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Everything posted by Sivlar

  1. Hopefully they won't go the WoW route and add more mindless XP grinding. I remember playing DAOC for many years and several expansions. They added new/better gear and the master level garbage, but they never raised the level cap from 50. AoC and War I played for several years also and never remember them raising the cap when expansions hit. There are many different ways to add more content to the game without raising the cap from what it's at now. The thought of having to grind out any more levels on any of my toons makes me cringe.
  2. That is almost identical to the "Elegant Modified Blaster Rifle" and "Rifle of the Skyraiders" that armstech folks can craft. Currently I run an augmented version of this with BM mods, it's a pretty decent looking rifle. http://db.darthhater.com/items/22323/m_008_deadeye/#screenshots
  3. I hope they offer transfers soon, I'm not sure I will stick around after another billing cycle with the game in it's current state. I've watched both the Republic and Imperial side on Sanctum go from 150+ folks on the fleet during prime time dwindle to 30-50 players. Ilum, Belsavis and Corellia might have 3-8 people on doing dailies if you're lucky. The GTN is virtually dead, no one is buying much of anything. You might be able to sell some raw materials but crafted items and drops just don't seem to move anymore. Outside of the guild events, PUG's for hardmodes are few and far between just due to the sheer lack of players. Warzones used to pop fast and furious. Now you wait 20-40 minutes for a pop. Even then it's pretty much the same 16 folks hammering away at each other. If a few of them log or decide to stop queuing the Warzones just stop popping. I don't know about other players but the lack of population is pretty much killing the game for me.
  4. This is a great change. Now no one will be able to use their lack of gear as an excuse for just plain sucking at PvP.
  5. As one of my guildies put it... With my new level 50 toon, it feels like being a lvl 10 in the Warzone all over again.
  6. Sivlar

    I'm a bad

    +1 Great Post He just summed up about 80% of the Imps in the 10-49 bracket on the server I started playing on.
  7. For a supposed "AAA MMO" being released in this day and age, this is a sad thing in it's own right.
  8. Yes, this more than makes up for the crappy graphics
  9. Don't worry, it will get even worse when they put rankings in. Then everyone will be worried about their KDR on top of the medal farming.
  10. Or you can just side with him and avoid the fight altogether.
  11. I am very tempted to try out something similar to the first build you posted. Would be interested to see if anyone has had experience running it in PvP.
  12. Actually JS/KO is more useful now, because it doesn't fill the resolve bar anymore. So if someone's purge is down, you hit KO/JS and stun them for 1.5s then hit DK/DB and stun them for another 4s. So now, instead of a 3s stun we now have the potential for 5.5s of stunlock. The AB/FR armor pen nerf is really the only thing that hurt the most imo. It still won't stop any Op/Sc with that knows what they are doing to work around it.
  13. I was honestly thinking of something along these lines after the nerf. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701rff0zhZZhrbkrbhd.1 Anyone have any experience with a spec like this? My thought is use your HoT to build UH for Wounding Shots.
  14. It wasn't always channeled. It used to just be a cast like any other stun and then you could open up on the person. They changed it in beta because... Wait for it... People whined and QQ'd on the forums that it was too OP'd.
  15. That is the problem, they are not play testing anything and not allowing us too either. They are just ram rodding half baked patches into the live client and dealing with the repercussions after the fact. The whole Ilum base camp ordeal is a prime example, along with all the busted crap in flashpoints and other exploits they had to fix. They are too busy running formulas and looking at metrics on reports rather than play testing actual changes before they go into live. It's starting to smell more and more like Warhammer 2 around here.
  16. Depends, both AC's are completely different playstyles. Go with the one that fits you best. Sniper is a very fun class to play if you enjoy a ranged dps. Ops if you want a sneaky healer or melee dps rogue type. Will the nerf hurt very bad? Depends. If all the changes go into effect as is, it might. Since no one can really test them out it's hard to say what the overall repercussions will be.
  17. This. I don't rage quit WZ's, I just quit. When we have a complete PuG of solo queued players, typically with no healers, and end up being pitted against 2 groups of pre-mades. There is no point in even wasting my time in matches like that.
  18. I had good luck using DF in PvE, there are some drawbacks but it does do ok. It's just not very viable for PvP. Any decent healer can keep themselves or someone else up through your DoTs, or just purge them altogether.
  19. I'm right there with ya. I've been running scoundrels and ops since I got into the beta last June. That was long before many of our abilities work the way they do now. I always found it to be a fun class, regardless of how busted some of our spec lines and mechanics are.
  20. The Mythic dev's that designed the PvP/Old Frontiers are long gone and are working for other companies. The ones that are left are the ones who brough you the Trials of Atlantis, New Frontiers expansion and Warhammer Online...
  21. Um, Dirty Kick does not break on damage brah. Only Flashbang and Sleep Dart break on damage. The point, I was trying to answer another posters question about the length of a CC affecting the amount of resolve granted. KO fills resolve and is going to be nerfed to a 1.5s stun. Which means you cannot stun them again until resolve runs out. Dirty Kick is a 4s stun and does not fill the resolve bar. Which means you can stun them again. However the resolve bar will be full if you dirty kick them then hit your flashbang. Thus indicating resolve has nothing to do with the length of a CC. Abilities seem to be coded to grant specific amounts to the bar. Since the stun time of KO is getting nerfed, will it still fill resolve? No one knows. It would make sense that it should not fill resolve after the nerf but chances are it still will, rendering the ability useless and a waste to put points in.
  22. That's pretty much what I said. If we use KO it fills the bar, Dirty Kick does not, Flashbang does not. Flashbang and Dirty Kick together will fill the bar. If they nerf the duration of KO, will it still fill the resolve bar? No one really knows since we can't copy to the test server and try it out. Roots and Snares are a totally different story and don't affect resolve at all. Which is why you can get chain snared and rooted.
  23. Dirty Kick stuns a target for 4 seconds. If I use that on a target with an empty resolve bar it fills it up about 3/4 of the way. Leaving them open for another stun if they purge it. KO totally fills the resolve bar and knocksdown/stuns the target for 3 seconds. So I don't think resolve is related to the stun duration. Certain abilities seem to fill the bar, others don't. Which can sometimes result in players being stunned 3 times in a row. Then the "cooldown" on the resolve really doesn't last very long either so it can feel like you are stunned many more times in a row than that. The whole resolve mechanic is really quirky and buggy. I've seen it work sometimes and not work other times. They really just need to get rid of it and give people immunity timers on CC effects. Right now this game reminds me of AoC before immunity timers were introduced, PvP is just a big "stunlock til' your dead" fest most of the time.
  24. Very well thought out post. I really hope Bioware is reading it, because it addresses some very good points. Sadly, I doubt they are and all the 1.11 patch will go into effect as is. They seem to enjoy ram rodding half baked modifications and changes into the live client with little to no testing at all.
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