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Everything posted by Coplann

  1. man kann auch durch REing von z.B. Black Hole Zeug 25er Rezepte finden, habe schon einige hergestellte 25er Mods/Armierungen/Verbesserungen auf dem GTN gesehen.
  2. Gibt es nicht. Nebenhandgegenstände gibt es nicht in Orange (sprich, Fokus, Generator, Messer, Flinte, Schild und so weiter).
  3. Ich lese hier nur QQ und mimimimi... Sorry, aber echt mal... Ich habe auf meinem Main Cybertech mit Plündern und Hacking genommen, denn es hieß in der Anleitung, dass man mit Hacking schicke neue Cybertechbaupläne finden kann. Zu meinem Erstaunen musste ich dann feststellen, dass Hacking eigentlich nur Raumschiff-Zeugs und diese hässlichen wertlosen Vehikel Rezepte finden kann (anstatt mal neue/alternative Ohrstücke, Droidenrüstungen, Granaten, Mods und Armierungen zu bringen...), worauf man als Cybertechler gut und gerne verzichten kann. Zumal ich so nun darauf angewiesen bin meine Unterweltmetalle teuer einzukaufen. Der Geldgewinn bei Hacking wurde jetzt schon zweimal in die Tonne getreten und selbst Aufwertungen kann ich nun nicht mehr finden, nur noch diese neuen Materialien und selten mal Baupläne dafür, mit denen ich als Cybertecher wieder nichts anfangen kann. Wenn einer Grund zum Speien hat, dann ich. Nicht mal Gefährtengeschenke gibts bei Hacking (im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Missionsskills). Das einzige was noch ein bissel taugt sind die Missionsentdeckungen. Damit kann ich zumindest ein wenig die Einkaufskosten vom Mandalorianischen Eisen kompensieren. So oder so basiert das Crafting nun mal darauf, dass man nie alles allein machen kann und das ist perse auch in Ordnung. Kauf das Zeug halt ein, der Markt ist voll damit. Und ansonsten sind die Aufwertungen auch nicht so wichtig, jedenfalls nicht als Synth-Hersteller (die guten Aufwertungen hat der Waffenbauer). Rezepte gibt es auch zu kaufen, ansonsten level dir einen Hacker wenn du denkst es ist so toll oder such dir jemanden in der Gilde, ist wirklich kein Problem. Immerhin kann man mit Synth nach dem Patch was anfangen (orangene aufwertbare Rüstungen bauen), im Gegenteil zu Cybertech wo alles beim Alten ist....
  4. I hate the new CD on BS. I usually never doubled HSed so that does not bother me, but the lowered damage on laceration and nerfed energy management sucks big time. My damage droped by about 50k over an average game. I can live with that, but I fail to see the logic about the balance changes here. My HS might crit for about 3500-3700 on equal or worse geared target. My BS might hit for 3000. Well fine, then Iam down to weak lacerates/shivs every few seconds and pew pew lasergun for 800 damage in between. lame! On the other side Iam getting hit for well over 3000 a pop by Bounty Hunters, Commandos and Assassins/Shadows with no effort and with attacks that have 30 range and/or no positional or "stealth"-requirements.... also, since the patch, Iam getting pulled out of stealth much more often. The other day in huttball I was at the edge of the center platform when an enemy Marauder was sitting near the center where the ball spawns. I was sneaking to the enemy side on the left (20+ meters away from him). A few seconds later (I was past the acid pond) he jumps at me from a mile away..... -_- so, Id trade stealth and hidden strike for some real attacks and some defensive cooldowns that are worth the hassle of clicking them ;P
  5. sorry not true. The speed increase only works in stealth. it basically improves your stealth speed, to normal out of stealth speed.
  6. get some gear and l2p! there are a billion counters to ops/scoundrels and the second we are out of stealth we are basically jumped by everyone and killed in a matter of seconds thanks to having zero defense except a medioce shield-probe and a 3 sec skill that only helps versus white hits.... ops lost about 20% of their damage each patch until now. if you want to QQ for the heck of it have a look at BH especially Pyros and their republic counterpart.... unless that is the class you play lawl
  7. German Client: The tooltip when RE an item does not show any of the supposedly new information regarding "schematics available", "no research" or "percentage of RE success". It works on the english client...
  8. Certainly not for me on the german client.... Tooltip didnt change in comparison to v1.1X (tried with my Cybertech and Artificer).
  9. wait, they closed the other thread and directed us here? ***!?!
  10. First off, my spec is now 8/33/0. It was 5 / 31 / 5. I could not stomache wasting 3 talent points for a whooping 3% to crit chance. 8% more or less damage for Shiv did not bother me either, instead I got the improved big heal (for TA generation), more cunning (obviously) and the 4% more damage resistance with a leftover point into reduced setback for healing. It seemed to me that I could not live with only 31 in concealment now (thanks to the two new talents, flanking and the follow up) which kinda sucks... Yes, you might argue that it might actually not be worth to to really go for acid blade, now that it is no longer possible to keep it on the target as often as before. Iam not perfectly geared (currently only in T2 with a lil over 500 expertise) and 16000 HPs. The first thing I noticed in PvP was that the incoming damage was much higher than pre patch (probably due to the changed expertise caps). Especially Commandos and Bounty Hunters pretty much melted me with insane and fast damage (evasion does not seem to help versus Bounty Hunters white shots...). After getting used to the damn long BS cooldown (*pew* *pew* lasergun...) I thought I was doing okay for my gearlevel. In a really good Voidstar I made 14 medals and 200 K damage with 80 K healing. Pre patch Iam pretty sure in a match like that I would have been close to 300 K, at least 250 K anyway. So yeah, 20% damage decrease is about what I see for me. The new BS damage is nice, but everything else hits for less (laceration... ). Actually I hate the new resolve on sleep dart. Having it give full resolve allowed to sleep dart someone, then wait for him to use his stun breaker or, wait for it to run out which leads to his resolve bar getting emptied again allowing to stun him just fine afterwards. Now they sit at 70% resolve which means stun immunity after HS, so this is a nerf imho. My highest crit was about 3600, but I often also saw BS for ~1500 and HS for as low as 1200. Energy starvation is also more severe now (less HS and no more free HS anyway)... Id figure if I was in full T3 (or T4) Id do better and more consistent damage, but with no mobility-skill and no (decent) defensive cooldowns Iam asking myself to go healing like so many others or finish leveling my Jugg or Shadow... Well with the new PvP reward system upgrading to T3 and then 4 will take years... in regards to PvP Set Bonus': I run the fieldtech-set (or whatever it is called), at least another Orbital Strike tick and high range on my interrupt is much more usefull than 1 sec on evasion or 5 sec on group stealth... my .02 credits
  11. I have a blue Aim Modification (level 49) and a similar armoring. The tooltip shows nothing about RE. The two items were crafted pre-patch, I do not know the purple schematics yet. Basically this either means that only newly crafted (post patch) items will have the tooltip, or that this is not working as intended. A clarification would be nice. By the way, thumbs down for your changes to Augments (stat wise), bad enough that Slicing as a Cybertech-crafter now offers nothing for me anymore, but all the augments I collected pre patch are now so much weaker in comparison (28 Crit > some crit and endurance). Dont get me started about those tech-parts for Augment-crafting. The market is already flooded with them, so they are worthless. Furthermore, beside the (lowered) chance on spaceship schematics (and those useless ugly vehicles) Slicing offers nothing, no additional schematics for cybertech (like different mods, armorings, grenades, droid armor and ear-implants). Even the already nerfed credit crates were nerfed (silently) again...
  12. Und wieso wurde der Saboteur in jedem Patch inklusive diesem genervt? Ich werde an jeder Ecke von 3-5 K Schaden durch spammfähige Angriffe getroffen (und teilweise bis zu doppelt soviel von Rage-Sith Krieger...). Mein toller Hidden Strike macht mit sehr sehr viel Glück ~3600, gestern auch öfters mal nur so 1700 und alles andere macht nur einen Bruchteil davon. Und dank des neuen CDs auf Hinterhältiger Angriff und der Erhöhung der Energiekosten renne ich auch mehrere Sekunden lang rum und mache *pew* *pew* Lasergun für 500 Schaden.
  13. http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/games/0,1518,821779,00.html Wusste nicht, dass es dort schon so schlimm ist, aber die Tendenz ist durchaus richtig erkannt. Entwickler sollten nicht auf die hören die rumheulen. Die, die am lautestens schreien, sind auch meist die auf die man am wenigsten hören sollte.
  14. Witzig wie sich hier einige aufregen. Schon doof wenn die eigene Klasse generft wird, ge? Aber es könnte schlimmer sein, ihr könnten auch alle Saboteure sein, dann wäre die Patch/Nerf Quote bei 100%. Oh wartet, wart ihr nicht die, die mit am lautesten geschrien habt was Schmuggler/Ops angeht damals Richtung Patch 1.1? Na ja egal, ist halt jeder mal dran, Sabos natürlich immer. Die letzten 7 (nicht-Heiler) Saboteure auf den Servern werden auch bald weg sein. Ich ziehe mir mittlerweile u.a. noch einen Hexer hoch und level hauptsächlich im PvP. Ich fühle mich dabei fast schon schlecht wenn ich links und rechts die Saboteure wegbrätzel und selbst wenn sie mich von Hinten aus dem Stealth erwischen ich sie noch mühelos in die Tonne trete (selbst wenn sie 20 Level mehr haben als ich). Und das beste ist ja, dass mit 1.2 der Sabo viel stärker (mal wieder) generft wird als der Hexer. Es wird also noch leichter. Die paar Prozente sind doch nicht schlimm im Vergleich zu dem was mit den anderen Klassen gemacht wurde (mal abgesehen von Marodeuren und Sentinels). The grass is always greener... Kann nur jedem empfehlen der denkt der Hexer sei zu schwach einen Concealment oder Lethality Saboteur zu spielen. Wirkt Wunder für die Perspektive.
  15. not going to QQ about it, but it is interesting reading posts in the shadows forum about opening a fight with 8000 damage (called "decent burst for a low-burst spec", e.g. balance-speced Shadow) with 2 attacks... 8000 damage via 2 attacks, outside of stealth... Oo Operatives get what? nothing actually...
  16. My main is a level 50 Concealment Operative, valor rank 30 at the moment with 500 Competence. I did enjoy leveling him (paired with a sorcerer all the time) and the story was interesting. Although the end sucked. Anyway, the nerf was too early and too harsh imo (it would have been ok to nerf the stealth opener, but why also nerf Acid Blade and the "speced" knockdown?). Now I have to work pretty hard (in comparison to other classes) in PvP and the class does not feel really pollished. For Huttball you lack the tools (pull, knockback, speed, jump...) and for long ongoing fights you lack the DPS and Energy while having pretty much zero defense. The way Tactical Advantage works also diminishes your effectivenes when speced for the DoT tree. It would be nice if they could improve the TA aspect, like allowing you to stack more than 2 (maybe 5), give new means to acquire TA and give the operative better defense (e.g. use TA for a 10 Second Armor or Dodge increase). At the moment the Operative (and its republic counterpart) simply feel a bit lackluster. Well, in comparison to other classes. For now Iam leveling a Juggernaut, a Mercenary and a Shadow. All of which seem to make more fun in PvP.
  17. Coplann


    OP oder nicht, mir egal. Ich frage mich nur, warum mein Shiv und Hidden Strike 6 und 9 sec Cooldown haben obwohl die weniger Schaden machen, nur im Nahkampf funktionieren und keine so extremen Buffs / Debuffs verteilen. Gut, sie sind instant, aber 1 instant alle 6 Sekunden ist auch mit der Chance unterbrochen zu werden weniger gut als eine Wirkungszeit von 2-3 Sekunden, gerade bei der Schadensdifferenz. Ja, man weiß es nicht was sich die Devs da so denken. Grundsätzlich muss ich aber sagen, Söldner z.B. sind extrem abartig was die können. Schwere Rüstung, Heilung und mehr Flächenschaden als jede andere Klasse. Ziehe mir gerade einen Heilsöldner hoch und im Vergleich zu meinem DD-Saboteur ist das der totale Easymode.
  18. Dear developers, Ive played PvP in Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online and Age of Conan and the truth is, Expertise probably is the worst implementation of PvP Progress ever. Expertise is the reason my class (operative) and smugglers are in the process of being nerfed hard, without any compensation. 10K Crits? On who? By whom? In PvE with 50 and decent gear I hit lower level weak mobs with maybe 3.3 K damage (with player buffs, no stims) with my opener as it is. Overpowered? how? I mean afterwards my damage is mediocre, and my survivability is laughable. So, now with zero competence, I enter PvP and get roflstomped by people who farmed themself to rank 60 and run 700 or so expertise. I attack a Sorc from stealth/behind and its: absorb, absorb, absorb - blinded... dead Some sabre wielding guy hits me for 4000. 5000, 4000- dead in a matter of seconds. I hit back in that time, maybe for <2000 damage. So yeah, a player spending time to rank up in pvp should have an advantage over a fresh level 50 without any ranks. But not by that margin. We are not talking about 20 or 30% more power, we talk about 100 or more percent in comparison (zero expertise versus full). So what is the reasoning for this? There is none and the level 50 bracket does not help, unless you add pvp-rank based brackets in addition. Which is a lame excuse for balance. Better would be to get rid of expertise and instead add an DAoC/WAR like Realm Ability system or an alternative skill tree to spec with pvp skill points like AoC. Allow for small boost to the characters stats, maybe allow new skills or additions to the class, but not or never simply apply such a boost to raw damage, mitigation or healing like that. As it is now, a fresh 50 has to go through hours of pain, of being farmed, slaughtered and being mostly useless by all those rank 60 people. my .2 credits
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