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Everything posted by The_Raven_Lord

  1. Exactly the same for me. I can normally sustain ~400kbs Right now, it seems to average ~56kbs, this takes me back to the '90's... ahhh good old days... WAIT *** AM I SAYING?! This is horrible. =(
  2. Thanks for the warning. I wasn't going to RE any of the precious crystals until it was CONFIRMED that it wouldn't be bugged.
  3. I would like a version that ISN'T a silly recolor of the one that was already in the Cartel Market. Maybe with more Sith Appropriate under armor? Robe is fine, metal bits? What did a Sith just take the Jedi armor and spray paint it?
  4. -Hood toggle - More robust chat system with a particular focus on how whispers are handled so I don't mistell all the time! -Minigames! -More UI options. For example, I'd like to be able to select which buffs/debuffs become more visibly pronounced on enemy players in PvP or mobs in PvE.
  5. I've spent way more than I should have. But it did translate into a lot of credits through the GTN so from now on I can buy whatever I really want from the GTN instead of gambling on the packs.
  6. Here are my thoughts. STO got it right with their Fleet Starbases. Guild members have to contribute materials, money, and whatever else to their construction, and upgrades. TOR could use a feature like this. Something to motivate guilds to work towards something more than just PvE progression, or endless PvP. With a system like the one STO has, guild members have something tangible to look at at say "This is how good we are, this is what we have achieved!" Guild ships is a much requested feature. Put them in, and make us work towards them, by putting in crafting materials, credits, and whatever else. Have the inside of it reflect the content the guild has completed. Let them continue to upgrade the ship through continued progress, in future updates, ad more things the guild can work towards to improve their ship. But beware not to make it to hard on casual guilds, PvP guilds, or PvE Guilds or RP guilds. The ship should reflect the content they are most interested in. This is my suggestions, I also recommend more tools for guild leaders such as in game calendar, guild mail, and other such niceties to help make guilds feel more like a community.
  7. Free-flight space combat is much better for Star Wars. It's possible they could design a future planet to support air to air and air to ground combat, but I'd rather have Space based combat off the rails. Flying mounts would serve no purpose, even in WoW, they're utterly pointless.
  8. Why can't the development team get that people get attached to their characters, and that's what keeps the playing an MMO. It's one simple idea which they just can't get through their thick heads! If I can't stand to look at my character, I won't want to play the game. It's just that simple. The art of the gear, has to be one area where no compromises can be made. Don't they have a focus group to consult about their art style and direction? How did these armor sets even make past concept? How have they not gotten the hint that people hate these sets? I haven't seen anyone wearing them on my server, only the odd bit here and there while someone was grinding credits to extract the mods, that's it. Don't they have metrics to show them this stuff? Why would they think it's a good idea, after such a long period of time without content updates, to give us more of what the masses have come out and very clearly stated, "This armor is ugly, get rid of it." how much more clear could we have made it? I'd love to hear what the dev team has to say about this. I bet the reasoning would be hilarious. If they do indeed have a focus group for this stuff, they need to lay them off and bring in some actual Star Wars fans, and actual players of TOR. Because anyone who gives the OK on this stuff, needs to have his head examined.
  9. To quote a famous janitor: "Scurffy's gonna die the way he lived!" Just like TOR. =*(
  10. After all the fun people made of the art style they did for the Campaign/BH gear, they recolor it and put it out again? Is this their way of giving us the middle finger? I hope those are place holders. But I doubt it, after all this, I wouldn't put it past them to do something like this. I feel trolled by this.
  11. Everyone asks for more content in MMOs, and developers naturally do have to keep adding content to satisfy the player base. But the problem is that the longevity of content being added always leaves something to be desired. I'm not a raider at all, but I used to be in WoW, but never bothered in TOR since I find the PvP game here to be everything I could have wished for in an MMO PvP experience. (Unless the 1.4 patch changes my overload, then I won't be as happy but anyway.) So yeah, coming back to the point, how can future content for this game be designed so that it can have a lot of replay value? Currently the trend in MMOs is to create a lengthy grind which means you're doing the same boring content until you get whatever it was you're after, and then, hopefully new content will drop so that you can do the same thing all over again for the new "must have stuff" The repetitive grind is what kills the MMO experience for me. Things like the Corellia dailies, while interesting the first time, quickly lose their replay value. How many times must I blow up Torvix before he finally STAYS DEAD?! It annoys me that every day, it's the same thing, the same story. So, how can future content be designed to make it more "timeless" and fun to come back to? For my suggestion for something I'd like to see, add level 50 daily quests to every planet, and have a weekly rotation for which daily hub will be active, and have it be based around the war between the Empire and Republic, avoid the use of any more Torvix type characters because in all honestly, killing the same guy many times is annoying. Perhapse create "villans" for each faction to oppose on every planet, instead of killing them, you work to undermine them. The first time you meet them, you can have a story exchange, and subsequent encounters should be that villan telling you off for your efforts against them. This way, the content can be added to over time and would enhance the planets and give us good reason to go back to the planets.
  12. This. While I strongly agree with the nerf to stun range for a multitude of reasons, most of which revolve around hutt ball and waiting for someone to step onto the fire trap and stunning them from a safe distance... I -strongly- disagree with a nerf or ANY change to Overload/Force Wave because of the above listed reasons. Which also applies to assassins/shadows. 19/20 fights that you need to get away from, overload is the difference between making a clean get away, or getting killed, and by now, we're all just too used to playing it a certain way and being able to rely on it. I can go on, and on, and on, but I think I've made my point, and I'm sure others who have more time to think more deeply on the mater will make a stronger case than I can int he time I have. Healers have it hard enough in this game as it is, they don't need to be looking to position themselves for a knock back as well. It isn't going to be fun and interesting, this will just be crippling and annoying.
  13. The people who don't think War Hero gear is too expensive, probably got their sets back when they could trade regular commendation for War Hero commendation.
  14. To add some of my own "paper cuts" I'll be speaking from a pure Roleplay perspective as everything else I feel is an issue has been addressed in the opening post. and many subsequent posts. COMMUNICATION -Chat Bubbles. It is extremely difficult to keep track of who's saying what in a crowded RP environment. Chat bubbles would make RP less tedious, and more fun. -The range of /say, is, just, enormous. It needs to be scaled back a lot. Presently, I can hear conversations far beyond what my character should reasonably be able to hear. It just doesn't make sense to hear what people 30 meters away are saying. -The range of /e is at least double what /say is, while it makes sense you should be able to read the emotes of anyone you can actually see, more often than not it just ends up cluttering the chat box with emotes from people who are in other rooms, or on other floors. Make it work on line of sight if possible, else, just lower the range to be equal to /s. -Only /say works cross faction. /e, and /y do not, but really should. /e is meant to be for emotes, presently we have to *Put our emotes in /s which further clutters that channel.* CHARACTER ANIMATIONS -Stiff Characters: Presently, our characters aren't very animated when standing idle. Which is fine, but I'd like to see a system which allows us to set the posture of our characters so we can make them seem more life like, or fit into their situations better. The animated cut scenes, and even NPCs have tons of different poses, all beautifully animated, such as standing with their arms folded, standing with their hands neatly behind their backs, standing around working a console, it goes on and on. Why can't we make use of those animations for our Roleplay? -Relating to the point above, it would be very nice if our characters would automatically perform a talking animation when they speak in /s. It would just make the characters feel more alive. Right now, a roleplay cantina setting looks like a bunch of inanimate stiffs standing around a bar, animating the characters some more would go a very long way to making the setting seem more lively. POST CREATION CUSTOMIZATION -People often end up regretting the choices they made at initial character creation. If you're level 50, and something in the look of your character really bothers you, you have no way to change it. The end result for many is that they end up feeling less attached to their character. The game lore has some very advanced means of cosmetic surgery, such as the illegal one you get to shut down on Coruscant(sp?). Why not make such a thing available to players somehow, let us change our faces, add scars, remove scars, whatever? -A simple barber shop would be a welcome addition to the game, just to allow us to play with our hair styles. INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS -More sittable chairs needed. Put simply, it is annoying that we only have one sit animation. The game world has plenty of chairs, but only a few on our ships can be sat on. Making things like bar stools, couches, and the like interactive would go a very long way to making the world feel more alive. Especially that couch on our ships, the thing is so immersion breaking it isn't even funny! -Allow more players to board our ships. Not sure if this fits in this category. But allowing up to a full sized ops group to enter a single player's ship would be a most welcome ability for Roleplay. Currently, I can only bring up to three friends onto the ship with me, and have to leave the rest behind. The trooper ship for example is so well designed that it offers many possibilities for roleplay, but can't be taken full advantage of due to the limitations on the group size which can board a player ship. -Useable Kolto Tanks? I don't know if this is feasible, but it would be pure awesome-sauce! Especially if we could use the Kolto tanks aboard most player ships. (I know not all of them have one, but it could be a good time to add them in, and make them usable.) COSMETIC FLUFF -No MMO can ever have enough fluff. Fluff items include costumes (No more sand people outfits please), pets, mounts, vanity items, ergonomic chairs... Things like the Rythem Augmentation Droid, the Party grenade, the social badge, the glitter bombs. I could spit out hundreds of ideas for more fluff items, but I worry that BioWare and EA will only be making these available through the cartel coin system. The ability to go out and gather these things in game, gives us something to do when we're not raiding, or playing Warzones. The mask of Darth Nihilus for example, could have made for an awesome quest discovered though some obscure means to send players hunting clues around the galaxy to track it down and claim it. CREDIT SINKS -Adding Augments is incredibly expensive and tedious. First you have to buy the Augmentation Kits on the GTN for whatever the going rate is, then you have to buy the augments, and then you have to pay to install the augment slots. The credit sink is the money that changed hands via the GTN, it shouldn't be evaporating into nothingness. That isn't fun, it's just annoying, and come upgrade time, is frustrating beyond my ability to express in words. I should be saving my credits to buy fun things, not wasting them on unnecessary credit sinks. -Removing mods from armor. The higher the level of the armor, the more it costs to extract the modifications. This is an utterly pointless and frustrating money sink. It prevents you from experimenting with different modifications, and it prevents you from changing your looks whenever you feel like it. It's just frustrating, it isn't fun at all to watch all my hard earned credits evaporate. Just get rid of all the credit sinks attached to the modifications on armor. Crafters should be profiting from creation and sale of modifications. Not having their customers waste their credits on pointless sinks.
  15. Doesn't exist. The best you can do for a mask that will go on under a hood is the one you get from the Balmorra social vendor.
  16. Yeah, just like in the progression vids released before the game, BioWare knows what cool armor sets for characters should look like, but dropped the ball when it came to actually putting those sets in game. The marauder in the Free Trial advertisement for example, there's no such set for them, period. That's all heavy armor. There's a Light armor version of that mask you can get from an Inquisitor class quest reward, but that's it. As for the Sith in the picture with HK-51, you can get that chest item, many of them up on the GTN, don't know if it comes in an orange version. The mask? Dream on. Sith inquisitors only have one mask that will go on under a hood, and it's the Black Hole/Campaign mask which looks so bad I can't find words to properly describe it. During production, BioWare was boasting about how they had a huge wall covered in concept art for all the gear they were putting into the game, and how excited they were about how cool it all looked. Once the game was released, we quickly discovered that they seem to have failed epically when it comes to gear design. For example, Sith Warriors. Unless you're a Juggernaut, you're going to look ridiculous a lot of the time, until you hit end game, then, Juggernauts, and Marauders get the same ugly gear. For Sith Inquisitors, we have -ONE- orange robe int he game that will make you look like a proper Sith. That robe is ultra rare, and sells for upwards of three million on the GTN. If it wasn't for me getting that robe when I did, I would have quit. Not being able to stand the look of my character is the biggest put off for me in an MMO. Also, if I didn't have the CE, I wouldn't have had access to good looking boots to go with my set, since inquisitors get nothing in footwear which is note worthy, same goes for a lot of classes. I know gear is a matter of taste, but I don't know many people who enjoy looking like a swamp mutant once they get full inquisitor War Hero gear. I mean really, who thought that was a good idea to implement into the game? How did that get approved? We're SITH, we shouldn't look like we just crawled out of a disgusting chemical swamp on Hutta.
  17. The super ugly War Hero armor sets have their set bonuses attached to their armoring mods. You can rip that out and stick in whatever you like. Same with the Black Hole commendation stuff. Enjoy.
  18. I'd personally love to see an all new planet. Ask Lucas Arts if you guys can make up your own planet in the SW Galaxy, and then go crazy.
  19. Fixed. And I agree. Next up, will we have to pay for each patch?
  20. Adding my voice to the crowd. RPing without chat bubbles is a very tedious thing to do, especially in crowded places. The rang for /s is way too big, I shouldn't be able to hear people all the way on the other side of the cantina, and emote range is also as big as /y, if not bigger. For a development team that boats about having a lot of RP'ers, they sure don't give any love to RP. This is such a small thing... really. A small thing that will go a VERY long way.
  21. A deserter debuff of one hour should do it. Taking away the Leave button as someone else suggested isn't an answer. A couple times I've had to leave games to go deal with things IRL, when people leave for real life reasons, an hour debuff is fine, since it'll usually be more than that until they get back. If people want "fast wins or fast lose please" they need to go play WoW, if you want to desert a WZ, well, an hour is probably all the game time they had. I can't tolerate quitters, a very long debuff is more than enough incentive to make the quitters try harder to win. But then again, someone else mentioned the other problem earlier, helping the other team win to make it all go faster. When a Warzone is about to end due to lack of players in Huttball, I'll actually toss them the ball if I have it, and let them win if they can hold it. More people need to try GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. If you know the enemy team can't beat you no matter how hard they try, you could make a few jokes in /s or General Chat, compliment their efforts, compliment their tenacity, anything positive. It isn't rewarded in valor, but it is rewarded by making the game less frustrating for everyone.
  22. Can't believe nobody brought this one up! World quest giver on Dromund Kaas: "That Grathan's a real mad scientist type. Likes weapons, Cyborgs, Droids, Ergonomic Chairs!" I was laughing so hard I fell out of my chair.
  23. Because the Voice Actress of the Inquisitor is so much better. Really, she sounds confident. The male is too soft spoken to be taken seriously as a power monger and megalomaniac. I find this true for most of the Imperial characters. Haven't really tried out the Republic ones yet.
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