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Everything posted by NDiggy

  1. Care to share where you saw these adds? The television ads said nothing about SWTOR being the MMO where you level alts. There are no print or online ads that advertised SWTOR as being the MMO where endgame is leveling alts over and over. I read several preview articles from Gamespy, IGN and Game Informer and none of those mentioned the game being about leveling alts. I did talk about how smooth the leveling process is in SWTOR, but its a big leap to say that we were all meant to constantly roll alts in order to enjoy the game we pay $15 per month to play.
  2. 1.2 broke this game, and it ain't coming back. If they have more than 500k subscribers by the end of June I'd be shocked.
  3. Leveling alts isn't content, its what you do when there is no more content at 50 or there aren't enough people on your server anymore to do content with. I played WoW for 2 years before I ever started seriously leveling an alt. In this game I started one after 2 months. I've got 3 50s now in a game that is only 6 months old and my server is a ghost town. This game wasn't advertised as the MMO where you level alts for content, it was advertised as a normal MMO. Leveling an alt should be something you want to do to see how another class plays, not something you have to do due to lack of content.
  4. NDiggy


    A good Marauder can swing a close game. There are 3 classes that need some serious adjustments, Marauders, Pyro PTs and Tankassins. I have a 50 Sentinel (valor rank 61) and 50 Assassin (valor rank in 40s) and I can safely say that they're both insanely easy to dominate PvP with. I also have a 50 Commando who is valor rank 70, so I know all about sub par pvp classes and using personal skill to make a poor pvp class excel. Going from a Commando to a Sentinel or Tankassin is like turning on a cheat code or something. Some adjustments should, and likely are, heading their way.
  5. NDiggy


    I don't care what anyone says, it takes a lot of skill to be able to play a Sentinel. Fortunately, you are given a lot of skill simply by choosing to play a Sentinel. Going from my Commando to a Sentinel I finally realized that all my pvp woes were really a matter of L2P. Actually, it was more a matter of "learn to roll a sentinel:.
  6. If I planned on still playing I'd be looking forward to transfers. But as with most things in this game, when they do get here it will be too little, too late, and probably poorly managed.
  7. What is funny is that if the servers are as massive as people are speculating (15k), it would have the same effect on "community" as a X-server queue system would. With 15k people on one server, everyone will essentially be anonymous. If someone is a troll or a jerk during a HM or OP, it wouldn't be the same as if that person was on a server with 2 or 3 thousand people. Basically everyone loses with this solution. It still ruins the community and it still won't give people looking to run content the instant satisfaction they'd have had if there were a x-server system.
  8. What risk? People can grief a WZ as easily as a HM or Op. And as far as communities go, PvP'ers are a tight knit bunch. X-Server would definitely ruin that, so if community is what is important, then shouldn't PvP be same server only?
  9. To be fair, if you play on one of the 4 servers that actually still have a population, things probably seem hunky dory. I haven't logged into the game in over 2 weeks, and I still have 3 weeks left of my free 30 days. Days go by with no WZ queue popping, and when they do pop its 6v4 and absolutely not fun. No one runs OPs because the content is so easy to clear no one wants to run it ad nauseum only to get gear that isn't really an upgrade and also looks like a cow's behind. The funny things is, unless BWs plans have changed, PvP is going to be X-Server, which to me seems like they would want to keep that server based too if they're so big on community.
  10. I actually hope this happens and BW doesn't do anything about it for 6 months. It would only be fair.
  11. Its pretty sad that there isn't one place where people can go for information on this game. Some of it is in a blog, some in the (lol) Dev Tracker, some in the Q & A, some on Twitter or Facebook. Much of the best info is on 3rd party sites. Its just far too scattered. The community team does a pretty awful job of collecting that information and displaying it in an easily accessible and concise form here on the game's website. If they're dead set on using Twitter or Facebook, they could put feeds on the SWTOR front page so people don't have to go to other websites. It would also be nice if individual devs weren't posting game info on their personal Twitter accounts, because that is yet another hurdle to jump through to find what precious little info there is on this game and its developments. At the end of the day its just another BW failure in the long line of failures in the making of this game.
  12. Years from now, when industry analysts are dissecting SWTOR to find out what went wrong, all they'll have to do is point to this thread. Clueless developers allowing the vocal minority of players on the forum to dictate what they implement in game will be a major factor in the game's demise.
  13. Yawn...color me unimpressed. Its this really supposed to keep my subscription?
  14. I remember thinking that one time about two months ago. Then I realized it was because there were only 8 people on my fleet.
  15. Queues would actually have to pop to be satisfied. Haven't had one pop in over a week.
  16. A free year wouldn't keep me around at this point.
  17. What myth? It came from the mouth of a developer. By the time 1.3 is live it will be over three months after 1.2, for a patch that had no content, only features. And they wonder why people are quitting in droves.
  18. I really get a kick out of how selfish and entitled your posts are, yet you think everyone here is being an elitist. Why does it even matter whose team the person in greens and blues is on? I want competitive games. Blow outs aren't entertaining no matter which end of them you're on. You're really stretching if you're trying to make that a point, which by the way I did address when someone else brought it up earlier in the thread. When people don't wear PvP gear, they make their teams less competitive. Making a conscious decision to eschew PvP gear is about the most selfish thing a player can do because it only hurts the team, and it certainly can't be helping your PvP experience as an individual either. Gear requirements are part of MMOs whether they're straight up gear checks, or more passive ones like enrage timers on boss fights. If you can't deal with the "gear" aspect of MMOs why do you play? Please explain to me why you would want to actively lower your ability to succeed in PvP by not at least wearing the basic Recruit set? That has nothing to do with play style. Play style comes down to choice of class, spec and the way you play your character, not the gear you simply refuse to wear. This isn't a war on "baddies", player skill isn't really something they have any control over. What they can control to an extent is the gear they wear, and the Recruit set is available to everyone. There is no excuse not to wear it. You only hurt yourself and your team when you don't.
  19. Would be awful clever for a phishing attempt or spam.
  20. Don't buy it, I don't care anymore. Play naked for all I care.
  21. Got an email survey from EA today and I have to say it seemed pretty ominous about the future of SWTOR. Basically all the questions were about how much I would be willing to pay for TOR content packages. Did anyone else get this email? Does this mean they're ramping up to go F2P?
  22. NDiggy

    7PM and 24 on fleet

    My bustling metropolis of a server has doubled your fleet pop at 12 people. BW: "Move along people, nothing to see here!"
  23. And yet I'm supposedly the "elitist" in this conversation.
  24. Meh, you'd still have been better off playing a Gunslinger or Sage. No sense working ten times harder to do what the other ranged classes can do standing on their head all day long.
  25. Wearing the Recruit set not only helps the people wearing it, but increases your team's chances of winning. Why would you refuse to wear something that is only going to make the experience better for everyone involved? This has nothing to do with elitism. It isn't elitism when someone wants to make the game fun for the majority of people. Is it really that much fun walking into a level 50 WZ fresh after dinging and getting destroyed? If you want to argue the set is too expensive or takes too long to farm in Outlaw's Den where it drops for free, then fine, argue that. However, you can't say its an elitist argument when wearing the gear will only put you on better footing compared to other more veteran PvP'ers as opposed to not wearing it. Wearing the gear WILL HELP YOU OUT! This thread is all about making PvP as fun for you as it is for your teammates. Believe it or not, other people play this game and they want to have fun as well. You are not a special snowflake and people don't admire your independence when you pop into a level 50 WZ in nothing but level 40 green and blue quest gear. People get upset with you because you aren't being considerate of their game time and the effort they put into buying the gear and gearing up. People get upset because PvP queues on many servers are over an hour long, and when you wait that long you damn sure want the best possible chance to win. If you know about the Recruit set and refuse to buy and wear it, you're not just hurting yourself, your hurting your team and the other people on your faction. If you think "elitism" is driving people away from PvP and SWTOR, just imagine the people who quit in frustration because people can't be bothered to do something as simple as wear the PvP gear that is freely available to them because they "want to play the game their way".
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