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Everything posted by Samurro

  1. Funny story: I didn't really play a commando besides lowlevel alting and still you can clearly see in most of the scenes of his movie that all he does is giving him the edge to fight 2vs5+. And if you tried Juggernaut or Vengeance you will agree with me, that Rage is a Joke compared to those: Force Chocke/Crush someone throw in some sunders if you want to max out your dmg Smash Resulting in 4k+ damage AoE in mostly defgear, it is a joke! It requires no brain function, nor does it do anything besides sick amount of damage (read: overpowered). But the Force Crush slow is very powerful! I will link my Immortal video if I have time to make one. PS: I am Valor 60 Jugger, played Valor 1-55 with Immortal. Was testing the other builds the last week.
  2. You didn't understand the difference between a song I don't like and a song I hear in every second gaming movie, which results in overhearing it and can't stand it anymore. Maybe I am very critical on this one, but I just can't watch videos witch terrible music. You better do, because it would be humilliating to see you defend the Rage specc in any connection with skill cap.
  3. http://www.swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=985 And its not mine, differences to your video: - not so overused music taste - shown skillcap which is not possible with Rage specc(I am a Jugg myself ) - footage which depicts very strong play - good commentary
  4. Because our opinion differs from yours? Shall I link a real good pvp video?
  5. boring, rage specc is boring, ****** old overused music...nothing special... sorry
  6. Und das liegt alles an Battlemaster? Wieviel Kompetenz braucht man um über 50% Schadensreduzierung zu bekommen? Warscheinlich mehr, als man braucht um so eine Gülle zu verzapfen.
  7. Dann liegts an deinem System ich hab eine gtx560ti selbst seit kurzem und habe selbst im dicksten zerg ~10fps. Deaktvier die Schatten und schalte unnötige Hintergrundprogramme aus. Klar ist 10 fps nicht viel, es gibt kein Spiel was so viele Spieler flüssig darstellen kann und wirds auch nie geben.
  8. On my server Ilum is great. The Republic fought at their turret and we couldn't get closer because they had as much players as we did, more or less. Had very low fps, but was a fun experience. And the roaming PvP on Ilum is just great! Sure you get killed 1vs5+ or the other way around, but still there can be more fair fights it is a thrill to move around in Ilum!
  9. l2p Ofc, ranged AoE got an advantage here, but I had no problem farming over 90/150 today for my weekly as a Sith Juggernaut.
  10. Belive me, all your experience now will contribue when you catch up with your gear. If you gimp yourself and try harder because of this, you always flesh out your own skills more extensively and by that get much better once reach an equal gear standard!
  11. Did you ever think about the developers not wanting that players can switch between speccs so easily and often? And if you level so much more slower as a healer you should take a DPS companion instead?
  12. Schon lustig das ich den mit 48 gelegt habe, dafür aber als Immortal specced und mit Vette als Begleiterin, war aber auch der härteste Solofight im ganzen Spiel.
  13. He even failed at that, no buffs used...out of warzone buffs.
  14. When 1.1 hits I suppose you can chose whatever style of gear you like and make it as powerful as battlemaster gear, if you got the battlemaster set for example. There is much differentation offered then, I think. Edit: Its exactly the same helm, there are three different colorations available.
  15. Watched the video, and the best part of it was....the first song, everything else...not so good. Why don't you use Soresu form?! o,O Nothing special in this video, dunno why to bother making videos when not showing off something extraordinary? PS: Using Biochem or Overcharge has quite the impact on your Smash.
  16. Pure DPS if you are not tanking in PvE Content or want to maintak Eternity Vault.
  17. O,o It is still the same thing, I agree with you that the earlier "progression video" look suit my taste better, those shoulder are a bit awekward, but it is still a robotish terminator alike style. And I am not going to tell you how you get the same head model as in the video... edit: http://imgur.com/N63vY
  18. THAT is the reason why we don't need any combat log at all, only baddies need a combat log to understand how OVERPOWERED Rage specc ist, lol. Srsly, what a ridicolous post Kugron.
  19. Did you know that the PvE set (tionse, columni, rakata) is exactly the last progression armor set of the video, just with a "different" shoulder armor model? Oh yea and the helmet got changed to marauder medium armor, but who cares?
  20. My first alt will be a republic char, gonna start him as soon the legacy system goes live.
  21. Wie soll ich sonst Leuten die ich widerlich finde mitteilen das ich sie nicht mag?
  22. Interessanter Thread, die Frage was nun sinnvoller ist habe ich mir die Tage auch gestellt, da ich mit meinem Mitspielern es auch manchmal so handhabe wenn wir extrem dominant sind, am Ende vor der Ziellinie noch etwas rumzuzergen, aber weniger aus dem Grund weil wir uns dabei so endlos toll fühlen und damit beweisen wie unglaublich 1337 wir sind (das sollte ja schon mit dem 5:0 deutlich genug sein) sondern eher, weil es für beide Seiten mehr Medaillien bringt? Und bei langen Wartezeiten auf einen Warzoneinvite 5+ mins, finde ich es durchaus gerechtfertigt. Allerdings kann ich genauso verstehen wenn sich das unterlegene Team dadurch veralbert vorkommt, aber wenn diese mal logisch überlegen würden, käme vieleicht die Einsicht das es eigentlich förderlich ist.
  23. Its rather a troll card for people who fail to understand that no MMO can be released with unending content. And if you only PvP for gear, then you must be real pro player...others do it for the fun and competiton. PS: I am 50 myself currently grinding my way to valor 65 (58,9 currently).
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