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Everything posted by SikrouDeco

  1. Go watch all the video interviews about updates and what will be added and then try to verify if they were added. Nuff said..
  2. Do the dailies and make way more credits in a lot less time.
  3. I fully expect expansions to cost extra. I just hope they do them like Lotro does and we can use store creds to buy them.
  4. Better remove crafting too, my lower level toons all have the best level gear they can have which is way better than green and blue armor. Sorry doesn't hold up. And to be clear this is mainly about Columi and better comms.
  5. As I do daily FP/HM etc for Black Hole comms I'm building up columi and tionese tokens/crystals, and my companions are all geared and my alts companions (using legacy) are all geared. It would be great if we could trade up. For example: 100 Tionese Comms/Crystals could be turned in for 10 black hole 50 Columi could be turned in for 10 black hole or whatever seems fair.. Make sense?
  6. From launch to now, I have not understood one change they have made. It's like they own stock in WOW and want this game to fail so they can write it off.
  7. MMO's worry so goram much about loot. I picture them running in to alarms blaring because I somehow received a worthwhile piece of imaginary crap, and discussing rollbacks, and how they can get it back. If someone gets an artifact item and isn't in a raid, I picture the execution of the developer responsible for that area. Dev's listen up here is all you need to worry about. WORRY IF WE PAY ARE DAMN MONTHLY SUB! Forget all else. Otherwise remember this phrase.. "Welcome to McDonalds, would you like to try a tasty apple pie?"
  8. A dwarf like Varic (DA2) would do also. I love when Hawke goes after his mothers killer and the Blood Mage that "helped" asks to join you and you hear Bianca fire an arrow striking the Blood mage in the throat.. Varic says.."What, you were going to do the same thing right?". ROFLMAO! As for my mispelling of tirade, I don't use dictionaries, it would deprive the spelling police of their only source of joy in life. They lead a sad and solitary life, outside society, shunned, all because they want to make the world a better place... It is to weep truly, the unsung heroes of literature, when they read Hamlet, or MacBeth, and found *gasp* run on sentences and dangling participles, and dare I say.. Poor syntax! Where would we be..Lost , adrift no port in site..
  9. We need a companion like . Drunken tantrums, beserker fighting style.. Being his wingman to win back his girlfriend. Ahhh good times.. I love when you ask him for Berserker training. "What's to understand, you get mad, things die.." We need a companion like this. Also I miss the companions arguing.
  10. He will be the first of my companions to be punished for the heck of it. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh can we get a shock collar?
  11. I'm wondering how badly they will fracture the canon to allow us to have him travel with each of us. I'm guessing it will be "A" HK-51 and not "THE" HK-51. It'll be like going to a Gallagher concert only to find out it's not THE Gallagher it's his brother. The HK we get will be a wash out, he'll use a blaster because his programming is flawed, he'll be a drunk, hit on your mother etc.. Exclamation: "Hic" Dude your Mom is hot..
  12. http://www.forcejunkies.com/tag/companions/
  13. They must be using an obscure engine then, most have it as a feature? Or so I'm told..
  14. Can you imagine this, they add Dathomir and it's broad daylight and sunny? *UGH* Oh and for the record, I do know what would be involved. I sit waste deep in code daily.
  15. Simple question, any idea? Will the game always be as it is, and the weather, hour etc never change? Not being snarky, I just really wonder, if the devs ever adressed this, and what they said. It can't be hard, even lotro has day and night lol
  16. I understand your ire, republic players suffer it seems from the uncontrolable need to be heroes. If only in their own mind. I can solo 150k champs on level with my tank, and I can't tell you how many jump in. One said "I should get part of the loot I saved your ..." Yeah right sparky I was fine, and didn't ask. Imperial side is way better. They don't seem to care which is 100% fine with me.
  17. With no answer from the devs, I'd say yes it's WAI.
  18. Seems like after a recent update everything and it's dog has knockback, and some spam it. Or you leap into a mob and play pinball machine. I know better than to hope they adjust it, or realize all they did was tick most of us off, and remove it. That said what if anything, can be done to combat it and hold agro?
  19. Seems like after a recent update everything and it's dog has knockback, and some spam it. Or you leap into a mob and play pinball machine. I know better than to hope they adjust it, or realize all they did was tick most of us off, and remove it. That said what if anything, can be done to combat it and hold agro?
  20. Back in the day, Irving Crane (famous pool player) beat his opponent using an umbrella. I simply meant the uber feebs would pull their hair out cause they aren't special anymore if everyone has the best gear.
  21. Our guild decided to do frequent ops and get as many low geared players geared up as we can. Why? We want to flood the fleet with campaign geared noobs so the elitests have to find some new way to feel uber. Preferably in another game. ROFLMAO! We did this in another mmo, we used to craft the best of everything and give it away to people randomly.
  22. There are many times when any of us would like to play the game and tell the world to p... off. Remain unseen and log off from reality.
  23. I see this all day long when people are forming groups. I understand it and it has merit. Trouble is, having the best armor doesn't mean you have a clue about your class. Guilds run the ungeared through things all the time, and they end up with great gear and absolutely no clue as to how to use it. LOL Just sayin...
  24. Male Developers, nuff said.. lol Remember when a woman sees a well endowed woman and says "those are fake", the guy says "and...?"
  25. Do you know how creepy that sounds? I think you might want to reword that.
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