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Everything posted by Amonet

  1. lol 160k dmg, i was doing more than that as a lvl 11 sniper, regularly breaking 200k. All i can say is l2p...BIG TIME.
  2. so basically what you're saying is Marauder is only good with a pocket healer and a tank guarding you....... cool story bro Thanks for sharing :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. just rerolled from a 50 powertech to a trooper and i noticed this bug as soon as i got full auto at lvl 3. I havent been able to get more than 2 ticks of full auto since getting it. Every single time there is at least 1 second wasted while my character gets into that crouching stable position before she begins to fire and by that time only 1.8-2 seconds are left on the channel so i never get that 3rd tick of dmg. This is beyond broken considering full auto is one of Commando's top dmg abilities at the later levels. How have you guys been dealing with this is beyond me. Dunno if i even wanna level up a commando now and just go back to my Bounty Hunter :/
  4. what a bunch of lies, you can not get to illum at lvl 10 rofl. You dont even get your ship until you complete your class story line on Dromund Kass/Coruscant...which is around lvl 16-17. So please troll harder. Thanks!
  5. lol people whine when there are game breaking bugs, and then they whine when BW pushes out patches to fix em. Damned if you do, Damned if you dont. Just can't win with these people. How about instead of sitting in front of the computer for 18 hours a day you people actually take some time and go outside, smell some fresh air when the inevitable and much needed downtime happens. Novel idea huh?
  6. People like the OP are the type who charge flashpoint groups 25k credits per run to heal them. Yep, healers are awesome!
  7. booo frakkin hooo, the special little snow flake didnt get a thank you for his special heals. I hate people like this. They think that rolling a healer instantly makes them the center of the universe. Give me a break. Did that player specifically ask you for heals? Did you stop and think that maybe that player was trying to test the limits of his soloing capabilities? to see if he can solo an elite or champion without help? You are under no obligation to run around throwing heals on every random person you see engaged in a fight. And then expect a thank you on top of that. Get a grip of your god complex and realize the game doesnt revolve around you. Similarly, i hate people who jump on a mob im fighting and "help" me kill it. Seriously? i dont need your UBER dps to burn a weak mob that i can 3 shot. Am i supposed to thank this person as well?
  8. 1-49 is fine because of bolster. 50 needs its own bracket because of Expertise gear. /thread
  9. The only bracket thats needed is for lvl 50s because of the Expertise gear thats available to them. But 1-49 is perfectly fine with bolster. If they introduce brackets for every 10 levels then you can pretty much say goodbye to low level pvp and/or 45 minute queues for the low levels. By having all the people from 1-49 together you get 1-2 minute queues at best, which is awesome. All they really need to do is put the 50s in their own bracket and we're golden.
  10. for the love of god YES! Not digging the Geordi LaForge visor look on Mako
  11. uhhh, we do NOT have 8 classes and 16 AC's. We have 4 classes and 8 AC's. Think someone forgot that each class mirrors the other side. Just because a gunslinger has different names on his action bars for his abilities does NOT make him a different class than his Sniper counterpart. I really hate how people use this argument.
  12. its a bonus, you dont HAVE to do it to progress the quest. I gave up on it after killing about 10 mobs and not having the quest item dropped. Figured it was either bugged or just an overall waste of time and moved on.
  13. EVERY ability is useful, you must be pretty awful in groups and flashpoints not utilizing your classes maximum potential spamming only one ability. /facepalm DO NOT follow this guys advice, always train every rank of every ability if you have even the slightest interest in playing your character effectively.
  14. like i said before, i do not have this issue, nor do any of my guildies. So its clearly not a client or game issues but something in the users end. Granted many people are experiencing it, but that proves noting, other than its something with their computer and/or internet. If i or anyone i play with were experiencing said "delay" id agree with you, but since we dont, i dont see the point of making a big whine thread about it, unless you expect Bioware to magically fix everyone's computer who is having this issue. My advice, troubleshoot your own hardware before crying to Bioware to fix a nonexistent problem.
  15. i have not encountered this issue at all, on any characters. Get a better internet? looks like a simple latency issue on your side. Hardly something bioware can FIX. I swear, some people.
  16. go post in the juggernaut forums, where people actually care. Thanks
  17. Also a big space combat fan. I like it for what it is, a nice action packed shoot em up arcade game to take the stress of the quest grind.
  18. Dont know why people bother making these lists, these exact same issues have been brought up over and over again in 9 months of beta testing, and here we are days after launch and it still has not been addressed. Bioware does not want/need our feedback. They believe this game is flawless.
  19. Its by no means great. Like others have stated, why can i not search by individual slot type for armor? If i want to only look for belts because its the only upgrade i need, why do i have to look through 20 pages worth of chest peces, boots, gloves, helms, wrists, etc etc. Why cant i look for BELTS only? Same goes for looking up class specific armor. As a bounty hunter i only want to search for Heavy Armor with AIM yet once again i have to slog through endless pages of Heavy Armor with STRENGTH on it meant for Juggernauts. Big FAIL once again. To all the people saying how "perfect" the GTN is i can bet a million credits they have either not used it yet, or rarely if ever plan to use it. Well, some of us make a living of operating the GTN and in its current state its highly unworkable.
  20. that doesnt really mean they are new, just that all the people who play on that server havent logged in yet..seeing how its midnight and most work tomorrow
  21. how can we tell which servers are new? i wanna roll on a fresh server
  22. That most likely is some high end lvl 50 raid gear Because i too have been looking for that hooded trenchcoat look for my sniper but after 30 levels have yet to find that chest armor model anywhere. If anyone does come across it, please share the location/vendor/instance boss that has it
  23. there is a combat log and dps meter in the game already. Except it only works in warzones! At the end of the match if you mouse over everyone's total damage done it shows you their dps, their biggest crit etc. Pretty neat.
  24. I'm experiencing NONE of these issues, try playing the game on an actual computer, not your 100 dollar laptop.
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