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Everything posted by NDiggy

  1. Wow, each thread went all of 3 pages and consisted of many of the same posters. Clearly the community was about to explode if we did not get Cathar as a playable race. Thank you for enlightening me on this topic that has clearly swept across the SWTOR community.
  2. Kilrathi, even for being cat people, were/are 100000000000x better than Cathar.
  3. Rated WZs were in the 1.2 trailer. Very heavily featured in that trailer in fact. Guess what didn't make it into 1.2?
  4. I'm on here quite a bit during my down town at work and I've never seen a thread wanting cat people as a playable race. I've seen Voss, Wookies, Rhodians, Bothans, Trandoshan, Droids and even Gungan and Ewoks (lawl). Never once have I seen a cat people thread. Not saying no one has made one, just saying that if they made one it didn't have much traction to stay on the front page of General or Suggestion forums. I really think BW just wanted to appease the Furries.
  5. All 20 people left that still post on this forum are just as divided as ever. The people who love leveling alts are excited about this announcement, and everyone else is like "thats it?" Also, Cathar?????
  6. Please copy and paste this in more threads. None of us read it the first 6 times you posted it.
  7. Given the rate at which they're patches have been coming out, I would expect any of that before February, which means they'd have all the bugs introduced in that patch fixed by next December.
  8. Grats? Wasn't the point of my post. Let me provide an example to elaborate my point. SWTOR is a mid-to high end restaurant. I go there a couple times per week, but the service is always bad, they regularly over cook my steaks, and at least once per week I find a bug in my food. Sure, I can afford to keep eating there, but why would I keep giving my money to that restaurant when there are other similar restaurants out there that don't have all those problems? If I kept eating there despite all those issues, what would that say about me?
  9. At least if they'd given us Wookies we'd have known they put some effort into it because it would have required new models, animations and artwork for gear. Instead we get a new race which is basically just a human with a poorly drawn cat head. I'm sure that took them all of 5 minutes to work on and they're touting it like its a major selling point of this new content.
  10. They are a race bereft of any creativity or originality. They're basically just humans with cat heads on them, which pretty much means they're the same as every other playable race in this game. They're also nowhere to be found in any of the SW movies. There is a wealth of variety in the SW universe that they could draw from, but instead they give us Cathar, the one race that looks like it was designed by my 6 year old if he was asked to draw a cat man.
  11. The most underwhelming "massive" announcement ever.
  12. Yeah, he also said that before almost everyone that bought the game unsubscribed. BW/EA needs this game to make money and losing as many subs as they have probably means this won't be given to us for free. So, the question then becomes, after how poorly managed SWTOR has been over its first 6 months, do you really want to give BW/EA more money?
  13. Agreed. Would have been nice to get a planet everyone had heard of too.
  14. Is it an expansion or a patch? If its an expansion that is pretty sad.
  15. You're in a small group of people then. Wookies, Rhodians, Bothans and Trandoshans are all more popular as well as traditional Star Wars races that people would have rather seen. Cathar was probably just easier to code. Its not like they'll have any unique animations or voice acting.
  16. Grin, I thought the same thing watching that video. Woohoo! We get Cathar, the race everyone's been clamoring for...oh wait, they weren't.
  17. Nothing to get excited about. More of the same. And was anyone clamoring to have Cathar as a playable race? Unless they're going to turn space combat into the next xwing vs. tie fighter game there really isn't anything new to get excited about or any reason to stay.
  18. I doubt there will be any SWTOR announcements. EA has already given up on this game.
  19. To be fair, at this point I don't think you have to be a professional to see that this game is pretty much dead, and it isn't too hard to see where this game went wrong.
  20. The Blues over at Blizz are pretty condescending. Sure they talk a lot more than BW, but they almost never divulge any useful information. Mostly they just belittle people. The only game I ever played where the Devs were really hands on with the community was City of Heroes, which was a solid game, but nothing spectacular.
  21. The reputation was well earned. What happens when you take a developer that has never made an MMO before, give them some developers from two other massive MMO flops (Age of Conan and Warhammer), add in one of the worst publishers in the industry (EA), and ask them to make a brand new MMO? Massive, massive failure is what happens.
  22. And yet SOA still has many bugs that will wipe an OP, EC still has many OP wiping bugs. They've never been very quick to react, and when they do get around to patching they break something else. They were slow to fix Ilum, and they refused to roll back valor and PvP (whats left of it) is still suffering from that to this day. 4 months to get 1.2, another 3+ months to get 1.3 after they announced they'd be doing monthly content updates. BW is slow. Balance changes should happen monthly at the very least, even if they can't do content monthly.
  23. If it was just an issue of there being too many servers I don't think people would be leaving in droves. Server transfers will help, but ultimately this game has too many flaws to survive as anything more than a F2P game with a handful of servers.
  24. So they said it at a fan summit but never advertised the game as being an exercise in leveling alts. Leveling in general, and alt leveling especially, is one of the most tedious things you can do in an MMO. They're probably still scratching their heads over all the people leaving in droves if they thought alt leveling would be a sufficient end game activity.
  25. Do you have a source for that? I've never seen anyone say that is the point of this game.
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