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Everything posted by Samurro

  1. Jump into the base area infront of the enemy goal line with the ball, let the whole enemy team follow you, while on of your teammates waits in the top plattform which you intercede and walk past the goal smoothly.
  2. Yes, Artifice made leveling a blast, but after reaching 50 its useless. biochem+slicing now.
  3. Your name posting here, is trolling... stop it.
  4. Truly epic feature more of this in the future please, this is what makes this game special!
  5. Yea using a DoT which buffs your next smashm so you jump your enemy to death, AS A MELEE TANK CLASS, is awesome....wait no it isn't. Hopping around like a rabbit doing big critz every 15 sek, has nothing to do with the playstyle a Juggernaut should be about. More like a meleecaster hybrid thingy....stupid.
  6. The only part which bugs me about that is, how did you manage to get a 5k selfheal?
  7. So you telling me a tank specc is not for the big critz? Now you really blow up my expectations...
  8. I agree with the fact that most tanks don't seem to grab: Just tank the dangerous enemies and rely on your team to nuke/cc the smaller mobs, if they don't its not your fault... BUT I don't think that marking mobs is a must or should be, because its a time waste and is no fun! So if the game requires you to mark your target, which SWTOR doesn't, its a flaw in the game mechanic, imo.
  9. Man all this "juggernaut is such a bad tank" makes me want to maintank EV even more! Can't wait to do it the ironman way and feel superior afterwards.
  10. I didn't tank EV against good DPS I said, although I tank hardmode BT daily against good dps and have no tremendous threat problems. If they pull the aggro from me its because I missed a hit or my attack good stuck in the animation...
  11. Accuracy 100%? I didn't maintank EV yet, esp not against good DPS. But if you tell your DPS to wait a short amount of time in the beginning it should be fine and no problem with enrage timers? EDIT: Use offensive relics, I recommend power relics + biochem if possible. Use those right before the pull, should help a bit too.
  12. Immortal with points in rage for selfheal on CC breaker...awesome
  13. Play the class you enjoy the most! End of story. If you just enjoy your class because you can faceroll, you are doing it wrong. Otherwise you are fine.
  14. Just wrong, you only get one medal for doing so, because the medpack only heals for ~4k. Get your "facts" right...before posting
  15. 500k heal seems a bit off the top, my healer mate reaches rarely over 300k, just because there is not enough to heal against. Take in to account that you shouldn't only stay and wait for someone to get damaged to heal him up, every healer class has damage abilites and should use them, thats what this medal system supports: "use everything you've got". I am playing as a tank and I only get more thant 6+ medals when I try to do more damage besides my main "tanking pvp goals". Sorry mate, but its just stupid, you do less then people who do damage and heal. And still you want the same rewards? And believe me more than 300k heal is just stupid, if he heals so much he is definetly ignoring some other goals in warzones, like objectives.
  16. Samurro

    Tank stats in PVP

    I dunno, but am I the only one here thinking tank survivability is fine? I mean all this could change when fighting only against 50s, but currently I feel like really hard to kill even without a healer. So the real point of this topic is, are Defense Rating and Shield/Absorb Rating useless in PvP? No they are not, because they mitigated some kind of attacks! Do they need to be buffed so tanks get even more damage resistant in PvP? I don't think so... The conclusion that tanks could use offensive mods/gear in PvP is quite okay for me, but still you lose some kind of mitigation with reducing your defense stats.
  17. True story, but you can only make premades with 3 other players, so don't get the wrong illusion that the whole enemy team can be premade. I myself play most of the time with other players together but we are most of the time 2-3 players and we don't time our CCs or chain or something, we just focus on each other or a quick "where is the ball" if you can't see it from your position etc. pp. I love the PvP in most ways, because it suits my playstyle of a immortal fortress which is still dangerous and with all the tools Bioware gave us, I feel like I can really outplay my enemies when I want to. Yesterday we did start to capture the last ball (5:0) and just pass it 1-3 times to each other while fighting their whole respawn, just because it gave us 1-2 more medals and was fun. In the end most enemies did pull me on purpose over the goal line with the ball to end this.. T_T Still I think its a good way to give the enemies an opportunity to farm their own medals or get the ball back and have some fun?
  18. I am Immortal Juggernaut and I love Hutball. *g*
  19. Samurro

    Is this exploiting?

    LOL? On our server we got queue times of a maximum of 5 minutes. Fast games net exactly the same amount of valor/commendations then long ones if you queue up again... PS: Very pathtic players and guild. Games are about fun, if you only have fun by makeing the game unplayable for other people you should feel ashamed.
  20. That is why you get mostly the same reward for loosing a warzone.
  21. What has a weak class to do with the general quality of the game...?
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