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Everything posted by SikrouDeco

  1. Several things: 1) Shared Storage (allow all my characters on the same server to access things in my vault) 2) Free (One Time) Character transfers. 3) Make items BOA (Bind on Account) so my other characters can make use of stuff I'd otherwise trash or give to companions. 4) In game voice chat (LOTRO has this and I truly miss the advantages).
  2. She simply would not address a member of the Dark Council (My Sith Sorc) or The Emperors Wrath (My Sith Jug) as she does. And if by some miracle she did, she's get zapped or choked for sure. I really think this needs tweaking. Thoughts..
  3. Many have asked me this, and I reply.. You can: 1) Do the dailies until you meet basic requirements to do hard modes to get better gear. 2) Once you meet FP/HM req's you can gather your gear, by doing HM/FP's each day. 3) Once you are Raid ready you can do the raids over and over to get better gear... They reply, I'm not really into raiding what else is there? I reply: 1) You can start a new character, and experience a new story line. 2) Try your hand at PVP and build your gear this way. If this still is not for them, I reply: Find a new game, check back after a few months and see how things are progressing and go from there. Did I miss anything?
  4. I agree, I played SWG and truly miss the Night Sisters, Wild Rancors etc..
  5. 3 items per armor piece, 5 pieces of armor totals 15 mods to be removed Something to be considered. Bioware is losing players, they had 1.7 mil of subs a month or two after launch. They reportedly spent over 250 mil to develop the game. With the current sub status it's going to take a while to break even and show a profit. Saying only hard core gamers deserve stuff will send casual players, and their money away. Eventually only the 1% to 2% of the hard core gamers will be here, as most hit 50 a month or so after launch and left as they usually do to try other games. We call them locusts, they get bored easily and leave. BW needs to please ALL the players they can. My two cents.
  6. so all the casual players should look at other games and not play swtor? They should put hard core gamer on the package where it explains what type of system you need. Are they trying to compete with WOW?
  7. I wanted to remove the armor mods from my champions armor and it's going to cost an average of 33k per mod, approx 495k to do all 5 pieces. Any chance they are going to lower this? I'm not loaded like some and can't spend enough time in game to earn it as others. I have a job, do I need to look at swtor as a second job?
  8. Yup, bad for me. I rolled a light side Gunslinger and got him to 11. If he poofs I'll be annoyed but life goes on. On the plus side if they roll back to pre 1.2 I get back all the creds I used remving mods etc.. and the recipes I trashed when they failed to remove them being bound to us.
  9. IF they have the matching system quests etc in place. You cannot have credit for doing Lost island if they roll back before it existed. And before I get flamed and asked if I'm a programmer, yes I am.
  10. A roll back would happen if the system is proven unstable. Then they would reload their last fall back version. Quickest way to find bugs is upload and go live...lol I've chased my share of dropped ' amd ; etc... It can be a real pain in the ... finding them.
  11. Well let's say for example you completed an awesome run and got 4 pieces of Rakata armor in the new 4 man. If they roll back to pre 1.2 your armor would be gone.
  12. While you're waiting, take a look at how games used to be... http://www.douglasadams.com/creations/infocomjava.html
  13. All I know is I would not want to be there (Bioware) when the poodoo hits the fan Monday morning and they (devs etc) have to explain what happened. I doubt anyone is fired but they might wish they were. And I would not want to be the BW/LA Liason. But on a lighter note, do you think the Emperor (Vaders timeline) ever said... "Lord Vader.... Pull my finger?"
  14. Rolled a Light Side Gunslinger and got him to 11, guess he is gone now.. *goes off to order GW2*
  15. If subs fall the changes were not well received, if they climb they worked. Time will tell.
  16. Rollbacks only happen when the game causes server crashes, etc.. Otherwise, even if the changes where the worst on record, they will NEVER I repeat NEVER do a roll back. Why? If they do they are telling their superiors they wasted tons or R&D money and are basically incompetent. Would you march in to your bosses office and say "I suck and should be fired" O.o I doubt it.. Hmmmm New game experience?
  17. Or some of the testers are not being truthful. LOL We'll see... The key to happy gaming is NEVER fall in love with the game you're playing, it can go to **** overnight. Have fall back games and watch for new ones.
  18. Yes they did. It's very evident. Everytime someone figures out how to do something faster, or with less people they penalize everyone. Welcome to MMO's. This is why 6 to 8 months after launch many players go somewhere else. 3 to 6 months in they start nerfing like crazy and people lose faith and leave. The really bad part is this is BW's first mmo. So they are really in the dark as to whom to listen to. They need PVE ranking. Then the uber brats can keep making their game play harder and harder and let those with lives play the regular way. Or, you want EV to be harder? Remove your armor and weapons etc, and then fight SOA. Problem solved.
  19. If you played Dragon Age and/or Mass Effect you'd know BW puts most of their effort into storyline and companion interaction. Essentially I see SWTOR as SW:Origins. Which to me is fine. DA:O, DA:2 amd ME:1,2,3 sold a lot of copies. And don't forget KOTOR the pc game. TOR is right in line with how they were created and evolved in my opinion. Which as I said is fine with me. That said most games try to please all then after the first year or so they focus on what they view the core player wants. Those that live in game, and demand things be harder, and harder to defeat, and loot should be ultra scarce (after they have their own of course), and companies listen. And before someone says well WOW .... WOW players spent so much time creating their characters and gathering all the imaginary crap they could, that they do not feel like going elsewhere and starting over. They don't love WOW they're just too lazy to move on, unless their friends do. LOL To make the game feel more Star warsy, add ewoks.
  20. I agree totally as long as the master looter can't grab all and go link dead. That said, the predestined loot system was light years better than any loot system I have seen in other mmo's. If they go back to the old system everyone else uses, players will get screwed again and again and just stop raiding. I really thought Bioware wasn't going to cater to the hard core basement dwellers and treat all PAYING customers alike. My bad.. Sarcasm aside, remove loot and replace it with barter tokens. Then all can get what they want/need. Unfortunately gaming companies think if you constantly do not get what you need you will be the lil rat on the wheel and keep trying thus insuring monthly subscriptions. This premise has failed over and over, and sadly BW is going to make the same mistake. An easier solution is add a pass feature for those that win stuff they don't need. The problem seems to be the system running the game is a very very simple one in that it just can't do many things yet and will require many huge updates to enhance and "beef" up the core operations. Essentially the game is a multi-player version of Dragon Age or Mass Effect.
  21. SikrouDeco

    PVP skills

    One thing I see and hear about over and over, is when players are known as a healer etc, they are hunted. One said she was told by the other side she would never get any scores for healing. I've played in wz where the same 3 or 4 come after me everytime I res and return. They know 1 to 0 is a good as 6 to 0. So once they achieve their single win they hunt and keep people from doing anything. Outside pvp this would be considered griefing. In wz.. ? randomizing entire groups would solve it but many would scream if they couldn't have their premades. But it is what it is. I'm sad to say I'm rapidly losing interest in the game. I'm hoping 1.2 wins me back, but players that have been on the test server say the nerfs are a joke and actually the classes that were "nerfed" have gotten stronger? O.o *sigh* If pvp is their main focus thay should say that on the package like Warhammer etc..
  22. SikrouDeco

    PVP skills

    Indeed. The inbalance is with gear, a full group with bm gear against players in champ or lower will result in a slaughter. Players being able to stand in the poison or fire and snare and pull you in and not die. Seems unfair. But it is what it is.
  23. SikrouDeco

    PVP skills

    Guild wars 1, has a unique system. You have the same skills for pve as pvp (some faction skills do not work in pvp). BUT when they need to adjust a skill for pvp, it does NOT effect pve. When you login to a pvp area the toolbar tips inform you of said changes. When you leave they are back to normal. I think this type of system can work here. Your thoughts?
  24. *backhand* lol Well said Judging from the quality of many of the replies here, I'd have to agree. The care bear continuim would be very vocal.
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