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Everything posted by Coplann

  1. no thanks. You could try a Lethality Sniper if you want more range and feel hindered by the TA mechanic. Operatives are a close to midrange melee class and thats fine. Cull is not the main attack of Lethality, its a/the burst attack that you have to set up. Its basically the equivalent of Hidden Strike+Acid Blade for Concealment Ops (just more readily available because not reliant on stealth). If you have problems with TA generation you can drop points into healing or go true healing-hybrid. But, Hidden Strike + Shiv are 2 TAs right from the start basically. Then you can get another TA every 6 seconds. I dont see a problem here, we are not a ranged DPS class, nor should we be. Yes it is rough in close melee combat, especially versus Pyro Soldiers/PTs (who are simply out of line in DPS and mitigation in comparison to every other DPS class in the game at the moment). What Lethality could use is a lower CD on Corrosive Grenade and maybe something like "double poison tick on critIical hit" on all poison efffects not only 25% chance on Acid Dart. That would be sweet. ^^ Beside that Agents could use a lower Cooldown on Cloaking Screen (like 1 minute or even 30 seconds) and better defensive cooldowns (something that works versus force and tech effects). bottom line is however: Lethailty is fine and offers better DPS even in a 1 vs 1 scenario than Concealment as well as some more readily available burst than Concealment (imagine if you could use Hidden Strike + AB outside of stealth if you spent a TA on it). If you talk mainlly about PvE you should instead talk Bioware into creating boss encounters that do not put melee classes into a disadvantage, because the problem is not operative specific (yes though we have no real gap closer, but then we can use many attacks from 30m, where e.g. Marauders cant). edit: and Lethality is more viable than Concealment at this moment....
  2. Einige Zeit vergangen. Ich weiß nicht, so langsam und müde wie die Diskussionen im Sabo-Forum sind, scheint wirklich kaum noch jemand die Klasse als DD zu spielen. Gut, wen wundert's? Ehrlich gesagt, in den letzten Wochen kann ich an einer Hand abzählen wie oft ich einen DD-Sabo oder Schurken gesehen habe. Es hat recht viele Scharfschützen und Revolverhelden mittlerweile, und halt Heiler-Sabos. Vielleicht probiere ich Heilung auch mal aus, aber momentan spielt meine Freundin ihre Hexe als Heilerin, insofern muss ja irgendwer Schaden machen. ^^ Ich bin weiterhin mit Tödlichkeit relativ zufrieden (7,3,31), trotzdem bin ich jedesmal irritiert wenn ich schadensmäßig am Ende einer Kriegszone ganz oben bin. Das bedeutet nämlich nur eins, alle anderen rennen mit Recruit-Gear rum, sind Heiler und/oder wissen nicht was sie tun. ;P Schadensmäßig kann ich mich nicht beklagen solange ich nicht PT-Pyro's oder Marodeure als Vergleich heranziehe (oder Scharfschützen). Die Frage ist dann natürlich, wenn z.B. ein PT-Pyro genauso wie ich auf Schaden über Zeit getrimmt ist, wie so ist dessen Überlebensfähigkeit, Kite/Anti-Kite Potentiel und außerdem noch der Schaden im Burst und über Zeit größer? Wegen meiner Heals? Die im PvP vielleicht für 1700 / 25 Energy / 2 Sekunden heilen (dank Trauma)? Wegen meiner Tarnung? Die bei Tödlichkeit noch hinfälliger ist als bei Heimlichkeit? Ich weiß es nicht.... Ich bleibe dabei, Tödlichkeit braucht: - geringerer Cooldown auf Säuregranate - mehr Kiting-Funktionalität (da jede Klasse irgendwas wie Verlangsamung, Speed, Fernkampf und/oder einen Gap-Closer hat ist es alles in allem meist nicht möglich jemanden wirklich vergiftet und auf Distanz zu halten). Vorschlag: 50% Verlangsamung auf Säuregranate hält für die volle Wirkdauer an, anstatt nur 6 Sekunden. Kann ja geheilt werden... - Cool wäre: Kritische Treffer mit Gifteffekten haben eine Chance doppelt zu wirken (analog dem Feat für Säurepfeil, nur auf beide Gifte und bei Kritischen Treffern ausgedehnt, statt nur 25% von Säurepfeil) Heimlichkeit braucht: - reduzierter Cooldown auf Backstabb (zurück auf 9 Sekunden) - Acid Blade sollte den Rüstungsdurchschlag wieder mehr erhöhen (vielleicht 40%), alternativ soll Acid Blade die Rüstung des Gegners reduzieren, wenn dieser den Effekt auf sich hat (dadurch wirkt dies auch als Buff auf die eigene Gruppe) - Hidden Strike (mit Skillung weit oben in Heimlichkeit): kann auch ohne Tarnung von Hinten auf Ziele angewendet werden, wenn diese unter 30% Lebenspunkte sind (siehe "Finisher" bei Marauder, Juggernaut und Attentäter). Da hier ein 7.5s Cooldown dabei ist wäre das nur fair. Dann ist man auch nicht von Vorneherein benachteiligt, wenn man nicht aus der Tarnung heraus angreifen kann und/oder der Kampf länger als 10 Sekunden dauert... Ansonsten wäre eine Maßnahme noch, wenn Schildsonde den Schaden durch Macht oder Tech-Effekte reduzieren würde (also z.B. 25% für 5 Sekunden oder so, zusätzlich zur Absorption). Dann könnte man vielleicht auch gegen einen Pyro lange genug leben um ein paar Angriffe durchzubringen...
  3. Acid Blade (concealment), Corrosive Dart and Grenade (lethality)
  4. for PvE raising the level cap and thus virtually removing old content/gear is a way of keeping the hamster on the wheel (brought to you by WoW). Other games in the past managed to add new content without destroying everything their playerbase accomplished so far. Dark Age of Camelot anyone? Level cap is and always has been level 50. Item stat cap is and always has been fixed to your level (e.g. Armor Cap for heavy armor was 2+2*level = 102 at level 50 per piece, +75 to stats, +26 % to resistances, +11 to skills and so on). Yes they added new types of stats later on (like combat/cast speed increase and pierce-magic effects and so on) as well as added different progressions like Trials of Atlantis' Master Levels (a pain in the beginning, but only a small effect on the game's balance) and later on Champion Levels (giving you minor new abilities and some more hitpoints). Nevertheless, a level 50, master level 10, champion level 5 was still not that much stronger than a plain level 50 and the items you could get would not raise your power over what a level 50 could use. Even if you had an item that would add 100000 to every stat, it would not help you much, because you could optimize your equipment to similar capped levels with just any normal engame (and crafted!!!) gear. Why was it done this way, and why is it awesome? Because DAoC is a RvR/PvP game, people want to PvP, take over relics and keeps, 1 vs 1, 8 vs 8 or 100 vs 100 vs 100 and not grind through stupid raids to get the next set to farm the next raid.... DAoC is still running by the way... I might have to recover my old toons... For PvP in SWTOR this announcement really disapoints me. When that level cap increase is here I might just have completed my augmented war hero set just to have it devalued to worthlessness and having to grind the next set suffering through weeks and months of being roflstomped by those no-real-life'rs who can farm it in their premade in a fraction of the time that I will need and then pretend winning through gear equals skill....
  5. 1000 Expertise =~ 20% more damage to players, 15% less damage from players, 12 % better healing Even if the increased stats from higher tier PvE gear equaled or exceeded the PvP set total damage output the other two effects shift the favor greatly to the PvP gear. I love to Cull people in PvE gear though, so play with whatever gear you like.
  6. MIt Tödlichkeit fahre ich momentan sehr gut, habe da auch nicht soviel Energieprobleme (dank 52% Crit Rate auf DOTs und 2 Energie -Rückgewinn pro Crit). Heimlichkeit fühlt sich mit dem hohen CD auf Backstabb einfach nicht mehr rund an. Der Schaden bei Lacerate könnte duchaus bleiben, aber es wäre gescheit, wenn der Kollateralschadenproc immer auftreten könnte (daher auch häufiger die Rückerstattung vom Taktischen Vorteil). Damit könnte man den hohen Cooldown von Backstabb verschmerzen. Ansonsten stört mich, dass wir keinen "Finisher" haben. Maros haben den, Juggers haben den, Attentäter haben auch einen so viel ich weiß. Sprich ein Angriff mit überdurchschnittlichem Schaden, der nur zu verwenden ist, wenn das Ziel unter 30% Leben ist. Würde viel mehr Sinn auf einer Stealh-Klasse machen. Vielleicht das Talent mit dem 1.5 Sekunden Knockdown erweitern, dass der Hidden Strike auf Ziele mit 30% Lebensenergie auch ohne Tarnung verwendet werden kann? 7.5 Sekunden Cooldown haben wir ja schon drauf, wäre also absolut vergleichbar mit den Finishern der genannten Klasse (zugegebenermaßen sollter der Knockdown nur wirken, wenn man das ganze aus der Tarnung heraus macht, wäre sonst zu übel. Unser Vanish hat wirklich einen zu hohen Cooldown, zumal wir Ausweichen ja praktisch immer vorher nutzen müssen, um uns von gegnerischen DOTs zu befreien. Lieber wäre mir aber grundsätzlich eine bessere Defensive. Wir schmelzen wie ein Schneemann im Ofen, sobald uns eine andere DD Klasse ins Visier nimmt. Mal zum Vergleich: Ausweichen (Sabo): 3 Sekunden lang 100% Nah und Fernkampfverteidigung Schwertschutz (Juggernaut): 2 Sekunden lang 100% NK/FK Verteidigung, 12 Sekunden lang 25% Verteidigung und 25% weniger Schaden von Tech und Machtangriffen. Etwas unausgewogen?
  7. layoffs are bad and I feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs. That being said, SWTOR is far from being dead. Yes, been there, done that (Warhammer Online). After the layoffs there they added some sort of DLC content you had to separately pay for. There are not many real free content update beyond that and the player base droped and droped until the state where it is at now. I do not know how many developers are still working on the game, but a few still are and the game is still running. Warhammers failure imo was making PvE mandatory to stay competetive in PvP (by creating insanely powerful items that were only attainable in raid/PvE-content which flipped the balance in PvP too much, "Land of the Dead" as reference). Looking at Dark Age of Camelot which happened to celebrate its 10th anniversary (which I played for 7 years), its still running and sometimes I really feel the urge to download it, try to recover my toons (from Pellinor/Caerlon to whatever the active server is currently) and play it again a bit. In terms of complexity, depth, features and size of content this game beats SWTOR, WAR and probably even WoW. However the class-design and the user interface shows its age (melee classes with basically only 20 melee attacks, casters with maybe 5 baseline abilities and so on). Classes in newer games are more fun in their multitude of abilities. I wish they took DAoC, gave it a modern interface and redesigned all classes. It would still or once again be the best PvP/RvR experience on the market. Bottomline is however, the game is still active, running, supported and developed. Of course the amount of resources invested by EA/Bioware-Mythic are in relation to the amount of subscribers (and DAoC is still a full featured subscription based MMO, not f2p) Age of Conan anyone? Yes it is f2p, however it is also still running and, in difference to WAR, had a major expansion pack. Also offers interesting PvP, although the more raid-centric focus is not my niche. DDO / LoTRO? F2P yes, but growing and expanding (DDO will bring a new expansion out soon). So, will the size of SWTOR development/budget decrease? Yep. Will we see all the cool stuff they announced before this year or even afterall? Maybe, maybe not. Will the game still evolve and shape up? Yes, it will. Will the class balance ever be perfect? No way! May the game still turn around and keep groing beyond 1 million subscribers? Maybe, maybe not. The bottomline is, as long as people pay and play the game, it will be supported. Even a small profit margin is a profit margin. And with fewer servers, but better population per server the maintenance cost for the game will decrease alot, making the game more profitable than it currently is. However you wont have 100+ developers working on the game at the same time. But even a dozen can still deliver alot of new content and you can argue that smaller teams are more creative and innovative than larger teams. I want better space combat, some help for the Operative Concealment Tree and in the long run some DAoC-like open area realm/objective based combat (keep-takes in SWTOR if you want).
  8. Energy Management is a key for success with an Operative, both for dps and healing. You should try to never drop below 60% Energy. At that point your regeneration per second is starting to severely drop. So dont: heal, heal, heal, heal, heal, rifle shot, rifle shot, heal, rifle shot, rifle shot, heal Instead do something ike: heal, rifle shot, heal, rifle shot (and keep Stim Boost up on you at all times) I do not mean it to be set in stone like this, watch your energy and learn what you can and cannot do while keeping your energy above 60%. There are occassions where you need to burn through your energy (emergencies), for that you get adrenalin probe. Also, use those talent points! With 7 points in healing you can improve your healing already by granting Tactical Advantage on your big heal, reduce its activation time and for instance reduce threat and pushback effects for your heals. edit: and yeah if you are solo-leveling Id take Concealment. Get yourself a tank-buddy and duo-level. way more fun and you can focus on healing. For soloing it gets alot easier with Dr. Lokin as Companion. Too bad he joins rather late (on Taris).
  9. real Republic Favoritism: There are Crit/Surge Enhancements (with no accuracy) on Commando's Assault Rifles which are not available on any piece of imperial PvP gear. That means Reps can easily cap their crit/surge rating without overstacking accuracy.
  10. Na ja, wenn man mal 4 Stunden am Stück spielt sind laut Resourcenmonitor 95% meiner 4 GB Speicher verbraucht. Memory Leaks for the loss
  11. Ausgehend von deinen Werten schließe ich, dass du kein PvP betreibst. Ich rede ausschließlich von PvP. Mathematisch betrachten, liefert Tödlichkeit durchweg gleich oder mehr Schaden als Heimlichkeit, auch in kleinen Zeitfenstern (~10 Sekunden). Umso länger der Kampf dauert, umso weiter Vorne ist Tödlichkeit (auf einem Ziel, bei mehreren Zielen ist der Vorteil sowieso bei Tödlichkeit). Ich bin fast komplett in Kampfmeister mit modifiziertem/aufgewerteten Blaster. Habe um die 1550 List, 110 % Präzision, um die 1000 Kompetenz, 39% Crit Chance, 69% Wogenwert (ja, hier muss ich noch nachbessern, ist aber mit Tödlichkeit nicht so entscheidend). Das gute bei Tödlichkeit ist einfach, dass es eine sinnvolle Rotation mit schönen Synergien gibt. Bei Heimlichkeit, dank der tollen Cooldownzeiten fühlt es sich einfach unrund an, na ja, und der Schaden passt auch nicht (Ausdünnen ist soviel besser als Hidden Strike).
  12. Mache kein PvE, aber auch im PvP. Tödlichkeit funktioniert gut, Heimlichkeit ist eine Lachnummer.
  13. Ja, Verborgenheit ist ein toter Skillbaum. Eine Burst-Klasse ohne Burst wir sind.
  14. Hi everyone, before I start some background. My Operative is my first character, started at launch in December. I was concealment (7/31/3) through all the "balancing" up until this weekend. I usually solo queue most of the time and try my best to contribute for the team like Stealth/solo tapping an unguarded or single guarded door/node as well as solo guarding one of our own using all tools available to me (Orbital Strike, Sleep Dart....). I never stacked adrenals and stims to blow up lower geared people pre 1.1, but after 1.1 of course you had to use everything possible to increase your damage enough to take down an opponent. With patch 1.2 I noticed another damage decrease and overall felt much more useless than before. Yeah I might still kill an undergeared or unskilled player , but the more people geared up and learned to play the more I simply could not take a single target down. And for those saying Ops are only supposed to finish off near-dead targets, eh, no thanks, any class can do that. Concealment was about burst, killing a single target fast and then re-entering stealth to find a new target. This has changed. Concealment has neither burst, nor any sustained damage. It also offers no utility whatsoever to your group, nor helps with your defense which is the worst in the game of all classes. Basically, the second you leave stealth you can count to 3 and be melted to the ground as soon as someone of the opposition switched target on you. Shield Probe is too weak, evasion does not work versus most attacks that will come your way (force/tech) and 25% armor and 5/7% defense chance does not cut it. I felt I was maybe an annoyance to the enemy healers, albeit a small one. But in the end I was a burden to my team, because any other class / spec is performing better. Some Op or Scouncrel may soon troll into this thread and tell me that I need to l2p and that Ops are fine and do "insane" burst. I never said I am the best player and Iam certainly also not the best geared Op on the server (complete armor weapon and knife from BM with a few remaining parts like ear and bracer from before 1.2, weapon is crit-crafted customized). So yeah, if Iam like full War Hero with all crit crafted stuff, 400 crit rating, 250 sourge and so on then Concealment DPS may be better on lower geared people. It proves nothing, as other classes archieve the same or more with less effort. Anyway on to the point of this post: I dont mind healing, but I wanted to stay DD on my Ops so I was thinking about Lethality. So in my spare time I was not beating on dummies, I was looking at the delves of my abilities and calculating the min damage, max damage (considering crit rate and sourge) and average damage for every ability both with Concealment and Lethailty spec. For instance (unbuffed): Concealment Hidden Strike would for me be: min delve: 1882 max delve: 1979 Crit Chance: 54% (with talents) Sourge: 98% (with talents) min damage: 1882 max damage: 3918,42 (so much for the 5000 crit damage myth) average damage: 2981,6668 damage per cooldown (1.5s): 1987,777 damage per cooldown / energy: 116,93 I did this for all damaging abilites, also for poisons and so on. Then I did a hypothetical combat over 8 global cooldowns (10.5 seconds) and summed up the damage. For instance for concealment that would be: Hidden Strike with Acid Blade, Shiv, Lacerate (assumed with collateral damage), Rifle Shot (filler), Overload Shot (just for the records, actually you should never use it, rifle shot is only slightly lower in damage often even better in real life), Backstabb with Acid Blade, Lacerate. At the end I was at 18986,8 damage in total (10.5 seconds). So say close to 19 K. I didnt use the stun (cause on a dummy I wouldnt use it either), and yes you could replace Rifle Shot and Overload Shot with something else like another Lacerate (tho Collaterate damage can not happen again in 10 secs which makes Lacerate alone only a mediocre damage skill). Yes I didnt not use Explosive Probe, because that can be used on any spec. With something else in between you could break 20000, but may be very energy starved. 19000 aint bad, but wait,, this is before armor and resistances. On a tank, assuming 30% DR after Acid Blade and 10% DR for physical damage this drops down to 13977,4. Enough to kill someone in recuit gear, but not enough to kill a sorc with bubble or someone with 17000 or 22000 HP. Now I looked at Lethality. I played through different scenarios (opening with Hidden Strike, opening from range with Corrosive Dart and no TAs, opening from range with preloaded TAs). For reference: the values for Cull, 2 poisons on target and weaking blast running: min delve: 2777,4 max delve: 2967,5 Crit Chance: 38% (base) Sourge: 68% (base) min damage: 2777,4 max damage: 4985,54 (as it is divided in 3 damage ticks you wont get the 5K medal here I believe) average damage: 3616,5 damage per cooldown (1.5s): 2411 damage per cooldown / energy: 126,9 Unmitigated damage ranged from 17000 to over 19000 damage (19k with preloaded TAs). Opening from Hidden Strike was the lowest damage, starting from range and closing in in about 3 cooldowns was in the middle. Summary of the analysis: On a single target and fighting for only 10.5 seconds Lethailty does pretty much the same damage as Concealment, with a tendency to do even better damage. Additionally, as Lethaliy DOTs are not affected by armor the average mitigation drops from 26% (Concealment example, 30% armor and 10% versus internal damage) to between 22,8 and 20,9%. So the better armored your enemy is, the better for Lethality. If Acid Blade still gave 50% AP this would be pretty much equal. I did not factor in the 15% damage increase on targets below 30% health. THIS IS SINGLE TARGET!! You can help your whole team spreading dots on the enemies and then selecting and out-of-stealth bursting key targets down. I played with 7/3/31 this weekend and had a blast. I was scoring about 100 to 150K more damage and had more solo kills!!! I dispatched enemy healers and even Guardians in straight out of stealth 1 versus 1s, where with concealment I would really struggle. Yes, Assassinst/Shadows still get me (too much damage and mitigation on 22K HPs...), but they are at the moment a league of their own anyway. Still I feel Iam contributing alot more. What I miss is the stealth speed increase and lowered cooldown on cloaking screen, but I love beeing able to do damage all the time, not only every few minutes when I might be able to re-stealth. Also It doesnt bother me beeing seen in stealth from a mile away by anyone. What Bioware should consider: 1. Operative survivability needs to be looked at. We are too squishy for the mediocre damage we do regardless of spec 2. Concealment needs a buff. The rotation is clunky and does no good damage. Acid Blade could be put back to 50% AP. Collateral Strike on Laceration should be allowed every global cooldown. Afterall, it is only slightly above average damage, every other melee dps has skills that are more often usable and do same or better damage. Hidden Strike should be usable on targets below 30% health outside of stealth. A balancing 7.5 sec cooldown is already in place, you could place this to the skill where we get the 1.5 sec knockdown. I hate beeing finished off with insane damage by every other mdps out there as soon as I am at 30%.... 3. Lethality: Weakening Blast should be usable at 30 m range. Add a feat that provides a tactical advantage when poison crits, leave Cull at 10 m range (high risk, high benefit), lower the cooldown on Acid Bomb and think about allowing to to hit 4 or 5 enemies. Make of it what you want, the bottomline is Lethality does as much single target damage in 10 secs as Concealment and performs better overall. Have fun!
  15. 1420ish DPS fully buffed, stimed and running optimized gear. Disapointing....
  16. What awesome/unique utility do you mean? aoe blind: in various forms in the game, a 6 sec point blank version on Sith Warriors for instance long duration mez (sleep dart): Bounty Hunters have it, Inquisitors have it (can be improved a lot like being instant and/or affecting 2 additional targets and stunning 2 seconds at the end), Assassins also have it Hacking Droids? See Marauders. Shield Probe? See Sorcerers force bubble. stealth? See Assassins, also in PvP everyone will spot you from a mile away anyway Acid Blade for 30 % armor penetration? Except Sorcerers everyone has some sort of AP, often also for your group and not only for yourself. Evasion? Worst defensive cooldown in the world... Only usefull to get rid of enemy effects really I will cut it short. If you play a couple of the other classes you will realize that Operatives have no exceptional utility. Actually for group-utility Marauders (as a pure DPS class) have better group utility...
  17. This thread is full of epic fail... Operative stun: 4 sec, 4 m range Sorcerer stun: 4 sec, 30 m range Tank-Juggernaut stun: 4 sec, 4 m range ... The stealth-opener (if speced for it with 2 talent points high in the concealment tree) knocks you down for 1.5 secs (1 GCD). This means you are up on your feet again before the Operative can even hit you a second time, the only benefit those 2 talent points provide is some sort of interrupt. As was mentioned, the flashbang mezes you for 8 secs and breaks on damage, so it is not a stun or a root. The speced Sever Tendon roots you in place for 2 seconds, you can still fight back however. Bottomline is: #1 you cannot be "chain" stunned by a single operative (or any other class) #2 you cannot be stunned for more than 8 seconds thanks to resolve (with 2 characters attacking you) #3 you have a get-out-of-jail free card on cooldown, use it only on the 4 sec stun, not on the 1.5 sec knockdown #4 every class can stun and/or root and/or mez and/or knockdown and/or knockback #5 (dps) operatives have zero defence, have been nerfed more than any other class yet in this game, have no speedburst, no knockback, no gap closer, no utility that makes them worthwhile in ranked warzones... #6 if concealment operatives are a problem, come over and play against those roflstomping Shadows. they can do everything we can, just more and better #7 l2p edit: and if it was true that someone is in fact chain stunning you for > 8 seconds (single character) then note his name and appeal him afterwards for cheating. In fact the other day in a warzone we encountered an enemy scoundrel who was immune to any crowd control no matter what his resolve was, he ignored every stun, knockdown and mez and was capable of taking 3-4 enemies on his own with a chance to take at least 2 people out before he went down. We reported him, didnt see him since then...
  18. no the best way to do it is have real hard stat caps and never allow anything above it. Then give incentives to do PvP via a separate skill/perk based character development. Look into Dark Age of Camelot for details. Level 60 gear on a level 50 player? should only give the same stats as level 50 gear would. gear != skill
  19. Super Mario - Datacrons are a pain in the *** and show a lack of skill in game design. A game should be fun and not be frustrating to no end. The thing is, TOR is not a jump&run. The most important thing about a good jump&run is a precise and real-time responsive movement, control and collision detection system. TOR has neither... edit: and while we are at it, they should at least make datacrons (and all library entries for that matter) make legacy-wide (make the stat boni only take effect after finishing the planet or upon reaching the level required for it)
  20. They should rather make Kodex-Entries Legacy-Wide (yes including those damn datacrons)... boy I hate that jumping bull****
  21. what we need are DAoC/WAR-like realm abilities to purchase with our valor rank. then PvP gear could be made equal (in terms of overall usefullness) to PvE gear
  22. Ist für uns Saboteure auch nicht anders...
  23. hehe, that made me laugh. My Juggernaut is 37 and on its way up. Iam going tank/rage hybrid which works already quiet well both in PvP and PvE. Of course sub 50 bracket does not mean much, but even if I die (and I last long) there is near zero frustration. I can do so much stuff with my Jugg in Warzones (push people down ledges or into acid/fire, grapple them while beating on em, guard people, aoe taunt/taunt, jump to people and still do - very - good damage). And the medals just come by flying (guard).... Once in a warzone I may end up with my gap closers and saber-throw on cooldown where I do not help my team for a few seconds, but it is still 1000 times better than on the operative when Iam pushed away, slowed, rooted or simply energy starved and then being reduced to using the standard rifle shot.... Did I mentioned those nice defensive cooldowns that actually work? I pitty those scoundrels and agents crossing my path...
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