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Everything posted by Andronicos

  1. I love David Hayter's work on the JK, though I don't like the lines he has to work with most of the time, at least if you want to play a serious Jedi and so skip on the middle and bottom responses most of the time, "I live to serve others" "A Jedi life is to help", etc don't remember obi-Wan/qui-gon/yoda/mace/luke/anakin ever say stuff like that
  2. Count Dooku was a Jedi but he left the order, once that happens you can do as you like, is not like there is a Jedi police that goes around making sure ex members do not marry or something. The thing you can not expect to do is stay a member of the Jedi Order while violating their principles one of them being that you can't marry.
  3. I think that move was inspired by Yoda's impaling of a Clone Trooper in the Jedi Temple, it would be cool if the animation is changed to be an impaling throw rather than just a regular throw, but I like it none the less.
  4. On the movies, there are several Jedi Knights who are shown using two lightsabers in the background during the geonosis arena fight, so that is the highest canon example in the whole of Star Wars Interestingly though, none of them survived and Anakin lasted longer with a single blade than with two
  5. I only have 4 characters, (all males) that I have played to any level worth mentioning Jedi Knight (50): No one, a Jedi does not love (it helped a lot that I hate Kira ) Smuggler (29): Haven't gotten far enough to get the second female companion yet so I am not 100% sure but I like Risha so far Agent (35): None, though my agent is played James Bond style, so he has "romanced" everyone but the companions so far, it was priceless to see Kaliyo's reaction to being shot down when she asked my agent out , haven't gotten Temple yet though, she might make my agent become "involved" Sith Warrior (48): Vette, I love her quirkiness, but she slowly grew on me, at first I thought she was another Kira but her jokes are actually funny and appropriate to the current situation unlike kira's, a big reason why I decided to keep my warrior's alignment grey was so I could stay on Vette's good side, she's like the anchor that keeps my toon from going full evil
  6. Given that space combat in TOR is a solo affair by design, it doesn't makes any sense that it requires social points, so I agree.
  7. Huh? let's think for a second.... Makashi specializes in lightsaber COMBAT, what do Sith warriors specialize in? Think about it... Lightsaber COMBAT Makashi is currently not in the game period, is not some secret form the Sorcerer is using in your mind There are simply no classes in the movies, Palpatine is a master of lightsaber combat because Sith are masters of lightsaber combat, there are no sorcerers or warriors in the movies, it's fun to try to "assign" a class to the movie characters but it doesn't works the other way around just because you "share" a class with Palpatine doesn't mean the sorcerer does everything Palpatine does because then there would be no balance gameplay wise
  8. I wish you where right, honest, but tell me how many lightsaber related skills you get as a sorcerer? The very reason why most Jedi Consular's use Niman is because it is the easiest of the lightsaber forms, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_VI:_Niman I don't know where you get the idea sorcerer's use Makashi but I can't find any proof of that so I will just disregard it.
  9. My personal favourite was when my Jedi Shadow was arbitring a land claim between two parties, a togruta presented me with the oldest documentation so I chose the option that read "Your claim is right" and my shadow proceeded to say "Your kind has contributed many masters to the order" ????????????
  10. The Code itself is an EU invention, in the movies we are never told what the code is or it's teachings, the only thing clear about the Jedi teachings is that marriage is not allowed due to the responsibilities that come with the power the Jedi wield. If someone wants to manipulate a Jedi he would need only to kidnap his family or loved ones, 90% of sentient beings including Jedi would abuse their power in order to save their loved ones, the Jedi are not arrogant enough to believe they can become so detached from emotions as to chose the greater good over their families should it come to that, thus they make a sacrifice, by reneging on making attachments they hope to shield the community from rogue force users. At the end of the day though Jedi are just a monk sect with their own philosophies and beliefs, if you would not want to play a Shaolin Monk in an MMO then maybe playing a Jedi monk might not be for you either.
  11. Palpatine: Clearly a DPS sorcerer, that whole class is built on his image! Vader: Is stated he uses Shien form so Vigilance (or wtv the sith name is) Jugg Maul: Assasin, probably on the tank tree too so he can have that long fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Kenobi: I would say Obi-Wan is a shadow that uses a single lightsaber, he has stealth, is specifically assigned investigation missions, and can fight in a dress Dooku: Sith Warrior, he uses lightning once true, but even Obi-Wan was able to deflect it harmlessly so is clearly not his strong suit, uses force choke, force push and as a master duellist being a sorcerer who barely knows what a lightsaber is let alone how to use it, does not suits him at all.
  12. Mace wouldn't have gotten DS points because that was Palpatine's class quest, you can tell by how quickly the other Jedi Masters went down, Palpatine knows you clear the trash mobs first then take on the gold
  13. Once the republic achieves total victory as it seems fated to do, they will get access to Imperial ship design plans, shipyards and personnel, realizing the imperial fleet is stronger from a technical point of view, the republic eventually decides to adopt imperial shipbuilding designs and models to better the republic fleet. Similar cases have happened many, many times in our history, there is no reason the same didn't happen in SW
  14. Dantooine - My personal favourite from KOTOR, from what little info on it there is on TOR it seems it was conquered by the empire, so republic story could revolve around liberating the planet, maybe with minimum resources and mostly using local resistance fighters while the imperials are trying to squash them As a bonus it would be great if they bring back the planet theme from KOTOR when exploring
  15. I agree that the game needs more music, what is there is very well used there just doesn't seem to be much of it. I think the problem is that music tracks don't loop, they play the track once after the trigger and then its over until you hit another trigger for another piece which may be several minutes away depending on what you are doing, or at least that is the impressions I get
  16. This was answered in last week (or the week before) QAs and the devs said if you delete a Legacy character you do not lose the Legacy unlocks Not sure what happens to your tree, but I imagine it would be like if he was never there
  17. Andronicos


    Isn't the legacy unlock tied to the conversation options and not the affection points? maybe you haven't meet the parameters for one of the conversations with her yet?
  18. The classes im hoping get added some day are: Zeltrons - C'mon they are just purple humans! they perfect for how the PC races work Togruta - They just need some work done on the physics of their head things Arkanians - Some arkanians have been shown to have five fingers instead of 3 so it should be easy enough!
  19. "Stop talking. I'll do it"
  20. Overall I give it a 5, it felt average to me, I never felt like a Jedi but rather a space paladin going around saving planets from the doomsday of the week The highlights for me where the ending of Coruscant and the Ending, but the rest felt uninspired like if they just played it safe and that's it.
  21. Well I meant after Jedi Prisoner but before Foundry, Revan had to see the Jedi Council at some point to outline his plan since there were a lot of pretty strong Jedi at the Foundry
  22. I know, wish they would add different shades of blue/green/yellow/purple rather than those
  23. The hilarious thing is that a toggle was never truly necessary if they would just have added some of the hood down armor versions that NPCs and Sith Warriors have access to it would have been fine, I really don't get why they are so reluctant to do it
  24. I just did Foundry for the first time today and was dissapointed in how...well, unimportant it was, Bioware kept this guy alive for 300 years for this? I wish he would have just died back then, and not bring him back to be some forgettable side character... I think the whole thing was epitomized by my scavenging teammate who proceeded to scavenge HK-47 for crafting parts after we took him down, hilarious and sad at the same time I hope he got to meet Satele Shan at least, would have made for a touching moment
  25. Its called: RD-13A Raider Chestguard Its a level 19 trooper armor, got it from the GTN, not sure where it drops
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