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Everything posted by Master_Morak

  1. Wonderful - in the new year the same as in the last year - unexpected Issues, no quality and no updates.
  2. That's the point. My company also has send all employees for more than 3 month in homeoffice, but we deliver with only small delay. And be honest, it has nothing to do with the pandemia that the last years after KotFE / KotET nearly no story content is released. The stupid story break at the end of KotET was never compensated with a new great story line. Why Dxun Operation, what connection which the story has this OP, from my point of view this OP could be placed on every point of the galaxy.
  3. Big Update, don't make jokes. What they delivered the last years are peanuts. It's a shame.
  4. I didn't understand why they not changed the world bosses so that everyone participating in the fight get the rewards. This is a common mechanic for examble in TESO, WoW and other games. I hope such a change will come, not that this is something to high for the skill of the team. BtW: a story Update of one simple dialog - this is a bad bad joke, isn't it?
  5. I don't know what you see, but on Tulak Hord the same Guilds in front which are ever in front. There is no change the have the same points they had in the last months, and the smaller guilds also have the same amount of point. nothing changed, they waste the ressources for nothing
  6. Sometimes it would be better to spare ressources for better things and show such whiners where the door is to leave. The devs should conquest as it is and concentrate on more story updates.
  7. A step in the right direction, but not enough. Lower the points for PvP or give all PvP goal a daily cap for instance 5 or 10 times repeatable . Why could someone do endless the same PvP or GSF missions but PVE is restricted to once a day?
  8. Same problem - "Login server not available"
  9. Hey David, stopp destroying conquest again. Let the system as it is, may be you increase some rewards but stopp nerving that what most players like. If there anyone who doesn't like the system, don't count on the whining. May they leave the game, that is not worse.
  10. Most of this suggestions will be unwanted by the majority of players and some of them are still stupid. Bttw, don't waste ressources on PvP.
  11. Hello Eric, have you decreased the drop rate of Imperator Chips in Solo Flashpints? Yesterday I got 6 Imperator Chips and 4 blue Chips from three Solo Flashpoints. In the same Solo Flashpoints dropped today only 1 Imperator Chip and the rest green chips in a rate von 1 to 3 per boss. Thats very frustrating, I hope you will make a cllear statement.
  12. For the last years there where no greater patch without mayor bugs. When will this take consequences? It's time to make changes in the management and the team to increase quality.
  13. I beleave you are right - a wonderful game wrecked by a publisher and a develpment team which was never able to use the great potential of Star Wars. I played the story missions the last weeks and I can't beleave that this great stories never where continued in a adequate way.
  14. This game lakes story udates on a regulary base für instances monthly or bi-monthley. Stop wasting the ressources for meningless UI redesign no one wants and needs. On the other other hand why did you invest ressources in a DXUN nightmare, a part of content for 1% or less of the players?
  15. Because they are arrogant and stupid. The feedback on the forum is just an other word for waste paper basket or /dev0.
  16. /sign Who decided to implement that crap wasting development ressources? It would be a good idea to send that guy for a long, long time in holliday
  17. It's a joke, isn't it? You take the servers down to fix the issue and ist take not a hour and the terminals disappeared once again? Test and Quality are words not in your Dictionary, or?
  18. I am tired of seeing Always such post … please BW do this, please BW do that because I don*t want it. So, please BW remove all these guys and put them on a Special whiner Server for the rest of there play time.
  19. No one needs such an idiotic system, it's good that the devs ignore such suggestions.
  20. I think this is intended since the last patch. Some stupid guys are farming KP for conquest points 24/7 and there BW take away the conquest points on several mob Groups or they removed some mob Groups.
  21. same on Tulak Hord - may be they haven't payed their support for march.
  22. As Eric stated "it's not intended …", so in my opinion it's an exploit using. I hope BW has logs so they could indentify those who use these exploit. It would be nice for instance, if they reset the Guild Level to 1 for these guilds.
  23. Don't expect such this in a dead game with maintance mode - if a similar issue would happen for instance in WoW you would have 75 to 100 pages in the forum in 2 or 3 Hours - here you have 2 pages in 24 Hours. This says enough.
  24. Same here, may be the Little Jawas in the back are celebrating Christmas.
  25. You are right - it takes now longer, but without better rewards and that is boring. SWTOR after 6.0 is a greater time and credit sink as ever before. This would be ok, when there were more also a better level of content, but 6.0 was to small with not enough a story/single player content. The last idiotic ideas was to implement the H4 on Mek Sha - pure ressource wasting.
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