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Everything posted by Evray

  1. Bioware is officially run by the derp association. I'm on republic (the gimped side) and have won 6 warzones in a row, still no wins counted towards my weekly or daily, and now instead of grudging through my 6 wins with nothing to show for it, I figured maybe I could get it done before the reset. Oh wait! Screw you paying customer, the servers are coming down again!
  2. Its people like this that make me happy. Why? Because I know that even people who have good ideas, but have no idea how to argue in favor of them properly (or maturely) they fall through the gutter and get ignored. It is okay though, hopefully for this guy someone out there with some general sense could maybe argue his point for him. Seriously though, no. Might as well let me change everything, my server, my class, my faction, my race, the money I spent on my speeder, and the fact that I romanced my other companion instead of Vette. Also, where is that parrot I was promised? I thought smuggler was like space pirate, pirates have to have parrots to be pirates you know?
  3. Although I understand your concern, I have played this game pretty avidly and I have only one character who is 50 and is doing regular operations. I think, to be fair, a ridiculously huge portion of the community is no where near your level, and seeing as they released new operations fairly soon after launch, all you can really do is wait. I know its not a fair arguement to say "you shouldn't have rushed" but really, thats kind of the situation your in. Its kind of like when The Phantom Menace Episode I was on the way. You could of never seen Star Wars. Sat down knowing a new movie in the famous series was coming out, sat down and watched all 3 movies in one sitting, then got upset because there "wasn't anything else." I had the misfortune of doing the same thing in Vanilla WoW. I had leveled 3 characters to 60, geared 2 of them completely, and had completed virtually every raid and been pvping and doing other random stuff regularly and eventually just ran out of content. Go kill some world bosses, get all the holocrons, or do some pvp. Seems to me like you have a lot of time on your hands, I'd recommend Darth Plageus its a Star Wars Book about Palpatine's master. Very well done. Otherwise just sit tight and wait for more content to be released.
  4. At this point when it comes to Customer service I don't take Bioware very seriously. I think this guy seems like a perfect fit.
  5. I like many of the ideas presented here. Maybe something along the lines of a legacy planet, where the planet is based around where you can purchase all these legacy and other type of items, or gain certain rewards, merge families, buy wedding rings etc, also they could do legacy specific quests here as well.
  6. My server is usually pretty well populated even on the lowest pop hours. The empire has about 1/3rd more people than the republic side, and the republic fleet on its lowest has around 60-80 people. Peak hours it reaches nearly 200. The Empire can get higher than 200 on a peak in the fleet alone. Although I've heard a lot about 'dead' servers, I have not myself experienced this. Although I do hope server mergers happen eventually. We could always use an influx of new people to freshen up everything.
  7. Im a huge star wars/bioware/mmo/wow-clone fanboi in all regards. I am totally biased towards loving this game, and guess what? I love it. Can't get enough of it. I don't lose sleep over it (usually) and don't let it control my life like a normal human being, but when I do take the time to sit down, and play a video game, its been this since it launched and nothing else. I love it with all my heart and soul and yet.... I'm not biased enough to not see some of the large mistakes in the game, the fact that it was rushed out the door is proof enough the game needs work. Some important, most would consider 'basic' systems don't exist. A lot of stuff is wrong with it and I don't have enough time or patience to list them all. But that aside, I also have been part of the MMO and gaming community since before the times of Everquest, I know no game at launch was perfect and didn't need patching or work. This game needs it too, more so than some games, less than others. I am not naive to say the game is perfect. But that is the real clincher isn't it? The game is NOT perfect. But it IS perfect for me.
  8. Exactly. Do you expect you can just take 30 levels of experience off your 50 and send them to your new Jedi Knight? Name an MMO that does this. Please. Name one successful MMO ever that has allowed this when there were two opposing factions involved.
  9. And of course, this doesn't help people who are in the lower brackets of light or dark side. Want the best relics in game? Have to be pure one side. I can understand specialty weapons, and other cosmetic items like sabers, color crystals, speeders being lightside or darkside only. But to make it so pure neutral characters can't use an item slow altogether? That would be like not giving them chest pieces.
  10. I would NOT want to be allowed to faction change. Your companions would change, your story would change, and you'd just insta-get a other faction character. No no no absolutely no. On topic, I'd love server changes. I got stuck on a ruin server and its so overpopulated by ruinites I had to join them in order to be able to have opportunities at raids and such. My friend rolled on another server not knowing I'd be on the one I am on now as well. Plus, my girlfriend plays on my server and a friend of her's server. The server her friend is on is nearly dead, and she never plays her 50 because she can't find any groups.
  11. *Minor companion spoilers* Kira Carsen and the one female on the sith warrior line are both apprentices/padawans to your main character. And there is one on the Consular as well. So... what else did you want?
  12. Its a rushed game, they have a lot of things that are silly or strange over-sights all over. Unfortunate, hopefully they will get to it bit by bit.
  13. I didn't make it past the first line. I read it. My brain nearly exploded. I proceeded to look and see how long the post was if it was short enough to bear with the awful grammar/spelling, and then I see a wall of text. Too long and incoherent to read. Soz.
  14. Agreed. Went to go get my first companion customization which is 12,500 credits. Of course I wanted to view them all so I began clicking and viewing. I wittled it down to two choices. I went to one, then as I went to the other BAM, wrong click and I officially bought that one. Go figure it ends up being the one I didn't want. And now I am out 12,500 credits. It has happened for me numerous times with other things, mostly minor, sometimes big. Either way, even a 30 minute buyers remose/sellers remorse sort of system would help get rid of this problem.
  15. Funny, on my Jedi Knight I got annoyed because I never got to see my hair. So many hoods
  16. Well I don't know if that's the way it is done, but amongst all the other stuff they have going on, I don't think 4 hour down times even during the middle of the day on a Saturday is something really worth whining about considering they are doing so to fix the game and its other issues. Yes they'll lose subs. But it encourages people to go have a life. The game isn't everything, and they can't possibly cater to everyone's schedule. Run errands or do homework or something else you have to do later in the day or later in the week so that you can substitute that 4 hours of server down time later on. If you have absolutely nothing to do, then I highly doubt 4 hours of lost time is very much by comparison to the amount of time you play. I doubt every single person in the EU works two jobs and only can do anything remotely exciting or time consuming on saturdays and they fill all that time with Swtor. Manage your time around it like an adult, its 4 hours. I wouldn't be happy if it was me either, but I also wouldn't be here whining about it. I'd deal with it and move on. If this game is really worth so much anger and angst and crying and whining then you need a priority update.
  17. Well lets see, if the patches and updates come from Bioware HQ, and they do it to ALL servers at the same time, then what would you expect? Yeah, maybe they should do down times differently and let the EU staff take care of it, but what if that isn't how the system is designed? What if the servers and everything else in Europe are not meant for also patching and updating? Then what? No updates or patches for EU? Sounds great.
  18. So where are you pulling these numbers out of? What evidence do you have to support that 40-50% of the player base is in Europe, or that the EU has a vastly larger potential of subs?
  19. This. Yes, it sucks we know. Bioware is in Austin, Texas. Not Europe. And even though they have support staff and servers stationed in Europe, they do a 100% server shut down to whatever reason, surely they will choose the most off time for their main consumers. Americans. For me, almost all of these server down times happen after midnight so I am almost always able to sleep, wake up earlier in order to miss the entire thing. Your arguement simply is invalid. Now if you were to say that maybe they should find a way to do seperate down times, or they shouldn't of done it on a Saturday then you'd have a leg to stand on. Oh wait, its on tuesday not Saturday hurdur. But "what about EU!?!!?!" is pretty much pointless. Bioware is in America, end of story. I don't complain that when I get something shipped from another side of the planet, and it doesn't ship because its sunday in that country but here its saturday, or because they don't ship at night but here its day time...
  20. I used the same robes for my Jedi the majority of my leveling experience and I loved it. I occasionally changed the other around him. But now that I am in full battlemaster gear and look like a ridiculous Samurai, I can only pray that I get Rakata gear soon to outdo it so I can look like a real Jedi again. This whole shogun warrior armor is really grinding my gears. I wish they had a long term customization system that could be used the entire time.
  21. Its a Saturday, go out and do something with your friends...
  22. I see. Thank you for clearing up the matter. Then I retract my previous statement, however, purple gear at end game still overshadows any mods available. Especially Battlemaster and Columi/Rakata.
  23. I had a level 17 chest piece for 30 levels that was orange because I thought the base stats didn't matter. I got a non-modded orange at level 41 and then took all my mods out of the 17 chest piece, my armor difference was almost 190. Maybe not all orange armor has a base stat, but others do. It was that way in Beta, and its that way now.
  24. Look who I quoted and who I was responding to before you respond with something this ignorant, especially when I am supporting your side. In other words, I didn't respond to YOU at all. I responded to the guy who was arguing in the case of orange armors working in the game already. I said why they don't work. In your favor, but I guess you didn't read a thing I wrote and just responded. Way to read.
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