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Posts posted by wifeaggro

  1. Your prediction, like so many others, means absolutely jack squat.


    Well contrary to your belief it means quite alot. It means funding for Tor will be signifcantly reduced. The fact they gave a free 30 days to all 50 lvl accounts is very very bad news.it was a direct attempt to mitigate subscription losses to their investors call. The burn off was far greater then what any anticpated in the first 90 days. I am pretty sure there is 500 k of those 50,s not resubbing . By daniel ericksons own addmission he stated the concorent players. Has significantly dropped as well as the number of hours people actully play. He even stated in an interview they were very shocked how easily people completed the content and how quickly the players finished end game activites.if that negative trend continues to grow the tor game will not get funding fpr.content or features. It doss mean quite alot contrary to your opinion.

  2. I love it when people who don't know their arse from their elbow pipe up with these inane 1-liners.


    500K subs is massive, bro. Then again, I'm a former AoC player, so I think 50,000 is a massive number.


    As for the OP, try doing something with other people. It'll feel like an MMO.


    Also, it's vanilla. If you don't know what that means, it means there isn't much to do yet.


    Personaly i agree with the OP tor feels like a disjointed single player game.i also play aoc, i dont know the us player base numbers but 50 k is not accurate. At the end of july 2011 i read a report from forbes naming the 10 top mmos free and p2p aoc was number 5 with 250 k i assume that is world wide. TOR is the only MMo to have given a free sub cycle to players in its first year. Tor i suspect at the next quarterly will post a little over 500k.the free 30 days extendedto 50 s definately padded the sub numbers. Alot of end game guilds left in mass when they tore through the games ridiculously easy end game.

  3. What about bugged operations? Let's say you got a 50 and you were ready to do operations to find out that the content is blocked by bugs? Is this important? (A lot of guildees have dropped out of game because of this, and some still hang around for at least the pvp content).

    Ya im pretty much quit a month ago. SOA restting broken plat forms and a let alone the tank and spank in 6 and hald minutes or you loose. There is no other challenge other than a dps race

  4. We either need a level 50 character OR legacy level 6? So since my jedi guardian just hit level 50 I won't have to worry about reaching legacy level 6 before the deadline?


    Leys get this cleared up. Anyone who thinks the free 30 day has anything to do with EA doing some

    thing nice for the subscribers is completely delusional. This is a complete sham to pad their sub numbers forthe next investors conference.so even if you have canceled on your account they can count you as an active sub for investors. In all my years of sub based mmos i have never seen this done. TOR is in deep mud if they are giving people free 30 days

  5. You could walk around the planets in swg, Each planet had mulitple starports and various cities.


    SWG was a virtual world were your toon resided.


    SWTOR is just a video game, the planets are hallways or MOBs with no place to really go outside of questing.


    SWTOR is not a virtual world and when you log out you dont exist.


    SWTOR is NOTHING like SWG.


    Both games are great at what they offer, but what they offer

    is vastly different.

    the future devolpers should shoot for the best of both worlds.
  6. The frakin' gods. The only things that SWG and TOR share is that they're both Star Wars games. Honestly after taking a period to look over things and enjoy what little 1.2 has to offer that isn't a gimmick it's clear to me now.


    TOR is what it is. SWG was what it was.


    As a former SWG player I'm not going to lie I have a somewhat bias towards TOR just because of how much you could do and the fact that you felt immersed in the star wars universe. If you're not a star wars fan and you're an MMO fan SWG will not appeal to you, mostly because it was a real challenge and progression was tough from the very start.


    In TOR things are handed to you from the very start and things don't become much of a challenge later on once you understand your advanced class and how to survive even the toughest encounters.


    Now that 1.2 has added world events and made this game feel more like an MMO than before I have started enjoying it more. But I'm not going to delude myself, this isn't a true MMO. This is a blending of Mass Effect and KOTOR with multiplayer aspects. At least that's the way I see it.


    TOR has real potential now and I really hope they add some things from SWG into it to make it feel more like an MMO should and more importantly how Star Wars should.


    What would I do if SWG was re-released with an updated engine and graphics? I'd be very happy but I'd play both TOR and SWG. You get very different things out of each game. Fan boys of both sides need to cut it out and get over themselves. Your opinions are not as important as everyone else's and you can't stipulate why you're right and everyone else is wrong.


    Grow up and start realising opinions aren't fact.


    I think that is part of the problem. your assessment is correct, and though i did not play SWG for very long. It was way to sandbox for me it was a true MMO with out question. the confusion and dilema lies in what you said TOR is a single player game with Multiplayer aspects .its almost more A kin to NWN profesionaly desinged persistent world then a MMO.

    The Problem lies in the fact EA and BW marketed this as a true MMO with a 4 pillar called story when infact it was a True Single player game with multi player aspects. It has cauased a great amount of dissent among veteran MMO'rs and casual player bases that are used to a true MMO. this game is marketed at bringing in new MMO players from single player games and the facebook gamer generation.unfortunately the back bone of populations is the Veteran Casual and the hard core. Tor will never reach its potential with the limitations of its design and the engine its built upon, the game is rudimentary at best.

  7. What do you expect EA is involved lol, the worst company in the world the company which gamers hate, some people wont even buy a game with EA on it even if the game was ok from another company. The fact is this the game is dieing they offering 30 days free because they know people quiting and hoping people think oh free time ill hang around. But honestly alot us cant even be bothered trying the 1.2 with all the complaints about it why waste the bandwidth downloading it. I personally im done with the game and hope others boycotte as a testement that releasing rushed games for quick money is not acceptable to the gaming community. Let hope GW2 is as good it looks and diablo 3 holds us for abit too.


    i boycotted ME3. its not entirely EA 's fault though they are largely to blame. BW had been starting the dumb down consolfication of their single player games for quite a long time prior to EA. I had low expectations of TOR but i did think it was going to be a true MMO, its far more hybrid lobby esq then i had anticpated completely directed at the new MMO player. not even the casual audience in the end analysis. it was specfically designed for the facebook gamer to bring them into the MMO market and the single player gamer. unfotunately the veteran is not finding much substance in TOR other then 8 stories which my Gaming style is much more a focus on my main chr alts are for 6 to 9 months in to game.

  8. If you are gonna talk about how you reached level 50 and now you are bored then take a step back and think. Bioware made a story based MMO so when the story halts at level 50 then of course there won't be much to do. That is why they made EIGHT different classes with EIGHT UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT STORYLINES.


    If you play this game and story isn't a major factor for you then this MMO isn't intended for you. But for the rest of us story matters and there are 8 different ones to experience and they are not short either. So unless you have played through all 8 stories then a lack of content really isn't a valid complaint. I am currently playing through the Sith Inquisitor storyline and when I reach level 50 I will be more than happy to play through as a Jedi on different planets with a different story.


    Thanks i realize that that is why i unsubbed i dont want 8 single player games with the same areas . i want an MMO

  9. Who was claiming in first place it would bring back the masses? :(


    That was a pipe dream 1.2 was just a content patch. a patch that should have had been the launch game. i have no desire to log into swtor at all, nothing short of a complete game overhaul and an expansion to make this game a real MMO would make me consider coming back. Went back to rift and will likely stay there .

  10. im glad bioware do not cater for hardcore raiders ..


    their current focus on story and casual players indicate that bioware do their homework and market research and correctly summarized that its casual players who play slowly and therefore subscribe longer than the endgame crowd who left for new game anyway..


    so i hope bioware add more story and expand the class quest and companion stories.. and do not listen to the loudmouth forum poster because every MMO that listen to their hardcore forum poster will be ruined, just like Warhammer Online, Age of Conan and countless MMO ruined by hardcore gamers..


    I would agree with you if the game was aimed at the casual. but its not its aimed at a large singleplayer audience . I am a casual i have 1 50 chr and thats it i dont like rerolling nor would i consider it before the legacy unlocks. ive been full columni for months and have no desire to try to fill my raiding ranks in my guild to do the same content with more HP and race enrage timers for rakata gear that is exactly the same as columni despite the rating.

    Glad you like the game though. It was not my cup of tea as i like MMO's . Casual in my mind frame does not equate to solo play but to each his own.

  11. This is not a game aimed at the hardcore. Many HC gamers (like myself) are guilty of trying to make this game what it simply isn't.


    As the Bioware Rep on the Pax East Panel said, to Paraphrase "your focused demographic is usually dictated by how much the game cost to make. In the future when these game can be made faster and for less money, I'm sure we'll see a lot of games aimed a niche audiences like the hardcore but for now, you don't spend 300 million on a game for 70k-100k subscriptions."


    When I quit WoW years ago, I said i would wait for Swtor, as it seemed to have what i wanted from a game and after 7 years, it wasn't set in Azeroth.



    What i hadn't (but should have) anticipated was the targeted audience and how wide the net Swtor was casting.


    After hitting 50, raiding and rolling numerous alts to 50 It started to sink in that the overall difficulty level of this game is not what i expected. Then again, what I expected was based on what I had hoped for rather than what was most logical for the company and the subsequent game.



    Basically we the minority, the hardcore few will never change the aims of this game and would be silly to even try to. Accept What the game is, then evaluate if it is for you. Anything more is just trying to change something that was obviously not meant for your play style.


    I would not be so sure. BW is learning a valuable lesson right now. MMO 's are house hold names and casual does not equate to new player. TOR is aimed at the brand new MMO'r and single player guy. but a large portion of the audience has several MMO's under their belt and years of MMO gaming expierence even if they are casual.


    Concepts dont always translate well to audiences and i am not putting any money on TOR for long term success. TOR is a rerollers game and for the guy who likes lobby esque activities. of all the MMO's ive played this one really failed in the second M of MMO horribly.

    Already back to Rift for me though its truly aiming it self at the casual and the diffculty is shallow as well there is MMO activies going on in the open world. And there is a layer of complexity that TOr does not offer.

  12. Something about this game seems to discourage socializing. You can be in a zone with 40 or 60 players, and the General chat is completely silent. You can ask a simple question, and nobody will reply. You can say hello or make a joke, and not even crickets. This has been the case on multiple servers. I don't get it. What is it about this game that makes people not want to chat with other players? Is the story that involving? Is it like watching a movie where you're not allowed to talk? :confused:


    NWN1 lobby worked better then the current chat system they have. the game functions as a single player game, its is not a true MMO though.



    Oh you're serious....


    TOR leaves alot to be deisred its no where near a true MMO. its a great single player game with multi play options. AOC was a true MMO with full feature sets guild features and PVP features. World desgin hid instancing much better but it was very buggy to put it lightly and unplayable for some. TOR released functional and polished yes but its not a MMO in the way a portion of the Veteran community thinks of them. TOR has some great things but its lacking in the department of multiplayer immersion.

  14. LOL! That's as funny as people saying Aion & Rift would drive every other MMO off the market!


    Oh wait, you're serious and actually do consider those to be hot contenders. My mistake.


    To be fair not a friggin person had really heard of Rift until its beta. i had followed that game from its offical forums and it was a very very small community. that game grew on word of mouth and playability, it is now the standard of polish devolpers want to release with . Aion on the other hand was hyped and pitched like AOC and was spat out rather fast by the american market due to its extremely grindy play expierence and was far from polished it was very buggy.


    But i do agree with you i dont think any of those listed will threaten any MMO out today. EQ3 is the only title i was looking forward to but now that i see the little bits of leaked info from it its not appealing at all. as for Titan its gonna be more like TOR then anyone suspects i do not think it will be anywhere near the expecttions of the market when it releases.

  15. You misunderstood what I was saying. The point is that there's no hard data. Yes you are probably on a low population server. I am too, but I have no information one way or the other to say whether or not the population is growing or dropping.


    Both are nothing more than speculation.


    Its not growing im on a top ten populated server and its down to under 90 people prime time on the fleet and lvl searches by planets is extremly low. its about a 60 to 70 percent burn off from what we had at the end of january.


    sub retention despite what the spin is is ganna be very low come the may investors quarterly report.

  16. Am I just missing something here? I feel so disconnected to the server I'm on. If I want to find a group, I have to go back to the fleet and spam chat messages. And if I'm like on Hoth or Alderran there's like 4 or 5 people on and that's the only people I can talk to. I know we got dungeon finder supposedly coming at some point. But world chat seems like such an easy fix in the interim.


    In EQ2, they had the "Level 1_9" chatroom that everyone could be in and see no matter where they were in the world. If you needed a group you could send a shout out there and anyone could see it. They could also camp over to their ALT and join your group.


    I miss that chat cause you could always ask questions there or just watch people chat as you leveled and it was interesting or entertaining. Meanwhile, I'm out here on Hoth and nobody's chatting and I feel like I'm the only one playing on my server.


    I seem to remember WoW being this way too way back when I played and I just assumed that was because I was on a PVP server. But I'm PVE here in SWTOR.


    So is that just how it is? Is WoW still this way too?

    Every single aspect of the first and second M of the Mmo was very poorly done. Tor is a great single player game with online features and very medicore MMO.

  17. I played UO and then WoW for ages, never missed a day even from day 1.


    This game is just so lacking in so many ways I am already to the point where I go days without logging on.


    So many core systems missing and so so very linear. What shame because I like Star Wars a lot, such a disappointment.


    Thank goodness there are quite a few MMO's to play

  18. This ^^


    And, to the OP.. I don't know if I'd be tossing around the "you should be fired" statement if I were you. Somebody might be saying the same thing about your job right now or at some point in the future even if you thought you were doing the best job you could do. In other words.. hoping for the ruin of somebody's family is a little insensitive even if you are exaggerating.


    I realize there's no room for human decency on the interwebs.. but we can try to think before we type every once in a while.


    They should be fired and for the record so should I . but i am a teamster and even if i kill someone i cant be fired. so just fire the armor design team and be done with it.

  19. This can't be farther from the truth. Blaming gamers for misdeveloping and bad management is just blaming the victim. Bioware simply believed that their game is so great that the trend will be only in up direction... People are spread out because the servers can hold maximum of two thousand people instead of ten. Such server, if not having the maximum number of players, quickly begin to look underpopulated. And then it starts a chain reaction. And of course the zone limit - only 100 people in a single instance. One gets to wonder why all the people are not on a single server when they are separated by instancing, like in Guild Wars 1.


    The other major feature of the game is that the majority of investements have gone for recording of quest speech. Personal stories are good, but the rest of the quests are all the same and include some military conversation about targets, units and special forces. They are crap. There are no huge open spaces for people to wander, gather/grind and accidentally meet someone else for party or pvp or anything. Dynamic events obviously are off the schedule for Bioware. There are planets completely off reach for the opposite faction and almost all of them have empire and republic territories situated at the same coordinates which is absurd and ruins all the illusion of a consistent world. You simply cannot attack any base, because it is beyond the event horizon. In essence, this game is a massive single player game. Once you eat all the content you're done.


    This is absloutely the truth of SWTOR it is a massive on line single player game. everything is designed around a single player class story. it has forced seperation and segregation of factions which is absurd considering the premise of the game being faction based and race restrictive.

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