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  1. When crafting items the dialog box should default to Level or Rating view, IMO. The Difficulty view doesn't show you any information that is not shown in these other two views (which both show the color-coded difficulty to the items as well) and I am constantly having to switch to the level view. At the very least, please change it so it remembers your last view and keeps that until you change it. Right now it is reset to 'Difficulty' every time you log out and back in again.
  2. It's pretty straightforward: Bring out Qyzen, hit "P" and look at your companion's powers. Some say "Melee" and some "Tech". Hit "C" and look at his stats. Hover over STR and you see it gives a bonus to melee damage and crit. Hover over AIM and you can see it also gives a bonus to melee, Tech, and a bunch of other stuff you don't really care about. Look at the specific "Melee" and "Tech" stats in the lower half of this window for details. TL;DR - STR is 'okay' for Qyzen, but unless you have all his tech powers turned off, AIM > STR.
  3. Comparing a rifle with a cannon at rating 104: - Rifle min damage is ~95% of cannon. - Rifle max damage is ~75% of cannon. - Rifle avg damage is ~75% of cannon. Not knowing exactly how the game 'rolls' a value between the min and max range, I am just guessing that average damage is (min+max)/2. I can't test cannon vs. rifle much further than this, as my troop is a Vanguard. Higher rating weapons do cause the non-'weapon damage' abilities to do more damage, but does a higher weapon max damage affect your non-weapon damage abilities? If not, then it's really only 'weapon damage' abilities you're losing out on with the rifle. Still, unless using the cannon increases the GCD from 1.5s to 2s, I don't see how you could do the same DPS with a rifle. EDIT: TheRabbit posted while I was composing the above. I went back and double checked -- it does appear that it is NOT the weapon rating that was causing tech abilities to do more damage, but the higher amount of tech power (and other stats) on the higher rated weapon. So I would assume there would actually be NO difference cannon vs. rifle for any of these abilities.
  4. 3. The ship itself looks like it should fall over. The interior is average. I would have prefered something more streamlined and balanced. Dagger-shaped, say, with big missile pods hanging under the wings.
  5. Interesting. I guess I was wasting my time with Riot Strike on that guy then.
  6. Just wondering if I am missing something about Force Kick. As an interrupt ability, I was expecting it to work just like my Trooper's Riot Strike, which I use regularly to interrupt enemy inductions. But since I got Force Kick it is almost always grayed out. I went through Hammer Station last night and was unable to interrupt the first boss (big mining robot) at all, something I did all the time tanking him with my trooper, several weeks back. At other times I could use it, but there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to when it would light up and when it would not. Is it just me, or is there some trick to getting Force Kick to light up?
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