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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. --sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

    --Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


    I have a guess.....what do you think?

    a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

    b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

    c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

    d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

    e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



    so....who are these people???


    The target audience was the MMO mainstream market with something for the casual and harcore markets. the problem is they made and delivered a single player game with online co op features. Its not a game for me in its current state .i want a true MMO Like WOW , EQ2, Rift and even AOC for that matter. this more like a bucnh of single player lvls linked together

  2. ppl in the 13.5k-14k hp range are ok, but those under 13k should not enter warzones im sorry, you can easily get 14k hp after a day of being 50 doing dailies, there is no excuse for some people. also the most important stat in a wz is expertise and it does not scale so if you have 0, you will die super fast no matter your hp.


    basically, those of us who run wz all day get tired of ppl with 11k-12k hp and will call them out for it, though some of us like me who are fully bm dont really care if we win or lose so we won't yell at you since we are only there for fun anyways since winning doesnt give us anything.


    but my guess is, the one that yelled at the OP still needs gear and thus needs wins to complete his daily, short of making a premade, it can be hard at times to win given the gear imbalances that exist currently with fresh 50s and fully bm characters.


    Well truth be told if the guy is so damn hardcore and red hot to get his BM . he should have himself a premade and quit his ************ because he got some fresh player to WZ in a pug. Elitism is F ing retarded in pug situations and should not be chastising new people to PVP. eventualy they will no one to play with .

  3. Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


    Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


    Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.


    Was his name jakal? lol

  4. Several things missing in TOR


    1) the second M in MMO


    2)meaningful content i dont remember any specfic content , boss or piece of gear in TOR(even rift provided this, the instances were head and shoulders above TOR's as well as the itemisation)


    3) A vibirant living world with ,as others have stated, a soul.


    4) And lastly its missing just about every standard feature an MMO has. Its a single player game that lobbies you off in the fleet for more instancing. This game does not resemble an MMO as much as it feels like a co op single player game.


    everything the vocal minority was concerned about in their design process came true at about lvl 30. The only thing we were wrong on was the companion system, its actually pretty cool and is revolutionary in the genre, crafting is different it just lacks any depth like the rest of the game. All in all TOR just had good paper concepts that really did not translate to the genre well. I liked the leveling expierence like i like a single player game when i step back and look at it Rift was far better MMO but its leveling process was dull.

  5. It's certainly a hefty patch, but nowhere near an expansion.
    most of it would be launch features for any other respectable MMO devolper. its abunch of hype and people will be disappointed if they are canting on this as the jesus patch.
  6. I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


    Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


    What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.

    its actually a small segment most of the veteran MMOplayers want more grouping and more guild content. its usally the foodstamp solo player that makes those post. they dont sub in MMO's more than a cycle and probably make up less then 10 % of the gamming community.
  7. Well all I can say is this.I canceled my account because I couldn't find anyone to lvl with even after I posted many times on the forms looking.This is a great game but when you have to solo everything when lvling its not fun at all.I couldn't get any heroic 4 mans done and I couldn't get into any of the instances.TBH even the guilds i would join didnt do anything to help each other out.I hope that maybe after a few patches the games populations will improve. Maybe in a year or so I would come back after it is setteld and biowear has time to relase a good amount of patchs and such.


    The things you are expierencing are not going to be fixed with any patch. it was BW concept and design to make an MMO around a completely single player expierence. You are correct it is not fun and grouping does not happen because its point less in their game world nothing has any consquence and rewards for grouping are shallow.

  8. Mass Effect 3 is a better multiplayer game than SWTOR. Just sayin.


    ME3 really is quite good I do have to give BW credit there.


    LOL, i really like that IP even though ME 2 was a stripped out dumbed down game. the co op play of me 3 looks very fun but i just cannot support BW anymore with the design of TOR they completely missed the vetran mmo demographic its a horrible mmo but a good single player game. hoe in the F@@@ do you pull that off trying to make a MMO?

  9. A good read, but I have to agree that the whole point #2 with bugs they admitted, was reported during beta testing, and still did not get fixed.


    Some people blame the testers, but the truth is that thise issues was reported on test forum, then ignored. This game would have been better, if biowere had listened to the testers.


    For me, 1.2 will be make or break, either they get their **** sorted or I am out of here and will never return. A long line of faliures for Biowere now. DA2, ME3 and now TOR?..


    They need to shape up..





    Addendum: The only reason why PvP is so popular is because your PvE content is broken, boring and to easy. There is litterly ZERO to do in this game post level 50, so OFC people PvP.. But I guess the DEV's say: WOW people are pvping we must have done something right in that area. Well no. You ****ed up in PvE so people are playing the only content that is worth a damm in this game atm: PvP


    Bioware will never make games like they did when they were independent of any corporate influenece. everything they do now is stripped down games with very little depth to the mechanics. Lots of flash and flare and very little substance. they call this streamlining , i call it corperate shot callers telling them to pump this said game out in this amount of time or we are firing x amount of people from your studio.


    Every game bioware makes now in the single player realm is designed for the xbox and ps 3 , PC's are an afterthought its the reason DA 2 and Me 2 and 3 felt like a castrated version of its father titles. TOR is a absloute disasster for the MMO market it has solidfied with its success that the veterans of this genre will get watered down simplified games with no attachment to the game world, fluff lore and mind grinding repetive content with zero dynamic concepts.

  10. they went to far with the solo and single player design of the game . it really feels like a single player game with online multi play lobby features. Thus many did not like this design and were very vocal about their concerns back in 2008 only to be attacked by rabid fanbois . unfortunately more of the concerned community are still here posting though it maybe taken negatively. we are hoping they can fix it. as for the rabid fan bois half have left and the other half spend more time on the forums attacking anyone who does not gush ball gargling praise at bioware. Its amazing that the rabid faction spends more time in here then actually playing the game , thats pretty distressing.
  11. Has there been word of player housing being added to the game?


    All you will get is blind fanboi fanatics screaming at you for asking this question. I doubt this game will ever see instanced housing. they may put a trophy room in your ship but that is it. we are not going to even have real guild features until 2013 aside from the Lepo bank they are adding in 1.2 .


    If you are thinking tor will offer some sort of sand box conetnt do not waste your time the game was designed largely with a single player expierence in mind with a casual online player base feature set. the fan bois will tell you to shut up you already have it the haters will till you the engine cant handle it . the truth is their design concepts never supported that type of playstyle.

  12. Was originally March but got pushed to April because they want to be careful not to introduce any new bugs. No exact day has been given and it is always subject to change.


    i would not count on a update that large until near summer. Bioware is notorious for push backs and slow devolpment cycles.

  13. Good points guys, what will the next doom prophesy be?


    Every one used so far has fallen flat.


    It does make me wonder what the real motivation is for these hater posts. We're well past the free month so they have to actually be paying to contaminate the forums with thier doom and gloom posts. Why?


    If they really hate the game so much why are they still here complaining about it? I've never been back to WoW since I decided to quit, and I didn't play out my game time either, when I decided to quit I cancelled my account and never looked back. What possible motivation can they have for sticking around?


    Why are they still here?


    Ive been a negative poster on the forums and im very vocal about what i dont like about this game. But ive never said it would be F2P or any non sense like that. even though i think the game is porrly designed largely a single player game with lobby features sold as an MMO. I thought that even if they had 60% burn off they would be highly profitable.


    The reality is we will not have sub numbers until may when they have their qrtly conference call. The big picture looks bleak for MMO's in general if TOR is retaining 85% subs on a single player game with multiplayer options, shallow end game and a poorly optimized engine, lies about texture pacs and a very bad social hub. its not gonna bode well for the future of MMO's the days of adventure are gone.ther eis more community involvement here on the forums then in game.

  14. OP - I have no idea. I do know when we will find out though... at the next Electronic Arts quarterly earnings call. That's scheduled for May 1st, FYI. If that question isn't directly answered, there's a problem. If it is, I hope it shuts down a lot of the sandwich-boarders here.


    This is also why 1.2 WILL come out in April, and be well-tested. It's a big talking point for EA's accountants.


    BW claims 1.2 will be in this month. but is uspect your right april is more realistic wiith the rate BW does things its not even close to being put on PTS

  15. What is it with this game that makes players so antisocial? Im not talking about getting heroic or flashpoint groups. (which is another problem)


    I was questing in Nar Shadda last night. I play as a healer spec Sage, and noticed there were two other players pretty much doing the same quests in the same order as I was. We were all going around getting quests at around the same time, and killing mobs in the same areas. So I decided to message them to see if they wanted to group for the quests. Nothing....no replies at all. Not even a " no thanks, Id rather solo".


    later on in the evening I found one of these other guys lying dead. I guess they had died from fighting, or had gone afk and been killed or something. Not really sure. So I revived, healed and buffed him. Not a "thanks", or a "appreciate it". The guy just stood there looking at me, and then ran off.


    Is it because we have companions in this game that people dont want to group? I like to solo at times myself but its nice to group up for quests if we are all doing the same ones.


    Its making me wonder why I even rolled a healer, since the only thing I heal is my companion.

    this is the result of creating a single player game with lobby online features. Communities in earlier MMO's were built out of need for survival. TOR is a singleplayer game 1600 hours of it is designed for you to play completely alone. If you were looking for a true MMO you were just sold snake oil.

  16. Most of it sounds promising. But don't forget that BW has a reealllly gooood PR/Hype-machine department. I think I will wait until this stuff releases before I start kissing rings.


    another 2008'r speaking the truth. this game is far from what they hyped through devolpment. In my opinion its a very very good lobby game and a medicore MMO.

  17. Whats up SWTOR folks. I don't like really starting Threads like this due to the trolling, qq'ing and other stuff that happens in them but I did'nt see a discussion on them like I see about character unlocks and others. I hope to have an intelligent discussion because I think it's one of the many issues we have with the Legacy System.


    Currently as we heard at the Guild Summit. You will now be able to earn new abilities from other classes you play on your server. Not only will you be able to earn new abilities you can also earn buffs for those abilities.


    We heard about this earlier regarding the Legacy system but apparently people had some fears about this. Many folks felt that using these abilities in pvp and operations would cause balancing issues and favortisim in grouping due to certain abilities.


    I want to start by saying I understand. I think most understand that balancing something like this could be a nightmare. But when I heard this was the only excuse, I can't help but wonder, how do other MMO's do this? Because they have.


    Some of the folks I know thought it was gonna be a means of covering certain weaknesses of certain classes so you could gain abilities based on certain combinations on the family tree giving you a new power you can use anywhere that is now proven to not be the case.


    Rather than go on some qq'ing rant and telling bioware that I know more than them, I want to hear from the brightest and intelligent minds of the community how to make this feature more fesible if they had the choice so we can use some of these powers anywhere and not just solo pve. How can we balance it is the question because I think it's possible.


    And you probably wondering why do I care? Well to be honest, it's a worthless feature. Ok so I can kick an operative boss between the legs......I still need a companion and I still need to use a very specific buff with a long cooldown to use it. If these restrictions are already there, why restrict it to Solo PvE? So it's kind of a pointless ability and the very fact that you have to use it with a companion out loses the ability to "show off" as they advertise. How can we make this more useful?


    We alrleady know this can cause problems balance wise. bit what are some ideas YOU might have that can possibly balance this feature. I know we don't know how it works live yet so most of this will be speculation.


    The legacy system is non consequential fluff. it will have no impact on your CHR for end game content . It is nothing like AA in EQ 1 or 2 that increased you chrs power in a certain direction. the more we know the less it looks appealing to the the end game player that likes to have a main.

  18. Ya know, I am past the angry/mad part now its just depressing and sad. SOA is still bugged on the 3rd phase where he doesnt lose the last 3 stacks of his shield, no matter how many pylons you take down.


    What are you developers doing? Why isnt this stuff caught in the QA department? Its just damn sad.


    He reset on us last night at 10 % . 15 days left and i wont be able to tell bioware i think they made a crappy MMO all the fanbois will praise jesus

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