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Everything posted by Master_Morak

  1. I don't want new Flashpoints, new Operations, new Warzone oder any other PvP stuff. I want more Solo Player Content, a great new expolorable Planet would be fine. New Daily Areas, a good Gear Progression like 6.0 and more Story-Content. I know that they are not able to bring class-based stories, but fraction-based should be possible.
  2. A simple solution could also to limit gold transfer from player to player to 100.000 or 1.000.000 credits
  3. You are absolutly right. A loud crying minority of NIM raiders whined over months that they could show there elitistic behavour when everyone has the best gear. It's a shame that the devs had nothing better to then catering this needless minority. I'm sure they lost more subs than they got from a handful of returning NIM raiders,
  4. 7.1 is a bad continuation of this crap 7.0 Update. I don't care about the new OP - waste of ressources. The daily area is only accessable when doing before the buggy and disapointing Flashpoint with Malgus. The gearing also not rolled back to 6,x In summary: forget 7.1 it's the same b....t than 7.0
  5. Sorry - i wrote the dev tracker and missed the sticky here in the forum.
  6. I say a great thank you to Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, Alan Copeland, George Smith, Ashley Ruhl and Eric Musco for your post in the developers tracker. It's a long time that the DevTeam writes to the community and I could say I missed a constructive discussion with you. It's fine that you share our love for that game and I hope this will not be a single post but the beginning of discussions and sharing idea's between the DevTeam and the community. I lost in the last month my hope for the future of the game, but now there will be "A new hope" that things are changing. Thank you for that and I hope we will hear from you in near future.
  7. I don't know why people that raid stays subbed - running ever and ever the same dungeons/OPs for what? Gear which would be worthless with the nexr expansio? - stupid in my opinion. May be someone thinks gearing would be a worth to play a game, than I know better games which have more Operations with more Bosses and new OPs on a regular base (minimum 1 Raid with 8+ bosses per year)
  8. OPs are no content - content is störy, events, Questline. OPs are a repetive feature for a group which is smaller and smaller as the difficulty increase. NIM Raiders are an absolut minority. In better times my actual guild had more than 100 active accounts - we had 3 aktive SM/HC raid groups but we had only 6 or 7 NIM raiders so tht the NIM group always need Players from friend guilds for a complete group.
  9. It's true, noone could produce story faster then it is consumed, but you could deliver story in an constant way like KotFE. Every month a small chapter of story will bring the customer to stayed subbed. I strongly disagree to the statement "OPs and PvP are the endgame, they are what keeps players here" - raiders are in allgames a loud crying minority thinking they are navel of the world. I know many players which don't play OPs and stay subbed for story, events, galactic season etc. In the current state where the so-called dev Team is not able to deliver anything I think they should not fokus on a minority and put all there ressources to support them. In my opinion it is easier to deliver story on a regular base then develop and test an OP in SM/HM/NIM.
  10. What players are new to this game? Which new player will subscribe to a dead game with a incompetent and lazy dev team ? If I were a new player I never would subscribe to a game managed by persons who announce a year long celebration and than deliver nothing.
  11. Good question - i don't know. It's a shame that the dev team is still to lazy to give us a date when season 3 will start. If season 3 will ever start, my fear is that this so-called dev team will never ever anything release more.
  12. SWTOR was a wonderful game - the class stories were a highlight, but after that they were not able to hold this niveau. No further development of the class stories, but there were some other good parts Makeb, the Revan storyline, KotFE and KotET - but after this there were nothing more. The downfalls startet with the idiotic end of KotET, they skipped the original planned third part and from that moment everyone could see that there was an unwilling, uninspired and incompetent group of people who doesn't care about the game and the base of there players - Story and solo players. And 7.0 is the last nail in the coffin. R.I.P my beloved Star Wars game
  13. My words - before 7.0 I where willing to pay 40 to 50 bucks for an expansion like in other games (WoW, TESO, etc.) But now with these garbage delivered for a 10 year celebration - no cent. And please don't call them a dev Team, this is an insult to all real and engaged development and designer teams.
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