Under half an hour.. Friend said no one will troll it they have lives, jobs, families.. I spit my coffee and laughed.
  9. Reduce groups to 6 man, then premades etc are not a problem. More players to fill other groups, etc.. To those thinking this is dumb, if they keep nerfing skills to balance pvp in about 6 months pve won't be worth playing.
  10. SikrouDeco

    I love Huttball.

    I like Huttball, if they dropped Voidstar and Alderaan, I would not mind. Bring on more Huttball.
  11. Server farm video feed reveals... Server Tech 1: "Dude go long, farther.. he throws (hurls can of soda) and he ... MISSES, oh the crowd goes wild..." "Dude you so totally suck, how could you miss that.?? Wait what's that smell...Oh man it spilled out on the main panel..." "Oh crap what do we do now???" Senior Server Tech: "The servers are currently unavailable while we deploy a patch. We expect the servers to be available again at 3PM CST (1PM PST/ 4PM EST/ 8PM GMT/ 9PM CET/ 8AM AEST). Please check the Forums or the official SWTOR Twitter page for more information and updates. To check the status of your server, visit the Server Status page." "You're such a noob, call Tiger Direct and order what we need..." Ok go long..
  12. View status alerts: 2 hour projected downtime. http://www.swtor.com/systemalerts
  13. To quote a player back in my SWG days.. "Realism in game, if the game was realistic I'd swing once and your head would be laying next to you!" They are day glo clubs. If they dealt the damage we see in the stories, one jedi could cut thru an army of droids.
  14. SikrouDeco

    PVP Balance

    Balance is sought, but rarely achieved. Players with time on their hands, that form tight groups, that get in vent and orgnaize plays, yell for help etc, will always do better.
  15. Well, I've run pvp in swg, guild wars, lotro, amd now swtor. At first I liked TOR/PVP the best. At first.. Now either I'm facing sith vs sith, due to lack of republic players I'm told. Or I face a republic team of 90% commandos and the rest sages. We engage we die, engage and die.. I figure, ok I need to learn and then bring my A game. I have worked on it until level 50, and now have tried Ilum as well. But back to Warzone. I spent a day there one saturday and the opposing teams names rarely changed. They stayed in their as well. If I killed someone (by some miracle) they would go after me for the rest of the day. Ok that's pvp. Basically my take on WZ is gear gating. Plain and simple. I love Hutball, and hate, yes HATE the other 2. But that's me. The best equipped team will always own the turrets zone. The buffs really don't help. The high ends know it and cry here all day long how balanced and fair PVP/WZ is. Now, on to Ilum. We engage, 90% of the opposing team is commandos. Then another team camps the rez area. That coupled with tremendous lag, sent most of us home early. I'm trying to enjoy pvp here but I'm all but done with it. My suggestions to those considering WZ etc, at 50, grit your teeth and find a good raiding guild. Get your full gear as quickly as possible. Why? If you are not in raid gear you might as well run around saying please kill me evertytime I login. They see non raid gear and you are an easy target. See all this is really mute, as balance is sought, rarely acheived. Diminishing returns, cooldowns, temporary immunity to certain attacks, is the only hope of balancing pvp, but if these are correctly applied, 30% to 40% of your hard core pvpr's will quit. Anyways that's my two cents. *puts on flame retardent shorts*
  16. Okay let me ninja my own thread. I have a level 17 Trooper/Vanguard, and he seems to be worthless in pvp. I'm sure it's me, any pointers?
  17. I appreciate the input. I was just reading a thread (can't find it now) that said there is a bug causing attacks to ignore armour, and damage reduction. It seemed to address the fact that a bug has been acknowledged and will be addressed, and Commando could see up to a 40% reduction in damage dealt based on skills used (for example sith warrior invincible which offers a 40% reduction for 10 seconds). Anyway it seems they are headed for a fix which may be viewed as a nerf. thread Link
  18. I'm considering creating a Trooper/Commando. I hear constantly in game they are overpowered, and that Bioware agrees and they are headed for a huge nerf. If this is true, I don't want to waste my time levelling one to have it made useless. Any truth to this? Please let's not get into a debate here about are they OP or not.
  19. And when they fix it and you can't stand in the fire and avoid combat...? LOL
  20. Tonpu, no skill, it's an exploit, and judging from talk in game since I posted this it's being addressed. So enjoy it for now, be ready to yell when your exploit fails Crunchy, thanks for the insight.
  21. Many in game have said they got their armor via pvp WZ comms. I asked how it is now in WZ they reply, I don't go there anymore I got my armor. Is that the main use for it or will it be enhanced and keep evolving? Also are there any plans to make it more fair for low levels I see so many high level players walk thru fire, and acid pools and seem uneffected. Bug?
  22. Hopefully EA stocks drop so far Bioware can go out on it's own again.
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