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Everything posted by ademnus

  1. if the rng is limited to wz wins then servers with a population imbalance will see the gear divide widen even more to the point of no return.
  2. ademnus

    BH = 9k+ damages

    its not impossible just because you havent managed to do it.
  3. EQ raids were open world with world bosses, but yes otherwise we've been doing the same thing since EQ. Time for something new. I came here for the Bioware factor. Where is it in our endgame?
  4. I love this game and have bee an active participant since '08 as far as raiding goes, it is indistinguishable from wow. Slog thru adds, dance out the fire fire while killing a boss, loot epics, rinse repeat. tank, dps, heal, blah blah blah. There is not one thing that stamps it as a Bioware game at all. I get my opinion same as you, if you dislike that you are equally free to unsub.
  5. the loot system is fine, it just needs to be tweaked so as not to give an item to someone who already has it.
  6. mounts go up for roll and do not get auto asigned. The only way you got a mount you already had was because you rolled need on it again... that said, the auto assign feature is good but it should not assign loot to someone who has it already. thats all.
  7. I dont really need more wow in space, there's plenty of wow raids already in wow. What can make your newer raids more Bioware and less Blizzard? I didnt leave wow and come to TOR just to play WoW.
  8. actually, i like it. No loot council, no rolls you find out later were mistakes and need GM help to fix, no jealpousy, arguments, elitism or favoritism. This works fine. Dont change it.
  9. well said. people have short memories and no loyalty. But if rift floats your boat, go back. I played it. Got bored. happier here. To each their own.
  10. Jest wrote: "I think you need to be more specific about the details of the issue you're experiencing. " Im sorry, I thought this was commonly known. Soa will despawn, ending the fight, after an undetermined amount of time if you havent killed him yet. However, he will remain behind a shield unless by random chance he chooses to drop it, thus making him available to be killed. Its considered "luck" that his shield will drop and you cna finish the fight. Otherwise, he remains unkillable until he chooses to simply despawn. what does a boss despawning for no reason have to do with ultra hardcore raiding? Its either a bug or a faulty mechanic that needs to be addressed. You seem to be off topic and responding to someone who has not posted here.
  11. many of us are still awaiting word about the same-gender romance options promised us by the developers. Can we get an update on that? In the previous Q A thread, there was at least 1 question about this per page -we'd really appreciate an answer.
  12. common sense? You mean nonsense. This is just hapless elitism at its worst, devs.
  13. I dont mind wiping due to hitting an enrage timer. We suck it up and dps harder or fail. I do mind that for no clear reason, with a flawlessly executed fight, the boss just decides to go on a fishing holiday. This needs attention.
  14. first, you need to remember (or realize if you werent here in these forums since '08) that the vast majority of community members voted against raiding of any kind at all. This game was never meant to be wow. But raids are here and that's great for those who like that. But i don't think Bioware should tune up raid difficulty to "hardcore wow raid guild" difficulty because of a very few guilds. I wouldn't mind seeing a harder MODE for those who elect to enjoy it, and a SLIGHTLY improved set of rewards, but once they become the end-all be-all rewards, those without hardcore guilds and elevated status within those guilds become the galactic beggars. I think BW was smart for not creating the very sense of elitism and exclusion that so many originally clamored against on these forums.
  15. would you say the majority of players are uber skilled hardcore raiders? From the posts here I feel you all think only a handful of you are possessed of 'leet skillz.' So why would Bioware cater to such a minority? Im sure they can add an "impossible mode" with slightly better loot (and hopefully only slightly) someday, when it becomes a priority. For now, most businesses will agree that catering to the majority is smartest. Besides, despite all the threats to lolquit because of this, you're still here complaining instead of quitting...
  16. firstly, i'm glad to see them implement a quitter debuff. Its about time. Secondly, "And here some of my solutions: - From the fleet there should be a direct teleport to the Ilum Base, and back. Available ANYTIME. yeah so this way you trounce the enemy once and their entire faction floods in. Bad idea. - PvPers should be incentived to LOG OUT in Ilum. For example, create a fortress in the middle of the fighting area. Who owns the fortress has access to a newly designed single player flashpoint that gives PvP rewards. huh? You want everyone to want to log out in ilum so...they can what? All log in en masse when told on their alt there's ripe for the picking enemy faction there? And you want a pve instance that gives pvp rewards to farm for the imbalanced faction? Seriously? bad bad idea. - Make the bases be full featured PvP and PvE quest hubs like imperial fleet. There should be no reason to visit imperial fleet anymore or the rep equivalent. well they dont want the fleet to be a ghost town, for one. For another, I'd rather see the pve elements moved to an entirely different planet. Sick of seeing 20 ppl oin the zone and only have 4 in an ops because 16 are doing dailies. - What happens in Ilum has to affect anyone, anywhere. Build incentive to go to Ilum. Yes, its instanced, thats bad. So how about this: The faction that lost the most cities in the last 60 minutes will get a -2% Damage and Heal debuff, unless they have an Ilum Hero Buff that they get by fighting in Ilum for a few mins. Example. There are better ideas, I am sure. Have players want to be in Ilum, and if only for short periods of time. again, im sure that'll be great fun for the imbalanced faction on a server and zero fun for the other one.
  17. nerf it or remove it, its absurd after that nerf healing scan and rapid scan. play some WZs, BW, and you'll see what I mean.
  18. I play a sage. tracer missile -30% of my hp tracer missile -30% of my hp tracer missile -30% of my hp tracer missile dead.
  19. when you consider your boss unexpectedly tapping you for a job to be "ganking."
  20. healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan healing scan rapid scan nerf please.
  21. well, news flash: EQ1 originally let you loot corpses of pvp players you killed. Raid loot went bye bye. People got so bent out of shape devs curtailed it to one loot item. they still went berserk. Thus ended looting. Suggesting we go back to the 90's for a proven failed pvp feature is like asking Ford to make the Pinto again. /lol
  22. does anyone who has been here since '08 remember this debate on the old forums? Thread after thread about endgame: should it be bioware style or wow style? For some time the community voted very strongly that there should be immersive, innovative, story driven endgame. Then suddenly one day we seemed to be innundated by new members. Thread discussions turned into arguments and the overwhelming sentiment suddenly seemed to be "it worked for wow," and "if it aint broke dont fix it." This, i guess, is where the rest of us say, "we told you so." Here it is, post launch, and you got the star wars wow you insisted upon. However, this whole "fix it or your game is going to the bargain bin" nonsense is akin to "my toon gets pwnd in pvp, im unsubbing!" The game has 2 mil subs and growing. Put in your constructive suggestions instead of childish temper tantrums, and you may see the game grow in the direction you desire. After all, the devs do listen. They listened to the idiots who screamed it should just be wow in space. Now I bet they'll listen to you, if you present it properly. Threats of bargain bins and unsubbing usually just get skimmed past.
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