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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. Relatively new to the game, been playing for just over a week now. While I do love the game, sadly I am turned off by the muddied textures I have to look at while viewing my toon. In a game like this you should get excited to see what your new gear is going to look like, but each time I am disappointed due to the low textures. My free sub time ends in March and I can't see myself resubbing unless this issue is resolved. I keep hearing people tell me playablity over graphics......is it too much to ask for both?


    No its not Other games have done it and are doing it. EQ2 AOC Lotro Rift Aion. allof them have high resolution textures. have the same or lower Min reqs and perform far better in the FPS department. the issue is the engine not Performance over playablity its bad optimisation. High res textures were in beta for a day, they removed them because it was so poorly optimised people had severe issues playing.


    then bioware tried to cover up the isuse by saying the medium options were actually the high res textures until the beta players spoke up and called them on it. do not anticpate it getting any better . they are no silent on the issue claiming the are going to polish it up a little. But i doubt we will see high res textures in this game unless the rip their engine apart and fix it.

  2. Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


    It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


    thats a crock if ever heard it. games like EQ 1 that had zero community tools other then chat thrived with groups. it was directly related to the content being designed with grouping in mind. If swtor content required you group to lvl or accomplish quests people would be grouping with out a doubt. If wow required grouping like it did in vanilla people would be grouping , currently every MMO goes for ease of access to content , like we are stupid children. MMO'rs have evolved we play what content they create its not a player problem its adesign problem dont blame the players we did not make this game 90% solo.

  3. That was very foolish.


    If you had bought a new PC for WoW you'd be just as dissapointed.


    MMORPGs have to worry about an entirely different environment than say, FPS or racing games (which push your graphics to the limit).


    Expecting an MMORPG to push your system and show next-gen rendering techniques is unrealistic. Besides, MMORPGs are all about multiplayer, so they purposely target a lower system spec so they can have more players.


    You set yourself up for failure. You're expecting the unrealistic.


    We need to stop with that please. explain why AOC, Rift, Lotro,Aion even EQ2 all have high res texture pacs handle more PC's rendered on screen then TOR. dont start blaming technology that far exceeds this engines capabilites. its not the hard ware its the engines optimisation.

  4. You have been wrong with every prediction you have made so far.


    Neither you our I can be proven correct at this point. And in all honesty we will probably never know. BW will never release their subscription numbers no MMO does except blizzard.

    At the next qrtrly investors call we will get a rough estimate when they anounce the quarter. but my best guess is TOR will have 45 % burn off . that sucks for a 90 day mark but it no where indicates tor is a failure i suspect that it will be a major success. Im glad you like the game Drewser honestly i do and i hope you enjoy it for a long time.


    As for me i find it very rudimentary and feature lacking , they made a good single player game with MMO features. The engine is horrible as the OP states. I can load up a full DX10 MMO with high res textures .siege in a completely destructible enviroment with over 45 people PVPing and get 65 FPS. i load up TOR and zone onto the fleet and get 20 FPS and massive render hiccup with 20 people standing infront of me doing nothing but standing. It is not my system Drewesr befor you go all Coolaid fanboi on me


    Intell 990x OC 4.2 mhz liquid cooled


    590 gtx 3 gigs video


    8 gigs 1333 Ram


    Win 7 ultimate x64


    No reason to be hostile to those that are posting in hopes the Devs will fix the glaring weakness's of this game so we might all enjoy it. Glad your having Fun though and love it the way it is :o

  5. I don't care whether a game is f2p or not. It's the feeling what I am paying for and what is my experience with a game. I'm sure op has had some good times with swtor, but this imo is a generalization of his gamer's point of view, which in fact is pretty precise, if you don't fall in to caps like f2p, or other aspects of the game you like.


    Understand that you can disagree. Whether or not you stumbled upon this thread by accident, I don't believe such things exist.


    If the post makes you feel inferior or anyone else, I have nothing to say about that, because I could not have crafted such a well made post of this subject.


    Trolls usally make stuff up his post is absloutely correct and reflects what a large portion of people who bought SWTOR and didnt like felt after hitting 50 the first time. My biggest problem with SWTOR is it feels like a very very stripped down game. At the end analysis the best way i can describe it is a very good Single player game that has a bunch of bad Online features. For all the good the fleet does it could have been a lobby to chat and deciede what instance you wanted to play. The engine is horribly optimised but i do think they can fix it. what i dont think they can fix is their fundemental design concepts.

  6. What would be the scale that the Unreal Engine isn't suitable for? I am genuinely interested since I see quite a few MMO's in development using the Unreal 3 engine.


    LOL the Unreal engine does not work for MMO's that heavily instance their game shard their zones to hide the Crappy FPS and render enviroments of a hampster wheel . People use the Hero engine to make MMO's like that.

  7. Quote:

    I want people to post what they dont like.




    When people stop playing COD, do they go onto the forums and rant about it? No.

    So why should this be anything different?


    Why are you so bothered about someone else leaving? Does the reasons for them leaving affect your game in any way? No


    Why does the op think his opninion matters to the point he has to come here and post in General about him leaving.

    He isn't even asking BW to fix it. If he was then he would post in the suggestions thread. This thread is pure attention seeking and nothing more. It looks good and his issues are valid, but if he is serious about telling BW those issues then there are better ways to do it.


    You want to help make the game better, there are better ways than an "I quit" thread in general.

    You just want to troll...not interested.

    You just want attention.. not interested.

    Well seeing the decline over last 2 weeks. as more and more people hit end game his point becomes very solidifying. The game is bleeding pretty hard right now and for the very reasons he posted. TOR will have a retention rate close to what AOC had 90 days after launch that was a 50% retention which is horrible. though it wont hurt TOR horribly as it will still mean 750k paying subscriptions and they will be very profitable with that number. but what it does show is they don't know how to make a MMO and should consider all the things the OP said as a standard of their mistakes.Personaly they need to get a Director in their that knows how to guide and devolp a MMO , right now the game is stuck in the mud and if they think they can throw more of the same at their player base it will bleed even more.

  8. I think they waited until March to Implement the 'Legacy' System to entice players to Subscribe again.


    Why March?


    Well lets see...

    Christmas has just gone, the game was launched right before December 20th

    (at this point Most players would have bought 60-day gametime cards as The CCard Billing System is so Awful)



    • 1 Standard Star wars: The Old Republic game WITH a Free 30days
    • 60-day gametime card = 90days


    This would Last you until March 20th More or Less.


    I hear they are releasing the 'Legacy' system at this time(March).

    Do you think that this is CLEVER marketing Strategy? or Selfish?


    I mean 30 Days AFTER Launch (when CCards are cancelled before they are billed) they make a big thing about how Special the 'FOUNDER' Title is.


    right Now its February 19th, I wouldnt expect them to implement new patches or Mention anything new about the game. Why Would They?


    But When March 20th Comes (the Month where most of the 60-Day GT subs run out).

    I guarantee you guys that, This is when they'll Start Paying a lot more attention to the sales. They will Want to Keep gamers Enticed.


    I wouldnt be Suprised if March 20th is the day that the Legacy System would Finally be implemented.


    Please Don't Say the Generic cliche... "Oh Other MMO's do that all the time.. its Normal".

    Other MMO's didn't make this so Blatantly obvious to see what they are doing.


    Dont count on a full llegacy sytem in march. i gurantee it will be a rather bland and drab system.

    This whole game supports very basic MMO features i suspect they will give us some very fluffy features nothing that increases your Characters power in anyway. probaly mostly supporting the reroll aspect of their game thats where the majority of their planned end game was anyhow.

  9. I've actually been in a very similar discussion on another board with some other fellow "old school" MMO'ers.


    I partially blame the lack of distractions in most MMOs today. Crafting in SWtOR isn't something you actually do. It's something you log in a toon on, intiate several instances of it and log off to play your other toon.


    Some might say that is good but with a well developed crafting system people find themselves killing some down time with it, just like they do housing, cosmetic options, etc.


    I've spent many hours in DAoC crafting because I was too tired to mess around with leveling/raiding or PvsP. I spend hours just messing around with the housing system. Or collecting various pieces of armor or dyeing my equipment to get a perfect look I wanted.


    Now days MMOs have none of these distractions. You're either grinding warzones or doing the newest fad which is quest grinding.


    So what happens is when I'm not in the mood to grind warzones or quest grind I'm just plain not in the mood to play the game because there is nothing else to do.


    Not to mention the social aspect of the MMO is dead so all the battle.net converts can have their little private gaming instances like they did in D2. So you can't just hop into a pick up group and "hang out" and chat while you kill mobs anymore.


    In other words you're probably no more bored with the MMO genre than I am it's just that the new MMO genre SUCKS.


    I think devolpers have a skewed idea about the features players want. they are making single player games with online features. Games that had multiple starting cities a large variety of races and did not focus on a funnel structure seem to have longer sub cycles . Devolpers need to prove to investors its better to have400k subs consitent for a year then sell 1 million copies and have 200 k stable subs and the rest leave or churn in 30 day increments. the problem is publishers wont alow that as they get 100% of box sales and split the subs between devolper and I.P. .Big sales mean big qrtr for the publisher, it does nothing for the community or the player , they dont reup invetment into the game until 6 to 9 months after release, then they usally green light funds for a expansion. TOR will not grow much in the next year if the player base thinks they will get a Rift like patch cycle with content you will once again be dissapointed.

  10. Now don't get me wrong, SWTOR is probably one of the most polished MMOs I've ever played.....yet


    Having played most MMOs since the days of UO and EQ I'm starting to flag in hours logged in. Having played most classes I find everything post level 20 (when you stop gaining "new powers" and instead getting upgrades to existing ones) a bit similar to the last 3-4 levels.


    The storylines are great, but even that doesn't seem to draw me in.


    I suppose its due to the old MMO mechanics of Tank/DPS/Healer (which even if the game allows different tactics, most parties end up playing in defined roles) and no matter if I'm fighting in a secret Imperial Manufactering plant or the Dungeon level of Lord British's castle.....the setting differs but the game "feels" similar. The last few MMOs have given me the same feeling of being a retread. Its nothing to do with Devs not being bothered to come up with something new, more they satisfy what the customer wants.


    It give me pause to consider the term MMO, is it in fact a genre rather than a term used to describe its capabilites. Sure there's lots of different types of MMO, but the more popular ones all seem to "play" in a similar manner.


    So as an MMO player am I fated to have a number of years playing the big guns of the MMO world before settling down to drift between niche MMO in the search of new gameplay?


    I guess it all boils down to what the majority of the customers want. And I guess the big subscription numbers lie in not changing too much from a proven formula.



    ....but then again, if could just be that I'm MMO'd out :)


    Its a combination of things. TOR is not a true traditional MMO, Its a very single player focused game with Multiplayer options. the combat mechanics and class choices are very limited all groups have stripped out any utility or mezzing classes . this has created mechanics that are all DPS races for epic and heroic encounters. sure there are CC but its all done from the DPS or heal specs with very little variation. NWN combat mechanics were more dynamic and varied then TOR. it is avery stripped out game in my opinion. So people will feel very tank and spank in encounters.


    If your a veteran MMO player the storylines are great. but rerolling will not hold apeal if you want to play on the same faction. the zones feel like single player levels and plays more like a relay of a single player game then a dynamic living world MMO's of the past.

    So yes if your a MMO vet youll become fastly bored and burnt out with TOR as alll the things a mentioned slam into the wall of a very shallow end game and basically zero social content. No guild features LVLs , alternate content like guild ship aquiring , guild emblems . things you work towards in your game community. Itemization is a food stamp teir and lacks any Dynamic indviduality. TOR needed more devolpment time if you can believe that, pretty sure EA put the Hammer on Bioware and said trim the features polish what you have and release it.


    Truth be told ive played on NWN 1 persitent servers that felt more like a MMO then TOR , we are a solid year out form this game fleshing out and feeling like a full game. Problem is if EA feels Tor is not performing the way they want it too they will just pull support from it just like they did Warhammer. pretty dam sad actually this is the last Big IP MMO that we will see probably. At least Titan and EQ next are on the horizon, i dont even wanna hear about GW2 the alpha was horrible.

  11. Iam having problems with guilds, never had this in any other mmo. Ok, joined a guild at the start and it was active with 20+ players then everyone just stopped logging in. The GM even setup a website and a vent server lol. In the end i was the only one left.


    Joined another guild and exactly the same thing happened. This is wierd seems either people are quiting the game before they reach lvl 20 or they are rolling alts left right and center. Well finally i found a Guild but the guy who invited me in has disapeared so now im starting to worry again. Maybe i smell or something. :(


    Its called boredom. end game is shallow and boring people play less.

  12. Legendary items should NOT come from raids.


    Only a very small percentage of players raid and if you make legendary items available only from raids, an even tinier percentage will have it.


    Dont make it so that only a fraction of a fraction of players will even have it.


    Make it so that anyone can go through a long, expensive process to obtain it.

    But dont restrict it to a subset of raiding people.


    Dude go play ME3 its a multiplayer game or so bioware claims. quit your whining why do you need a legendary anyway if you dont raid. Foodstamp line is down the street.

  13. Probably will not see these things again in a major title.


    400,000 subscribers is now a pitiful failure - you need to have millions of subs to be a 'successful' MMO now. And to be honest, I think most people prefer to have their hands held through a game rather than be forced to sit down and figure things out for themselves. That's not really a problem, it's a game. People will play what they find fun.


    Huh are you friggin high? MMO's stay profitable till about 150 k subs. then they go F2P and open an item shop and make more money. Dont know where you got your info from but its well understood Even tor with its 200 million dollar price tag will be profitable with 500 k subs. games like rift that cost 60 million are making huge profits with 350 to 400k subs.

  14. Been playing MMOs since I was 12 (I turned 25 two days ago) and I can honestly say this MMO is garbage. I just switched to EQ2 four days ago, omg what a difference.


    I honestly can't stomach this MMO after playing so many others and seeing what a good MMO has and what it looks like. I just can't justify paying for this game when EQ2 is amazing in comparison and has 1000x the content and stuff to do. Frankly I don't really see how i could ever play all 20 races and classes and all the crafting professions and..yeah it's awesome. And the cities actually look like real, full cities bustling with people and activity.


    it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

    EQ2 was a very indepth game it has complexity to it. Many did not like the complexity at launch. But from the stand point of being a game with alot of content for end game it did not have that at launch. It did have some massive single group dungeons that to this day MMO's have not tried to replicate. But raid zones were just closets of off other zones you stepped into and tried to kill a massive raid mob. the thing it did do was add content rapidly . very rapidly. it increased lvl cap and had a full blown expansion 6 months after launch.

    For a veteran MMO player it had a lot of features to keep you busy and really supported guilds with its content. EQ2 is a classic and i played it longer then any other MMO and my sub cycles were 6 months at a time. It was not friendly to a new player though it was hard and complex most just played WOW

  15. WoW took 3 years to develop. Cost around 65 million dollars.


    SWTOR took 4+ years. Cost around 200+ million.


    WoW may not have had voice overs but they did have working high res textures, a very smooth and good running engine, ability to have more than 20 people on the screen without having serious lag, chat bubbles, swimming, night and day cycles, an easy to see/read cooldown indicator, anti aliasing, no damn load times and an actual difficult end game.


    The only way this game can actually look good is if it's compared to a game seven years ago. Bioware thought that if they just add voice overs it'll cover up horrid programming. Sadly they're mistaken.


    Correction Swtor was in devolpment at the end of 2005 sir it took them 6 years to devolp

  16. SWTOR is regressing not evolving. Star Wars is a bit of an over exaggerated IP. It's cool yea I get that but it's not an instant 5 million sub game strictly because of Star Wars.


    Fact is if the game stinks (Which it does) people will leave (Which is happening now).


    You are correct the orignal Starwars was far more recognizable then Kotor. Despite selling a lot of copies for a MMO of that time SWG flopped hard it did not stand on IP alone. To hold the Veteran MMO player( i am not refering to Hardcore .i am refering to the casual veteran that has played multiple MMo's) they will need to add some sand box elements, a more complex end game, and some sort of advanced guild features, guild lvls ,guild starships that require alot of work and up keep, guild perks based on achievements things that encourage communites not just supporting the individual.

  17. BW really needs to start incrementally adding in patch 1.2 and soon, or they may find themselves a bit short on players - many people did like myself, and bought a two month card to play, and it will run out.. way before the last of March and early April.


    That being said, if theres no change by then, I am not about to put another two months cash while I wait - a wait that may or may not be broken by finding another game entirely. Others I am sure feel the same.


    An incremental output would at least show they HAVE stuff completed, it wont interfere with anyones playtime - heck every Tuesday patch eh? It would also lower the amount of *surprise* "patches to fix the patch" that happens to every game with a major update.


    Let's have a constructive discussion about this.


    In all honesty there is no way Bioware will be able to keep content coming in to this game at a reasonable rate. They made some Design decisions that are going to inhibit their devolpment cycles. one being VO. that is an extreme amount of time,two being cutscenes for all the NPC's that is man hour intensive.


    The game released thin on lvl 50 content,Very little social features and zero guild features and very very thin itemization. there are no Unique items in game the end progression is food stamp epics. Blue legendary is not itemized yet . Bioware will not be able to hold up to a update cycle like Trion does with Rift. The end game Bioware wants us to play is weekly , daily quests and Rerolls. Now if you dont like Rerolling your play time will consit of maybe 4 or 5 hours a week , a little more if you do dailies on belsavis and ilum. PVP in this game was not very well thought out. grinding to lvl 65 valor will be extremely repitive fast.


    They made a really great single player story. but a full fledged MMO this is not its more like a big Lobby game , or MOSPRPG. It has alot of potential personaly i think MMO's will never be actuall MMO's from now on.

  18. I'm talking about personal achievement here. People like to accomplish goals. If we didn't set goals for ourselves, then life would be very dull. As it stands now, I don't feel epic when I'm in a full set of purple gear because it's just so easy to obtain.


    I could care less what other people have. I'm not one to go about having pissing contests with other players. I want purples to actually feel like an accomplishment to get for my personal reasons. I'm not aiming to be superior to anyone else, but honestly, how awesome was it in Diablo when you saw that pale yellow item drop that you've been farming for forever? TOR needs more uniqueness to its approach on itemization.


    You understand it completely. Giving everyone token bought items removes any sense of uniqueness or sense of thrill at obtaining a unique itme. it has nothing to do with look how cool i am in my rakata set . everyperson in game looks like me. Its about indviduality and having a unique chr. I dont care if i have to kill malgus 20 times to get this unique rare item, but i dont wann kill him 20 times to get my BP that everyone can buy at the vendor with enough tokens.


    Mobs have no sense of purpose. Just run your daily and weekly and save your pennies youll be able to get your Food stamp BP Jughead.

  19. Decent?


    In 1998 Quake 2 was released and the textures were 256 x 256. I'm sure TOR is using a higher resolution that that but, still, I expect 2k x 2k resolution by now. This is 2012 not 1998.


    My video card's bandwidth pipe is over 75 times faster than the 3DFX Voodoo 2; which is what I was using in 1998.


    Welli didnt say good. TOR is less then impressive that is for sure. everything maxed and when i am speeding along on my 110% mount i am disgusted thet i am watching grass render 50 feet in front of me and beyond it looks like a N 64 games tiles.

  20. I don't understand why MMO's have gravitated towards handing out purple items like candy. I've played at level 50 for roughly 20 hours and nearly all of my gear is "artifact" quality. Why is there even prototype gear in the game? Other than for leveling, it's basically a worthless tier of loot that is essentially skipped altogether. Why isn't Centurion pvp gear prototype quality?


    Does this bother anyone else? To me, it really kills the thrill of 'purple fever'. I get that they want to make top end gear accessible to those of us that are casual (and I am casual), but why even call the loot an artifact if every Tom, Harry, & Sally has 20 of them with minimal effort?


    I'm kind of old school, so is it just nostalgia talking or are other people bothered by this as well?

    Bottom line is its easier for them to itemize. the token system makes it so they dont have to create a bunch of unique items for end game .they name swap items in the earlier tiers and dupe items . its basically to save time. the end result is the end game is very Drab
  21. Yeah, I honestly have no idea where people are getting these "1998 textures!" things from. Hell, Jedi Knight came out in 1997, and I can't see textures improving that much in a year's time. Do the textures look good? Yeah. Do they look as good as, say, Mass Effect 3's textures? Not quite. It's to be expected with an MMO, though.


    I agree they are not anywhere near 1998. The game looks decent. But it does not even look as good as mmos released in 2008. Its directly related to textures. You load up aoc in dx 9 and you see a massive difference in textures. Both ise cinematic cut scenes. A mmo released 4 years ago looks better and plays smoother has dx10 and runs on a lower system requirements

  22. Dude. Come on.


    The texture quality in this game is like 1998 quality. Turn shadow quality to max and my system is begging me to shut it down. There are FPS spikes, jitters and lag. Mix that with ability delay/animation bugs and its just one whole barrel of monkies.


    Seeing how every mmo released has been using high res textures since 2007 . I agree 100% this engine is a barrel of monkeys. They probably should stop letting those monkeys write code

  23. I understand game companies need to make money. Every company wants to make money right? But it’s the little things that aren’t necessary that really puts me off. I was deciding whether to stick with SWTOR or switching back to WoW. But because I wanted to support SWTOR (especially since it’s still new and quite an awesome game) I decided to stick with it.


    But anyway when I wanted to retrieve my Founder's Title, I found out EA is basically forcing us to buy another month of sub just to get it. (Shouldn't it be called a loyalty Title instead for sticking around with SWTOR?) And they said it’s a way of them 'thanking us', as if buying the game itself isn't enough to be thanked for. Technically we have to buy their "thanks" off them. Ofc this isn’t the first and definitely won’t be the last of my disappointments with EA’s role in this game.


    I had a bad feeling about SWTOR when I figured EA was behind it... but I gave it a try anyway because I love Bioware Games. But EA is going to make many stupid and selfish decisions for the sake of money as this game goes on. I just don't want to be amidst a disappointed crowd every time this happens...


    But seriously, EA is such a rich company now, can't they just be cool for once and be like: "here guys, have your Founder's Title! ^^" Instead of: "Money, NOW!" I mean they did out earn their development cost for this game afterall. The game itself is great and I really respect it. I also love the community, very fresh and friendly people. I really hope this game continues to be successful for the sake of the community.


    I'll stick around until my sub ends. Lol ok I'll admit it, I was ranting a little but this isn't just about the Founder's Title, I just simply disrespect EA to the point that I'd rather quit SWTOR.


    Cheers Guys.


    The EA executives are most definately not going to heaven.

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