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Everything posted by Melkathi

  1. Added half a dozen images over the evening. Can't really remember which ones I have no idea what version that is, but I don't trust torhead screenshots As they do not list what faction the screenshots were taken from, it could just as easily be an imperial agent posting a screenie of a smuggler item they got by pure chance. I don't know. But since most Ultrachrome items seem to be from Belsavis, I'd assume they can be found on that planet. If from a blue lockbox or as a random drop from enemies I can only guess
  2. I enjoyed the smuggler story a lot at first and felt it was becomming more and more of a disappointment. The thing about the smuggler though that he/she gets some of the best dialogue options and cocky one liners fit the character extremly well.
  3. Another thing always worth checking: hit L and look at the mission log. Sometimes people accidentaly turn missions to inactive. Or there is a bug/glitch that does it. In that case, unless you check your log, it appears as if there was no mission.
  4. Try going to Republic Fleet. In the alcove/room/space the smuggler trainer is in, there is a npc (a rodian I think leaning on a counter with arms crossed?) that has the info level 50 vendor or something like that. Try talking to him, then return to your ship and use the holoterminal. The npc has nothing to say to you, but the devs use an npc like that for each class to completly end the act. If that doesn't work, no idea.
  5. On that note, as "rez" is a short form of "resurrection", it is actually this accepted, in online gaming circles, abreviation that is misspelled :p
  6. On top of that, Darmas for the female is probably far worse. Sleezy old gambler... Though if I was to choose beteen senators, I'd sleep with the one that had dealings with the migrant workers guild on Coruscant
  7. It's the Corellia quest. I take it relogging once more didn't do it either? That intro to the mission is badly done. have you tried killing all the droids in the area? Zoning in and out twice made the imperial officer respawn for me, I could kill him again and it gave me the interact with console mission again.
  8. Which server are you on? Space Slug I could drop in an help out at some point.
  9. Well, it's crafted. I don't know how rare the schematic is. I gues you'll spend some time in fleet trying to find someone who can make it For gloves try the Maelstrom Gloves. The boots I can't think of any similar ones right now.
  10. Ah so you exploited a bug and are angry that you did not get punished. That makes sense...
  11. I did not read the thread because it said (READ) in the title... (just feedback for the OP about title names )
  12. Well, seeing how hard it is to be humble, knowing how awesome I am, I guess I can only answer the OP's question with one word: ME!
  13. I got the blue pilot gear but am holding off on any other social gear till 1.2 as well.
  14. As Aetou pointed out, the Blaster Pistol Image thread is a good place to start looking. I like the Clan Varad blaster as well and have considered using it isntead of the sonic needler.
  15. I've started having trouble surrendering when healing in Heroics... so I'll add my voice to what someone else mentioned about gear improving but surrender staying the same?
  16. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with english. It's a World of Warcraft reference. It means running in blindly without any regard for plans, survival etc. Here is the youtube link:
  17. Just as Reinierdenh said. There was another thread about this a while back, and I think that's pretty much what we left it at. Hat from random mobs, no reported sighting of gloves. And the hat is pretty crap looking. Apparently identical to this one
  18. Thanks Jey! Think I added the screenshots in all the categories they had to go... Back to my mid-term. I'm too old for this studying thing...
  19. Thanks! Added the screenshots. Also added the Electromesh Combat Gloves from Corellia.
  20. Sometimes they clash indeed. But that is where you separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to writers. Bioware wants to be the wheat? Then they should not rest on excuses made by the chaff.
  21. I cannot open those links as the specific host is blocked on my end with a CIRCAMP warning. (read: the specific host has apparently been used to host child porngraphy) Interetingly enough, only the second link is blocked. The first one, having a longer first series of digits is circumventing the ban. Could you re-up somewhere else perhaps if it isn't too much effort? (Corso would approve a re-uping ) Or I could PM you a mail address to send the screenies to
  22. Or they could, instead of giving us a completly lackluster Act 2, with being forced into privateering for no apparent reason, continued the Prologue and Act 1 scheme and made Rogun the Butcher's goons or part of the Voidwolf's posse swoop in alongside Skavak and make off with everything but the reliquary. At least then I would care about fighting either of them. For me it would have been so much more enjoyable if Skavak and I were pointing blasters at each other and C2-N2 came running in shouting "Master! I apologize for the intrusion but ships are incomming!" And you'd have this "What the...? How could they get here?". Before you know it the deck is swarming with Rogun's thugs. You get a choice of working together with Skavak in the initial fight or shooting him where he stands. Either way, Rogun and more guns show up. They haul out the treasure and leave you there, sabotaging your hyperdrive and in an ironic gesture tossing the reliquary in your hands as a parting gift. You have a frantic scramble to fix the hyperdrive which you only manage to do reprogramming the maintenace droids left in Nok Drayen's ship. With the ship fixed you get out last minute and, if he is alive, as Skavak tries to scramble on board you push him out explaining to him that you never disagreed with Rogun marooning him... Anyway that's how I would have done it
  23. Added everything orange people posted that I hadn't added before. This includes the columni stuff Knarloc posted and the RD-05 Sniper Jacket Viith had posted a while ago.
  24. I always forget to remove it from my hotbar. Every now and then I click it by accident and think "Grrrrrr! When the fight is over I should get rid of you!"
  25. I'll overlook that because you have been very helpful to the community and very supportive with outfit screenshots
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