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Everything posted by Jonlo

  1. The voice is that of a Jedi. Tranquil. If you want a raging bruiser, play a trooper or bounty hunter. You'll get that voice there.
  2. It's all a matter of what class/gear/area you're fighting in. The point is, there's not a single Flashpoint or Operation they can't be used in.
  3. ...Other than the fact they're free, very high damage attacks. Force leap a standard mob, Opportune Strike, Blade Storm, Pommel Strike. You've now done a ton of damage to it, more than likely killed it, and still have a huge chunk of Force to blow on any Strong or higher.
  4. You use the words "it will be" When you have no way of actually being sure that's what's causing the bug.
  5. ...overreact much? They've already said they're looking into it.
  6. Because you don't understand how coding works. Just cause it seems like a "simple fix" from your perspective, doesn't mean it actually is.
  7. Jonlo

    lvl 50s

    People tend to get annoyed when someone comes in and calls us all liars because he can't take the time to learn to play.
  8. Working as intended. Only works on Weak/Normal/Strong. But yeah I use it a ton when tanking places. You can use it after a Bladestorm on normals, too.
  9. We use a Vig Guardian. And he does fine. Focus is really a more PvP spec.
  10. Tooltip says it only works on Weak/Normal/Strong. Players are Elites, technically. Working as intended.
  11. Jonlo

    lvl 50s

    Counter argument: You're not as good as you think you are. Learn to play.
  12. It HAS been fixed... Unless you're being vague about something else and pretending like everyone should know what you're talking about.
  13. Certain classes can be temporarily immune to interrupts.
  14. If the stories I'm hearing are true, he's been nerfed.
  15. I'm not having very many issues in the way of threat generation in any of the fights I do. Maybe I'm missing something? If it's an AoE pack, I leap, sweep, cyclone slash, then single target attacks on any strong/elite I need to really hold. After the AoE starts, I just hit Command, and everything is usually dead except the clean up mobs. Unless you consider taunting cheating or something.
  16. Indeed. When would they have time to sleep when they're out running missions all day?
  17. AoEs used to not affect the adds. Had to Awe then Strike/Slash them down.
  18. Every fight is possible to beat by yourself if you pay attention to the mechanics of it.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/r8UtX.jpg
  20. Wow. People really should read what they type. It might lead to less stupid posting.
  21. Before 1.1 Cyclone Slash and Force Sweep didn't hit the adds.
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