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Everything posted by damican

  1. Sounds like someone got stunlocked and died.
  2. my sentinel better not get nerfed. They finally dont suck I like it that way. Just buff underperforming classes, no need to nerf something unless its like paladin was as soon as lich king came out.
  3. Absurd post. This game has more casual focus then hello kitty online. The game practically begs you to level mass alts which is more or less as casual as it gets. Top it off with easy leveling and the fact that you can get the best gear in the game by spamming warzones and doing daily missions. What else more do you want? Btw I am fully happy with the way these things are done
  4. Yeah you should probably just accept what everyone has said brah That one sent was just 100% optimally geared, had a pocket healer/real team and amazing skill. It'd be the same if I said one guy always did 2x better then everyone else in my WZ nerf xxx :/ On a side note I will say combat could use a little love!
  5. It doesnt matter how much research you do. The reason these types of things happen to all companies is proof that you just dont learn until the things happen. You can try to minimize as much as possible (and to be fair SWTOR did have a smooth launch compared to other mmos). Hell ALL KINDS of games have patch problems. WoW still has stuff like this going on and they've been doing this for a long time.
  6. All the people having all of these complains think the grass is always greener. 2 months after Guild Wars 2 release check out their forums. The same people will be crying. Couple months from now check out tera forums, they'll be crying.
  7. I'm hoping they'll only be able to be used on only some items and not all that way crafters dont get the shaft.. Again.
  8. I swear people will find anything to ***** and moan about.
  9. What arent you getting about credit sink? In the end everyone is going to have more then enough money for EVERYTHING they could want, eventually they'll be twinking characters super hard etc. Thats why legacy costs so damn much. It's a credit sink.
  10. It's a long term credit sink. Anyone who's played other MMO's will know why they exist.
  11. Why the hell would I unsub if they didnt put out massive updates once a month? That would be silly.
  12. Are we still canceling it after the second tick or are we letting it go the whole way now?
  13. I'm wishing I had more then 4 gigs of ram right now amazing post guy
  14. 1.3 million people disagree that bioware messed up.
  15. To the OP: 100% correct most games realize they shouldnt try to aim for over 500k subs. If SWTOR has 1.3 million they're doing AMAZINGLY WELL. It's been said a million times, not every game can be WoW (in terms of user numbers) A lot of mmo's have tried hard for the MASSIVE amount of subs like WoW and SWTOR has and failed. The people who do most of the crying on the forums are the vocal minority. The majority of us are in the game having a good time (when we arent crashing)
  16. Yup SWTOR is fine. Remember that those who post on the forums are the vocal minority. Almost all of the posts are people crying about this or that, while everyone else is just playing the game. If everyone who isnt busy crying took the time to make a threat complimenting the game they would drown out the naysayer postings quite quickly.
  17. I think a lot of the people are complaining there isnt enough to do NOW. Though I will say expecting a 2 month old game to have remotely as much content as an 8 year old game is silly.
  18. Ok ill just go ahead and end the QQ The people ************ about meters are the ones who want to bring their own "unique" spec into a raid and be carried by the people doing the cookie cutter builds. They are the ones who always underperform, and are able to thrive when there is no means to call them on it. I want a meter because I want to be able to single people out for not doing well. If you're not doing well and making things go slower for me then get some advice and improve or ****. This addition will be one of the first steps into getting in the big leagues by allowing harder content to be added. Should be funzies.
  19. Yo brah games been out for a couple of months. Tired of people expecting content as if the game had been out for 5-6 years.
  20. Game is already fine. Sorry you didn't find the game up to your expectations, hopefully there is a different MMO out there you will enjoy.
  21. Someone gets it yay! A lot of people dont realize that the forum qqers are usually the vocal minority. The vocal majority is playing the game.
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