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Everything posted by Jonlo

  1. This does happen, and you can get Focus Flooded, and instead of Strike you use Slash to dump Focus. Should this thread be reposted in the tank forums as well?
  2. It's not in for launch. You can use a custom (orange type) armor with the hood down and keep it modded to stay relevant if you want.
  3. If they improved Blade Barrier. That would be nice. I also wish that Protector and Unremitting got bumped over to the Def tree...
  4. Jeez you weren't kidding when you said you had a whole guide worked up for that.
  5. If you want calm and patient, I pre-ordered on Aug 23, but didn't enter my code till Nov 2. I might not even be in today. In fact, I'm probably not in today. Know what that means? Guess I need to do something else this evening after work. Maybe some tank theorycrafting in the Jedi Knight forums. Play a different game while I wait, who knows. One of my guild mates is in, so I can probably have him reserve my name.
  6. I think you got it wrong. Acting childish like that means that you're embarrassing yourself, no BioWare. Stop acting like they owe you first day Early Access.
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